Tuesday, December 4, 2018

New Phone Report

I haven't mentioned that I bought a new phone. I have had it for a couple of weeks now and it is an improvement over my last phone. Mainly because I bought a phone with more memory. 16 gigs instead of 8 gigs.

It has some new features that I like over my old phone and a couple of features I don't care for. Primarily, the phone makes all sorts of buzzes, bings and tones that I have no idea the meaning of.

Also, I used to be able to programs in a special tone for a particular person when the call or text. Now I can only program a ringtone for someone, but not a tone specific to that person when they text.

Nonetheless, I'm back in the world of phones and the twentieth century.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Alarms, Broken Glass and Paint

We have been very busy decorating sky walks. we have 12 to do this year and after tonight, we will have two left.

We spent a good part of the day painting at the Spokane Youth  Sports Bingo Parlor. It took the majority of the day, with a break in the middle to handle a broken window in Susan's car. Her window got smashed Sunday night/Monday morning while she worked at the Arena for the Metalica Concert. She got to her car about 1:00AM and the passenger side window had been smashed.

We called our insurance this morning and arranged for the window repair guy to show up at the house at 1:00. We got to SYSA at 10:00 and painted until 12:45.

I had an unusual thing take place while painting. I went to get something out of the car. It was parked right next to us and therefore, not locked. When I opened the door, The car alarm went off. The horn honking constantly and consistently.

My key fob had stopped working about two weeks ago and so I could not shut the alarm off. I had to disconnect the battery to shut it off. Unfortunately, that action did not reset the alarm.

When we left at 12:45 to go meet the glass guy, we had to drive home with the horn honking. Fortunately, it stopped about half way home.

Once we got home and I shut off the car, the alarm started back up.

I started making some frantic calls to the Ford Dealership and Locksmiths. ford was not helpful at all. One of the Locksmiths I called said I should be able to shut off by putting my key in the door and turning it. 

Lo and behold, it worked.

So we got both car problems dealt with and returned to SYSA at about 3:00 to finish the job. We were there until 5.

We went home and vegged for the rest of the evening. 

Another great day off.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Stolen Phone

We had a big Thanksgiving feast at church today and then it was followed by receiving of supplies for the Meals on Wheels event we are doing on Thanksgiving Day. 

There was lots to be done and lots of people in the building. At one point, this low life homeless guy wandered in carrying a travel mug of coffee. People attended to him pretty quickly and it turned out he was looking for a bathroom. He was directed to the bathroom downstairs and then left.

Unfortunately, I had hung my suit coat in the hallway leading to the bathroom. I had my keys, wallet, camera and phone in the jacket.

After a while, I went to find my jacket and it wasn't hanging there. I thought I must have moved it. I walked into the bathroom and it was lying on the floor. 

Panic set in as I grabbed it. I felt around and found my wallet, (money intact) my keys and my camera. My phone was missing.

The scumbag managed to take the one item that did me the least damage. Don't get me wrong, it will be a pain in the ass to replace. However, I don't live and die by my phone and I think it will be nice to be without it for a while.

I only hope I am able to roll my minutes into a new phone. I just bought a phone card last week and it would suck to lose that.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Wednesday Off

Today was a day off for me. Normally it is Monday, but I had a Dentist appointment that was set up before I went on the four-10 schedule at work. So I moved it this week to today.

I've been fighting a battle with receding gums over the last few years and it appears I am starting to lose. I have a problem on tooth 28 on the back side. Three months ago, the gum line was at a 7. Today it was at a 9. That's bad.

They have referred me to an oral surgeon to determine the best course of action to save the tooth. I have an appointment on December 12th, another Wednesday. I'll have to move my day off on that week as well.

After the appointment, I went to the store to get supplies for breakfast. I fixed myself some nice scrambled eggs with cheese and minced ham. 

Afterwards, I got myself together and drove to church to prepare the Powerpoint presentation for Sundays' service. I also delivered some supplies for the "Meals on Wheels" event coming up next week.

Wow! thanksgiving is almost here.

I ran a few more errands, getting some paint for the sky walk decorating season.

Upon returning home, I broke out the lawn mower for one last adventure around the yard. more than grass, my objective was to mow up a shit load of leaves. Mission accomplished!

