Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Ski Day #10

Susan and I skied at Lookout Pass today. It turned out to be a great day with one little exception.

It was clear blue skies when we arrived and even though we had access to the handicap parking right up front, there were not a lot of people on the mountain and we would have had good parking anyway.

I was excited for this day because Lookout has opened a new chairlift on a completely separate mountain. The picture above is a view of the new mountain from the top of Rainbow Ridge.

After a few runs together, Susan and I broke off and I headed for the new chair, Chair #5.

After a couple of enjoyable runs, we connected back at the bottom of Chair #2. We decided to take a few more runs and then meet at the lodge.

I skied nine runs. Susan skied seven. On my eighth run, I was planning to take two more, giving me a even 10 runs. I was skiing along when I got an edge. I went over on my left side, trapping my left arm between my torso and the ground. I hit hard! I got up slowly and realized that my arm was hurting. It wasn't in the joints, more a dull pain in my upper arm, in the muscle.

I decided against going for ten runs and took Chair #2 to the top and skied towards the lodge.

Susan said she had a fall on her last run as well.

We bought some beer and had lunch and limped down to the car.

It was a great day but man, my arm is sore. I cannot lift it in front of me. If I use my right hand, I can lift it without too much pain. I think I'll call my doctor tomorrow.  

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