Monday, October 14, 2024

Lament of the Wealthy American

 I am going to have to have another session with Social Security on the phone.

I was checking my bank account on Friday and the balance was way off from what I was expecting. Way off to the good. Upon further investigation, which means I looked at the account, I discovered I had a payment from Social Security in there that I had not expected. 

I got on the website and logged in to find out I had indeed been given an extra payment of about $1,200. It was listed as “One time payment”.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not complaining.

However, I’m very suspicious of SSA when it comes to “Free Money”. I want to be sure this is legit. When SSA discovers they’ve made a mistake, they don’t just say “I’m sorry” and move on. They take back the money. RIGHT NOW!

I don’t want to wake up a month from now and find I have a $1,200 hole in my account.

So, it’s Monday morning and the first thing I did was jump on the phone to SSA. While I was working my way through the phone tree, I got myself logged on to the website and into my account. I also had planned to record the phone call. I want all the backup I can get.

At the end of five minutes of announcements and instructions, the recording said the offices are closed today due to the Federal Holiday.

Damn you, Christopher Columbus!

So I have to wait another day. It’s not as though this money is burning a hole through my pocket. I can wait. It’s nice having an extra buffer in there. It makes me feel like a wealthy American.

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