I worked in the Carriage House on Sunday to get it a little bit cleaned up and I'm pretty pleased with the results. That building is packed full of crap that I cannot bring myself to toss. And yet, it is now quite easy to move around and I have again recovered my work space...for the most part.

Another project I've been wanting to tackle is my closet. It's quite unruly. I really want to make it ruly again. So I went through the bins and took out all my summer shorts and moved them down to the basement. Then I threw away a crap load of useless papers and pulled a bunch of pants that are going to the Salvation Army.

It's better but still not completely ruly.

I even fit a nap in and watched the final episode of DareDevil, Season Three.

I love working four-10s.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Observations on Driving

This mornings' drive to work was a peaceful, easy feeling. The traffic at 6AM is pretty light and the whole ride out generally goes very smoothly. In fact, today I don't think I was stopped at a single traffic light except for the first one I hit on Division.

The drive home in the evening is a stark contrast. Getting out of Liberty Lake at 3:30, 4:30 and 5:00 takes about five minutes to get to the freeway. I once tried driving the three miles to the freeway on ramp at the Washington/Idaho border and then drive back towards town. The advantage is that you are moving the whole time. The problem is it takes more gas and I do not believe it saves any time.

When I leave Liberty Lake in the evening, I immediately move to the right turn lane even though I don't have to turn right for half a mile. By doing so, I am almost always in a line that stretches the whole half mile down to the light. 

The frustrating thing is to watch people who are obviously more important than me drive all the way down the road in the left lane and then dive into the right turn traffic lane at the last moment, cutting in front of all of us. 

I find those people to be incredible assholes and that keeps me from doing it myself...even though it is very easy. People always create gaps to slide into as the line crawls forward.

I just can't bring myself to be an asshole. At least in this instance. 

Once on the freeway, the traffic is still thick. One thing I noticed last night is that there has been a developing and predictable slowdown at the Sprague curve. This is a section of the freeway where the Fancher on-ramp merges into the three lane freeway. 

For some reason, that merge slows the traffic in all three lanes. I always approach the Sprague curve in the left lane because it is usually the lane with the least slowdown.

The slowdown used to occur right at the top of the hill that is the start of the Sprague curve. I am noticing now that the slowdown has moved about a mile back to before the Broadway exit.

Once I get past the curve and have the long two mile straightaway for downtown, the traffic inexplicably speeds up. 

I have said it before in this very Blog, but it bears repeating. Everyone out there is IN MY WAY!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Dr O'Connor and the Full Physical

I had a full physical today with Dr. O'Connor. We went through all the procedures and orifices and everything. Everything!

The general result is that I'm doing okay. My blood pressure was 132/83, my cholesterol was 112, and all my other vitals checked out. I got a bunch of other numbers about Glucose, Potassium, Calcium and a wide range of stuff I don't ever think about.

Dr O'Connor asked me if I had lost a great deal of weight because he noticed some stretch makes on me. I explained they were not stretch marks but scars of an encounter I had back in August with a drunken thorn bush. I was drunken, not the bush.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Friday, August 31, 2018

August Blood Pressure

Bike to Work Day Number 15?

I rode my bike to work today. The official count is now up to 15 days that I've ridden. Unofficially, I think the number is a couple of rides higher. I'm not good at keeping records.

It was a bit chilly but nothing I couldn't handle. It was also dark which is a bit hazardous since I need to get new lights. 

It seems like a small victory but I do have a real sense of accomplishment when I get to the bus. Then I have the chance to read the paper and enjoy my morning, as well as getting my breath back.

I would like to say I rode the bike today because I am so healthy. In truth, I am without my car. It is currently undergoing major engine surgery and it is quickly getting away from me. The head gasket blew. It was over heating.

The original quote was for $2400.00. I had to agonize over whether to fix it because it is very close to the line as far as how much the car is worth. It has now climbed another $900.00, and they're not done yet.

The good news is that I'm going to have a whole new top end of my engine when I'm done. The bad news is the money.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Four-Tens for Me

I am almost through my first day of working four ten hour days. You might know it as Four-Tens. As I write this, I have about 40 minutes left.

My extra day off is Monday and that was yesterday, so...in truth, I'm almost through my second day of Four-Tens. But today is harder than yesterday.

