Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Colonoscopy Preparation

I have one week to prepare for a Colonoscopy. It's next Wednesday, the Eighth. I have to change my diet to low fiber. Basically, no nuts, seeds or fatty meats. There's more it than that but that's what I took away from the instructions.

Of course, I'll have the great joy of drinking the prep solution and then spending the day in the bathroom.

Finally getting this appointment has been a journey. I got a notice last summer that it was time to get the colonoscopy. It had been a few years. I called Spokane Digestive in August and they told me I was ready for one until November.

I called Spokane Digestive in November and they said to call back after the first of the year.

I called Spokane Digestive after the first of the year and they said that the Doctor had reviewed my information and because of my heart condition and all the accompanied factors, he wanted to do my colonoscopy in a surgical setting rather than an office setting. 

That means I went on a waiting list in which I was 43rd in line.

While golfing last Thursday, I got a call just at the end of the round from Spokane Digestive. They said there was an opening on the Eighth of May. Known to some as Outdoor Intercourse Day, I now know it as Surgical Up the Ass Day.

I'm very excited!

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