Saturday, September 16, 2023

Rogue Flora

 Susan and I generally feel that our house is where plants come to die. We have major brown thumbs. Mine is perhaps browner than Susan’s but not by much.

I bring this up because of this amazing floral phenomenon happening in our yard.

This pot used to contain a grassy plant that came back every year. This year, it was all dried out and didn’t respond to watering when we brought it out of the Carriage House last April.

So we left it alone and these petunias bloomed out of the pot all on their own. We didn’t even water it.

This morning, I found this one lone petunia that bloomed right out of the cement. I think it popped out and bloomed overnight. I’m going to drop a little water on it and encourage it as much as possible with what is left of the growing season.

My tomatoes are still going strong and I’ve had trouble eating them all. I hope I remember that for next Spring.

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