I got a lot done on my extra day off. I got the TV Room wired with 2 three-way switches. Now there is a light switch at either door into the room. My next task to accomplish in there is to center the light fixture.
Earlier in the day, I went to Mark's workplace and scavenged a bunch of scrap wood for the fireplace. It's all nice pieces of 2x4's and 2x3's. It's very clean firewood and stacks very nicely. 

I had to spend a couple of hours with my table saw cutting most of the wood into usable lengths.

I had a very efficient assembly line set up of grabbing a length of wood, running it through the saw, and finally placing it neatly on to the wood pile.

Mark tells me there will be more if I want it. I'm not sure if I want it.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Bike Day Unknown

Wow! I haven't ridden my bike in a long time. Well, I rode my bike to work today. It was a tough slog. 

The air quality in Spokane right now is poor. We are inundated by smoke from fires as far away as Montana and Canada. The temperature has been warm. Last Friday was 104. It has cooled a bit this week, bit it's still warm. So the air has a quality issue. 

Even stronger though, is that my body has a quality issue...in that it lacks any. It's been several weeks since I last rode my bike and you could sure tell it on the hills this morning.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Pre Paid Card

I rode the bike again today. It's my 13th ride for the 2018 season. It's a joy using the Monthly Pass. It's much easier to slide it through the card reader than to deposit a dollar and a bunch of quarters. 

Of course, the problem will be eliminated next month when the price of a single bus ride goes up to $2.00.

I have said it before but I wish the STA would create a Pre Paid card. I will continue to complain until they make this change and give passengers the choice of buying a card that you can just load money onto. I would buy a card that I could put $20.00 or $30.00 on and reload as needed. I would even accept a card with a pre-set amount, like $40.00.

The monthly bus pass requires you to ride the bus for three weeks before you break even. At this point in my life I will not ride the bus 15 times or more in a month.

I have determined that whether I take the bus from downtown to home or ride the bike home, I get there at about the same time.

I will tell you that in addition to the exercise benefit, the bike is generally more pleasant. I don't have to sit in a crowded bus surrounded by people who smoke. Obviously, they are not smoking on the bus, but they have smoked recently and I can smell it.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Ride to Work Day 12

Last week was not a good week for bike riding. The weather was not great and unpredictable, so I ended up driving every day. That a first in quite some time. I have either driving, gotten a ride with Andrew, or ridden the bike.

I have gotten two days of riding in for this week, which is coincidentally two days old. I'm expecting to ride tomorrow as well.

This morning was extra chilly. It might have been that I was extra susceptible to the chill today...I don't know. All I can tell you is that I was glad to get to the bus.

I received an extra bus bonus today. Kimi who has been riding the bus to work as well, cannot for the next couple of weeks because she is house sitting and the house she is sitting is not close to a bus route. She had already purchased a monthly bus pass and gave it to me. It's good until July 11th. I'm going to try and make the most of it.

I must admit that I did not ride the bike home from downtown today. I piled on to the North Monroe bus and it dropped me off right at the end of the block. I think it got me home at about the same time as if I would have ridden the bike. 

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Chilly Bike Ride

Today was my eleventh day of riding the bike to work and it was the chilliest day yet. Once you get going in the morning, the likelihood of returning to get a coat or worse, just drive to work becomes less likelihoody. You just have to push on. I'm still trying to warm up as I sit here and type.

I almost rode yesterday but it turned out to be good I didn't. I would surely have been rained upon.

I think my semi-continuous efforts to ride the bike to work are paying off. The hills on my route to and from work loom less ominously as I approach. I seem to get up them with less effort. However, there is effort involved.

I also rode on Monday. That was a slightly different route as I had a 9:45 Doctor's Appointment with Dr. Kadel, my Cardiologist. I loaded the bike on the car and drove it over to a Mechanics Shop for a much needed front wheel bearing.

From there, I rode to Dolly's Cafe for some breakfast and to check up on my newspaper. 

After a relaxing breakfast, I rode up to the Medical region of town  in plenty of time for my appointment. I was about a half hour early. More time to peruse the paper.

I was able to get out of there with a satisfactory bill of health and make the next bus to Liberty Lake.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Bike Niner

Today I noticed the chill. In fact, it reminded me of skiing when I'm sailing down the hill and the cold air makes my eyes water. I have been dealing with that the last couple of mornings as I descend the final hill on Post Street prior to the park. I like to get some momentum going in order to do as little work as possible. 

