Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Pay Off!

For many months now I have been going out and running. Partly to try and get in shape and partly to prepare for the Annual Bloomsday Run. Finally, my long routine of dog paddling in the glorious wake of modest achievement has paid off. I completed the afore mentioned Bloomsday Run and I shaved a minute off the time I posted last year.


It's not a great time. It's not an impressive time. But it is MY time and it pleases me.

Now, to continue the run for the other reason. I shall re-commence tonight.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Bloomsday Goal 1:45:00

I haven't been very happy with my running training over the last couple of weeks. I've been out there doing it, but I haven't been very dedicated to doing it well.

Finally, today, my last run before Bloomsday, it all seemed to be clicking for me. I ran three miles with no trouble. I felt like I could have run a fourth but that would have been pushing it. I developed a bit of numbness in my feet so I'm a little concerned about that aspect of my run.

At any rate, Bloomsday is Sunday and I guess I'll be running. If I can beat one hour and forty-five minutes, I'll be happy.