Saturday, November 18, 2023

Update from Mr. Sneezy

I shall begin today’s post with an update concerning the last post. I finally found it!

I forgot that I have a shelf in my closet that is hidden behind a rack of clothes. I happened to move some of those clothes a couple days after writing the post, not consciously looking for the camera bag. And there it was. Nice surprise.

But the real reason for today’s post is to report on a couple of health issues I have.

I was recently started on a drug called Imdur. It has something to do with my heart. I think it might have a side effect of muscle soreness. It’s been very difficult to walk more than a mile because my leg and hip muscles get so sore.

I’m not convinced that Imdur is the cause but I will bring it up at my next doctor visit.

The other new health issue I’m experiencing is sneezing. I have been a sneezy machine for at least two weeks and probably longer. I decided today to count how many times I sneeze. Right now, I’m at two.

Because I’ve been so plugged up, I’ve started regularly using my netty pot when I’m in the shower. I am producing some major booger blockage. I am wondering if maybe I should be using the netty pot before I go to bed. I’ll have to think about that.

I like using the netty in the shower because it’s kind of a messy operation and I can blow in the shower to my nose’s content.

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