But my eyes water profusely which makes the turn at the bottom of the hill a little more exciting.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Bike to Work Day Eight

It was fairly chilly when I took off for work on the bike. I was kind of unsure as to whether I should ride as the skies did not friendly. But the forecast said no rain today and so I took a chance. It was a nice ride and I made it downtown without incident. I didn't even notice the cool temperature.

Plus, I had the warm bus to recover.

It's nice to have some time to read the paper but the bus is so bumpy, it gives an extra challenge to being able to see words. I have to guess at about half of them.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Bike to Work Day Se7en

I have been considering not naming the post titles with the number of days I have ridden the bike. But there is no other good way for me to keep track. And so, it shall continue.

It was a chilly ride this morning but once I get going, I really don't notice it. 

The worst part is still the hill and I do not tackle it with any alacrity. However, I do make it up without getting off the bike and I'm not having to stop for a rest break.

I must remember to bring tissue with me. Riding the bike makes my nose run and it's quite annoying when I reach the bus.

I also have to do better and remembering my water bottle. That runny nose really dehydrates me.

Postlude: On the ride home I considered getting a transfer and riding the North Monroe bus closer to home. I was able to get a transfer from my driver but when I checked the schedule, the bus wasn't even arriving for another 15 minutes. If I rode home, I would be there in 15 minutes. So the transfer idea was abandoned and I rode home. 

It's a good thing too because I really felt a bit of improvement in my riding style. I think my stamina may be improving.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Ride to Work Day Fi5e

Prior to riding the bike to work today, I ambled out to my car to retrieve some film I had picked up for work. As I rounded the car, I was greeted by a stunned skunk. I surprised her and she assumed her attack position. I was in no mood to be squirted so I calmly backed off. She decided I was not a huge threat and resumed foraging.

When I pulled the bike out on to the driveway, I was very careful to not surprise her, wherever she may have been.

The ride downtown was uneventful and I made the bus with minutes to spare. It is very nice to have the time in the morning to read the paper, although I have to learn how to read a jiggling surface. It's slow going.

Yesterdays' return ride was very slow going. There was an accident of the Sprague S curve that back up traffic all the way to Pines. The driver announced he was taking an alternative route, basically heading into town on Trent Avenue.

That meant I was on the bus for an extra half hour. That was not a disaster because I had the newspaper to read. However there was a garrulous passenger who felt he was quite hilarious and kept going with a string of unfunny riddles. What did the hat say to the tie? You hang out here and I'll go on a head. Why don't bananas get lonely? Because they come in a bunch. Augh! Shoot me now!

Editors Note: The weather turned to crap by quitting time which was completely unforecasted. Rather than ride home in the rain, I rode home with Andrew. I'll get the bike later in the week.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Bike to Work Day 4our

I think I have now ridden my bike to work more this year than all of last year. That's more of a loathsome observation on last year than a laudatory comment on this year.

Nonetheless, I am waaaaay out of shape. My hill climbing is quite unsatisfactory. I hope my continued bike riding will improve my stamina.

It remains to be seen.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Bike to Work Day Three

I struggled mightily this morning with the three position bike rack on the bus. It was a new one that I had not encountered before. 

The bike normally fits into a grooved rail on the rack and then you place an arm the clamps down over the front tire and holds the bike in place.

Today, the clamping arm came up from underneath the rack, It was spring loaded so the tension against the front wheel was what kept the bike in place. 

The problem was that I had to lift the whole rack in order to make the clamping arm clear the pavement and swing into place. The driver realized I was having trouble and then raised the kneeling bus so I could swing the arm into place.

Once on the bus, I pulled out my newspaper for the ride to work. I soon realized that my brow was quite sweaty and it did not seem to be easing up at all. I really needed a towel to wipe my head down.

Just another indication of how far I have to go to get to being in bad shape.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Bike to Work, Day Two

6:13 AM: That steely resolve that I demonstrated in the previous two posts lasted about 17 minutes. I just can't seem to stay away from candy. The struggle continues.

I'm about to head out the door and ride downtown to catch the bus to work. Let's see how I do today!

7:18 AM: I made it. It was an easy and uneventful ride downtown, although the one hill I have to climb was quite a task and reminded me how out of shape I am.

