Monday, January 15, 2024

Two and a Half Days of Frozen Hell

 We woke up Saturday morning to minus 11 degrees and frozen pipes.

I broke out all our space heaters, the heat guns and every extension cord I could find. We’ve had this problem once many years ago and I was able to thaw the pipes pretty quickly.

That was not the case this time. We’ve been borrowing buckets of water from our neighbors for the toilets and purchased a bunch of drinking water.

I’ve been running the heat gun over the pipes but had no luck.

This morning, Monday, I called a plumber. They got here about 3:30. I showed the guy system and the whole layout and like me, he was stumped.

In a Hail Mary sort of move, I asked them to stay for one hour and see what they could do. 

I was not hopeful. They just concentrated their heat guns on the area where the water line comes into the house and on the meter. With 18 minutes left in their hour, the water started running. 

A huge weight was lifted from me even though it cost $461.67. They didn’t really do anything Plumbery. 

But we have water again and no damage to the pipes.

I just took one of the best showers I’ve ever had.


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