Monday, September 11, 2023

Our State Fair . . .

Today we went to the fair. The Spokane Interstate Fair is a tradition that Susan and I have attended ever since we started going out together. We attended this year with our friends, Jim and Jill, who also have joined our annual attendance tradition for nearly the same length of time.

Also joining us was Ellen, our nemesis in the Wine Competition. 

We are happy to report that we did well this year. Both our wine entries received Reserve Grand Champion awards.

Our wine labels did well in the competition as well, although I thought Susan’s label should have done better. I really liked her design.  

The guy who won Grand Champion for both wine and label is the same guy who beat us the last few years, Frank Burk. No relation.

We had a great day at the fair and ate a lot of bad fatty food that was really gooood.

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