I mowed the lawn last night and afterwards, I was wiped out. I ended up going to bed at 9:30.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Bike to Work, Day One

I suspect my scale is messing with me. I weighed 224.7 this morning. That's a five pound loss. IN ONE DAY!

Of course, the one thing I did yesterday that is different from every other day is I ate nothing but protein. I had eggs for breakfast, grilled chicken for lunch, and a couple glasses of wine in the evening. I must admit that I ate some jelly beans too. But only a few.

Here's part of the scenery from my morning commute today.
Nice huh?

I rode my bike today. It takes about 10 minutes to get from the house to downtown. It took a little longer today because the park is shutdown so I have to go around. 

The bus was waiting for me which allowed me to stow my bike, hop on and read the paper. 

I have to say that I am at the beginning of my fitness curve, the end where I am not in very good shape. I made it up the hills I have to climb but it was slow going. I'm going to bike as much as I can this summer and hope to improve the fitness curve.

Monday, May 7, 2018


I have been doing a terrible job of taking care of myself and making smart decisions when it comes to eating. I weighed in this morning at 229.6. I think that is the heaviest I have ever been.

Well, time to put a stop to that. So today, I am really trying hard to follow the NGNS Diet. (No Grains, No Sugars)

I can eat fat and lots of protein. I'm going to go easy on the fat but my worst vice is sugar. I love the sweets!

So I am banning myself from candy, cookies, chocolate and Baileys Irish Creme. I should lay off the beer but I still want to enjoy life. Therefore, I'm limiting myself to one per day.

So here we go. Let's see how I do!

Thursday, May 3, 2018

So You Had a Bad Day

It is only 6:45 AM and already, I am having a day. 

I couldn't find my keys this morning and I had to get out of the house early so I grabbed the spare key out of the secret hiding place and headed off into the world.

I needed to stop and get gas as I am low and it is the time of the week to gas up. I buy gas at Stateline, Idaho because it's about 20 cents a gallon cheaper than in Washington. Since I work at Liberty Lake, it's only three miles to the border and cheaper gas so it's not like I drive way out of my way to save $3.00 on a fill up.

When I pulled up to the gas station, I suddenly remembered that I don't have the key to my locking gas cap because it's on my regular key ring. Shit!

My low fuel light is on so I can't possibly make it back home. 

At break time I'm going to go to the auto parts store and see if they can offer a solution.

The reason I left the house early this morning was because of Gail.

Gail is a woman I grew up with. Our parents were friends so we spent summers at the lake and winters on the ski hill. 

On occasion, I will do little errands for Gail. When I go to Costco, I'll call her up and see what she needs. She always has a long list and I deliver it to her. She will write me a check when I deliver and throws in another 50 bucks for my trouble.

Two weeks ago, she wanted to know if Costco was selling any lawn mowers. She needed one and they happened to be selling a model. It was $350.00. She said she wanted it and would call me later to arrange delivery.

So on Sunday after church, Susan drove me over to Costco and I got the mower. I called her and ended up leaving a message that I had it. 

She called me about 7:00 Sunday evening and said she was ready for me to bring it over. I told her I was in the middle of dinner and would not bring it that night. I think that peeved her a bit but I'm not here to jump when she calls.

I got a text from her later asking me to deliver it to her gate because she had some guy coming by the next day to mow for her.

She said to send me my address and leave the receipt and she would send a check.  So I got up a little extra early on Monday morning and drove across town to Gail's gate to leave this mower, still in its box, at her gate. That was almost two weeks ago. 

So far, no check.

After waiting a reasonable number of days for a check to arrive, I started calling, only to leave messages on her machine. I tried texting but got no response.

Finally, last night, I got a text from a phone with an Idaho area code saying she left a check at her gate.

So, I got up a little earlier than usual and drove across town to Gail's gate, where I found no check. 

While not impoverished, $350.00 is a lot of money for me to float to someone. Especially someone who is as hard to contact as Gail. I haven't even began to go into the peculiarities of this woman which requires her to have someone like me do Costco runs for her.

Eccentric is a word and while not totally applicable to Gail, it's as close as I can come at the moment. 

And so...I am having a day!

Update: Susan has my keys. She inadvertently put them in her purse last night. I needed her keys to get the car out of the garage so I could get the mower out. Then I gave them back and my keys were on the table and so on and so forth and what have you.

It's just a perfect storm of events that all came together to conspire against ME.

