Thursday, June 1, 2023

A Tribute to Lee

I haven't written anything here in a month and it's really a crime considering how much has happened.

First, let's start with the pregnancy. There wasn't one.

How about the Cancer diagnosis. Nope! Nothing there.

Well, my friend Lee died. That was a thing. He was my age and a guy I'm sure I've mentioned here or on the other blog. I'm still feeling the shock of his death. It's just hard to believe that he won't be calling me up soon.

Lee once asked me to speak at his funeral. I said that I would if he would speak at mine. That's not going to happen now so I'm kind of pissed at him for that.

Lee and I bonded over our watches. We both have Rolex watches that we got from our Dad's. We would be out somewhere and start talking about them, taking them off and exchanging them. Lee would comment about how scratched up my crystal was. I would comment on how accurate his watch was. It seemed to keep really good time, I would tell him. He would say that it is a very good time piece and is very accurate.

"Then how come you can't be anywhere on time?" I would exclaim.

He was horrible about showing up on time. I would be sitting in a bar, waiting for him. He would call and say, "I'll be there in 20 minutes." That 20 minutes could take forever.

Last summer, he organized a gathering at a bar on Coeur d'Alene Lake called Shooters. He planned it about two months in advance. He would call me and remind me about it. He would say, "Are you gonna be there?" I would say, "Yes, I will." The day came, and he was late.

So Lee ol' buddy, I'm going to miss you. But don't worry. I'm coming to join you. It'll be about 20 minutes!

We have been busy on the kitchen remodel. We are making slow but sure progress. The main cabinets are almost up in the kitchen. We have finally finished the pantry. Next up is the island. I hope to be working on that this week. 

I think I've been saying that for two or three weeks now.  

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