Monday, September 25, 2023

A Night in the E.R.

Friday night, we had Shaun come over and we did a little floor leveling in the kitchen. 

Later in the evening, I told Susan that I was feeling pressure in my chest. I had been feeling it since mid afternoon and had finally decided that there might be a problem.

We checked into the Emergency Room at Sacred Heart Hospital about 7:00. It was a pretty busy night in the E.R.

We finally got in to see a doctor around 11:00. They had run blood tests on me and found no issues that indicated heart problems. They put me on an I.V. drip of Nitro Glycerin and that eased the pressure. it went from a 4 to a 1, then it bounced back up to a 3. They bumped up the Nitro and the pressure faded, then it returned. They finally got it to where I was feeling just a shadow of pressure...perhaps a .5 on the pain scale.

I was in an alcove of the E.R. all night. Susan finally went home around 4 to get some sleep.

The decision was to admit me and then do a heart cath some time on Saturday.

They moved me to another little room in the E.R. around 6:00 and Susan showed up around 9:00. 

There were more tests and visits from various doctors and they got the heart cath scheduled for around 1:00.

The heart cath went well although it showed no major changes from two years ago.

I got parked in a nice double room on the sixth floor that I had all to myself.

Susan left for home at 7ish and I spent a restless night in good ol Room 622.

They let me out on Sunday just in time to get home and watch the Seahawks beat the Carolina Panthers.

I still feel a little woogy.

I had an appointment this morning with the Zeus Study people and my blood pressure was really low. Like 75/45. I was feeling dizzyish and my vision seemed cloudy around the periphery.

They made me stick around until it came up a bit. I was let go when it hit 89/65.

I am currently feeling okay but still woogy. I just checked my blood pressure and it was 105/64.

So I'm taking things easy today.

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