Final Update: Susan brought me my keys at the end of the day and I was able to get gassed up and get my car home safely.

Monday, April 30, 2018

April Blood Pressure

Not a good month. Up se7en pounds for the month.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Doctor Reports

On this Friday the Thirteenth, I am happy to report all went well with both my Doctor appointments this week.

Dr. Byazrova was not too concerned about my defib going off on me back on March 29th. I need to watch myself and pay attention. 

I have noticed that if I start to feel a little dizziness, I can make it stop with a good solid cough.

My appointment with Dr. O'Connor was a six month follow up. I told him about the defib incident and he said to stop doing yard work. Well, that's not going to happen.

He said that at my next appointment we would do a full physical. Oh goody! The Prostate Exam.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Blood Draw

I am fasting because I'm having a blood draw this morning. My Doctor's order for the blood draw does not require me to be fasting but I think it's better if I give good, clean, fasted blood.

So I'm going to the Blood Draw Office about 10:00 and then I'll stop and get a bagel.

I have a pre-scheduled appointment with Dr. O'Connor, my General Practitioner on Thursday. I also have a hastily called appointment with Dr. Byazrova, my Electro-Cardiologist tomorrow. She will be checking on my Defib unit and the recent shock it gave me back on March 29th.

10:50AM: I just returned from my visit to PAML and she couldn't get any blood from me. She tried my left arm, my right arm and even my hand. She sent me away to drink a bunch of water and return at 12:15.

1:21PM: Success! But it wasn't easy. I drank a bunch of water prior to my return. The Blood Tech still had trouble finding a good vein. She was finally able to get draw out of my hand. But not before sticking me three times. 

Next time I go for a blood draw, I'm drinking a shit load of water.

Monday, April 2, 2018

223.1 End of the Diet

The coming of Easter brings the end of the Lenten Diet. We drank beer yesterday and I gained weight.

I tried to get up this morning and go for a walk but I pussied out. It was just too comfy in bed.

So I'm going to continue to eat more protein and fat and less sugar and carbs. I'm not sure it's a great diet for the heart patient but I think if I weighed less, it would be good for my heart.

Who knows!

Thursday, March 29, 2018


My defibrillator works.

I was out in the front yard tonight, trying to rake up some of the leaves in the front garden. They are thick and wet and therefore heavy. I was working away at my slow pace because of my stamina. I felt a slight wave of nausea, almost like a hot flash and then the dizziness came. It got stronger and stronger and as I sat myself down on the lawn, I knew a jolt was coming. And came it did.

Afterwards I was fine. I sat out there for a little bit and just kind of reflected on what had just happened. It all seemed like a fog to me. That's why I have to write it down. 

I shall pace myself and call the Doc in the morning.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Eye Exam

 A couple of years ago, I went to LensCrafters to get my eyes checked and possibly get glasses. 

It turns out it was almost four years ago and I did get glasses, but never liked them. I got these transitional lenses that had my prescription on top and went bifocal on the bottom. I was never able to get used to them.

Since my employer will pay a portion of the bill, I decided to go again. I was concerned because my left eye is a bit blurrier than my right and I was feeling a very slight pressure in my left eye that I had not felt before. I would say I've been feeling it for a couple of months.

So I went in during lunch today and am pleased to announce that my eyes are better. My right eye has improved from four years ago to where it is just off of 20/20. 

My left eye is a bit worse but no signs of cataracts or glaucoma, which I was suspicious of.

I did take my old frames and get some updated lenses which still cost $240.00. That just for lenses. Shesh!

I am posting my prescriptions here because I always lose them.
This one if for regular correction.
This one is for computer glasses. I'm not going to fill this one as Cheater Glasses from the Dollar Store work fine.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018


I figured out my problem. I like to eat. Specifically, I like the fabulous flavors of food in my mouth. I love flavor! Flavor is one of the best things in all of God's creation.

Well, now that that is solved, I should be fine.

Monday, March 19, 2018


As predicted, the weight came on. I gained four pounds. 

Considering what I ate and the amount of beer I drank, I guess I should be thankful it wasn't more.

We had our first beer Friday night at the 1313 Club in Wallace, Idaho. We also had a little dinner. Susan had french onion soup which she thought was excellent. I had some deep fried cheese curds, which I also found to be primo.

