Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Going Home

It is now Wednesday, Day Five of my semi-involuntary incarceration. I am getting out and let me tell you, life is going to be different from here on out.

I’m not there yet, but I’m close to being considered to get on the heart transplant list. There are still people to meet and more tests to take but it seems we will be hearing a decision in about a month.

In the meantime, I am going home with a pump and an IV bag strapped to my waist. I do not know how long I will be tethered to this but I think it will be awhile.

Susan and I have been going through training on how to change the bag every two days and how to keep everything clean to prevent infection.
We are waiting now for the infusion team to show up and watch us change from the pump in the hospital to my new portable pump I will carry. After that, I believe I am being discharged.

I say that because they have let me get dressed and they have brought me most of my discharge papers.
So here I am in my final moments in Room 630, Bed 1.

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