Friday, October 4, 2024


What a dumbass I can be! It’s really quite amazing. I don’t know if I can attribute this problem to bad eye sight, lowing cognitive skills, or just plain stupidity.

I’m in a portion of the year with my Prescription Insurance they call the Donut Hole. I can’t figure out why they call it that and I don’t really care. What I do care about is that the Donut Hole is making one of my drugs suddenly cost $187.00 for one month.

Supposedly, it will go back to normal next month and be affordable again. But for this month, I had the to bite the $187.00 bullet and get the drug.

I was refilling my weekly pill supply last week and when it came to my Jardiance pills ($187.00), I couldn’t find the new bottle. I looked all over. I pulled all the drugs off my shelf and looked at each one. I even threw away some that I no longer use. I reorganized that shelf at least three times. No Jardiance. Shit! Did I mention what it costs? 

So I have gone this last week without it. I can’t say I’ve felt any ill effects being off of it, but who really knows. It’s a diabetic drug that they have found has some good effects on heart patients.

I was refilling my weekly pill supply this morning and suddenly, from out of nowhere, there was my Jardiance bottle.

What a Dumb Ass!

I think it was there all along and I glossed over it. That has been happening to me a lot. I’ll be looking for something, look straight at it, and keep looking.

The long and short of it is that I’m back on my Jardiance and I am a DUMBASS!

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