Saturday, December 30, 2023

Weight Loss and Retired Guy

I am pleased to report that I have lost four pounds and quickly moved away from the terrible weight I reported in the last post. I'm feeling pretty confident that I will be able to lose this weight as I'm feeling pretty motivated.

I'm going for 40 pounds, that will get me to and even 200 pounds which I feel is a good weight for me. With four pounds off I'm a tenth of the way there.

I'm back to walking. I've been going to Northtown Mall and walking there like all the other old people. I'm walking 1 1/2 miles every time I go and I'm shooying for a goal of completing the walk in 20 minutes by the end of January.

My first walk was 25 minutes and I managed to take two minutes off that yesterday.

I'm not really calling tthis next thing a New Years Resolution although you could easily categorize it as such.

I want to be drawing more. I've pretty much stopped doing anything artsy and in the process, I've lost a lot of knowledge on how to operate Adobe Illustrator.

So I've started a new Blog where I'm going to post a cartoon a day.

I've put up a page that says it is starting January First. I already have about ten cartoons in the hopper.

I'm really having fun doing this. The tough part is coo\ming up with ideas. But now that I'm in that mindset, I'm finding they appear to me fairly easily.

I'm getting a couple of good ideas a day and I've been drawing since the 19th when I first thought of the idea.

I'm using Procreate on my i pad. It's a great graphics program that I have only touched the surface of. It is so complex and loaded with features.

I watched a couple of instructional videos on YouTube to help me learn it.

I've developed a character called Retired Guy. See below.

I kind of want to fashion his persona as a Super Hero. You know, here comes Retired Guy. He is definitely based on me and the stuff I go through day to day. But as they say, write what you know!

I'm getting ideas everywhere, especially when I'm on a walk. 

There is potential here to earning some money from this but that is going to be a ways down the road. For now, I just want to draw more. If money comes from it later, that is a bonus.



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