Saturday, June 22, 2024

Life with a PICC

I am now a good week into living with an IV bag tethered to my waist. It's a new life style that is going to be with me for a while. 

To recap. I have had a PICC (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter) line implanted in my right arm. The PICC line is attached to a pump which delivers a continual dosage of a drug called Milrinone. My doctor calls it Rocket Fuel for the Heart.

One bag lasts about 50 hours. We have gotten in the habit of changing it every two days at noon. Today is a bag change day. In about an hour. As I check the pump, it says I have 4 hours and 43 minutes before my bag is drained.

I have gotten used to wearing it around my waist like a fanny pack. I generally keep it in front of me. If it's off to the side, it gets in the way when I sit. It also wants to pull my pants down.

It's a little odd in the shower as I have to wear this long plastic glove over my hand and arm. The PICC line must be kept clean and dry at all times to avoid infection. They are crazy obsessive about infection. And so, I must be as well.

Sleeping has not been a big change. I have plenty of line from the pump to allow me to toss and turn. In fact, I think I've been sleeping better since I got the PICC.

As far a s the comfort of the PICC line, it's okay. Sometimes it gets itchy and sometimes there is a slight burning at the site of the line. But for the most part, it something I'm aware of. There is a slight pressure on my arm and if I were to concentrate on it, I could see it being annoying. 

But this is my life now and I'm going to make the best of it and go with the flow.


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