Saturday, November 4, 2023

Lost Stuff

 I have been racking my brain trying to find my camera bag.

Back in August when we started installing the floor, we had to move a bunch of stuff out of the kitchen. The table, the piano bar, another big side table and the TV with its stand.

Sorted on the stand, I would keep my camera bag, which held my camera, extra lens and all the batteries.

Upon moving all that stuff, I had to find a place for my camera bag. I have no idea where that place is. Since we returned all the furniture to the kitchen upon completion of the floor, I have been unable to remember where I put the camera bag.

As the Pirate said when asked about the steering wheel in his pants, “It’s driving me nuts!”

Neither Susan or I have any idea where I put it. I have looked in all the logical places and many illogical places.

I’ll keep you posted.

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