Monday, September 18, 2023

Visit to G.P.

I woke up this morning to discover that many of steri-strips had fallen off the Pacemaker scar during the night. So I peeled off the remaining ones in the shower to expose my nice new scar.

Pretty, huh?

It still looks a little rough to me but maybe it will mellow as the healing continues.

My blood work indicates that I have a kidney problem. In my paperwork from the Pacemaker install, there is a line that says, “Acute kidney injury with acute tubular necrosis.” 

Today I went to Dr. Henry, my G.P., to get a referral to a kidney specialist. In looking at my chart, he determined that my kidney injury isn’t as acute as the notes might suggest. He decided the better option was to put me on another drug called Farxiga. It deals mostly with diabetes but is also beneficial to kidney issues.

So I’ll see Dr. Mooney tomorrow and see if she approves of adding this drug.

Oh boy! Another one! That makes nine.

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