Sunday, November 19, 2023

Netty News and More

Before bed last night, I tried using the netty pot over the sink and it worked out pretty well. 

I once again was able to expel a great deal of bulbous globules of mucusy snotballs. The problem I find with using the netty pot is that it is a very brief cure to a stuffed up nose. You breath great for about 15 minutes and then the blockages start building again.

We are now heading into the Winter Holiday Season, with Thanksgiving coming up this Thursday and then, of course the big Christmas season extravaganza.

The stores seem to be promoting Christmas earlier and earlier every year . Halloween wasn't even a week away before Christmas stuff started showing up in ALL the stores.

Scott and Erica will be here Thursday along with two or three of her kids.

After that, we have two skywalks to paint. And then, we have to get to work on our Christmas card. I hope we get them out in a timely manner this year.

Finally, I counted 20 sneezes throughout the day yesterday. Today, as of 1:30, I've had four.   

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