I manage to get in six runs ($5.84 per run) and Susan did five runs ($7.00 per run). We didn't even get on the hill until 10:30 and we skied until about 1:30.

We went in for lunch with every intention of going out for a couple more. But as we quaffed our beer and ate our tuna wraps, it soon became clear that our bodies were not fans of going out again.

So we complied and left for our little Wallace Oasis (The Hercules Inn) and took a nap in front of a basketball game.

We did wake up in time to get to the 1313 Club for Gonzaga's attempt to make it to the Sweet Sixteen. More food, more beer, and the Zags won!

Friday, March 16, 2018


I ate practically nothing yesterday and I gained weight. Perhaps the problem is when I ate as opposed to what I ate. I chowed down when I got home. That means I ate late in the day.

It's particularly distressing to me because this is our big annual Ski Weekend where we get to drink beer. That means the pounds are going to come on. 

I have high hopes that the actual activity of skiing will stave off the weight but I doubt it will.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


I seemed to have leveled out around 217. I got as low as 214 last week but then popped right back up to 217, 218. And from there, I haven't been able to drop .

I went out on a nice walk after work yesterday. Susan and I walked a mile around the park and it was taxing. Once again, I'm waaaaaaay out of shape.

I'm going to get out more, at least after work. But I should resume my morning walks like I was doing at the end of last summer. In fact, if you want to read something ironic, check my post from last September 28th. That's when I was in the walking every morning mode.

Thursday, March 1, 2018


It is a new month and I am happy to start it off with a good number. Two Hundred and Fifteen is as low as I have gotten in a while. I hope to continue the march in March toward Two Hundred poundages. But of course, it requires me to rally on and follow the diet. 

The big change to the diet is that we have completed Phase One, which means we can drink wine during Phase Two. Not a lot! I'm going to limit myself to two glasses.

But they are big glasses.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


I climbed up onto the scale this morning, anxiously awaiting the new number for the day. It flashed, it flashed, it flashed, it presented. 204.0!!! As pleased as I was, I did not believe I lost 15 pounds in one day.

So I hopped on again and it came up with 220.0.

Well, that disappointed me because it meant I gained a pound.

So after my shower, I tried again hoping that all the dirt that washed off me would lighten my load. And it did. I got a good solid 217.6 and decided that was my number for the day.

Monday, February 19, 2018


I have hit my first goal of the Lentan Season Diet. I am below 220 pounds. Yea!

That's all I have for today.

Sunday, February 18, 2018


I gained a pound overnight. Yesterday, the scale said 220.5. 

I thought after my major exertion of snow blowing for 1 1/2 hours, I would loose a pound of two. But that was not the case.

Still craving chocolate but getting through it. If I blow it and eat something on the forbidden list now, the last four days will be wasted.

Must remain strong!

Friday, February 16, 2018


I am on my third day of the diet and down five pounds.

While I am happy with the results and pretty strong in my resolve, I am craving something sweet today. I have a pretty good sweet tooth so I'm assuming I am going through some kind of withdrawal.

I'm not going to consume any sugar, I just wanted to let it be known that the urge is there.

Thursday, February 15, 2018


Mardi Gras was Tuesday which means we have entered into the Lental Diet Season. We started yesterday and I'm already three pounds down.

I'm loosely following the South Beach Diet which essentially is no Grains, no sugar. Lots of protein. I can eat eggs, meat, cheese, stuff like that. The tough part for Susan and I is that the first two weeks is a cleanse and a fast. Particularly, no alcohol.

Since it is Lent, we are giving up beer. After the two weeks, we will drink wine but no more than two glasses per night.

If history follows, I will be down se7en pounds after the first weeks. I attribute that solely to giving up beer.

So, my starting weight in this process is shown above in the title. As I said, I'm already three pounds down from that. The goal is to reach 200 pounds.

I'm heavy enough right now that I feel it in my clothes. My shirts are tight and my pants barely button.

Now, it's time for cheese!

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Another Possible Final Post

I don't know if this is a side effect of the various drugs I'm on or just the fact that I'm almost 61 years of oldness. 

I skinned my left index finger this morning walking past our Laminator. All I did was bang my finger into a corner as I walked by. I ripped a sizable portion of skin off my digit and it didn't even bleed...at first.
Now, I can't get it to stop. This is the third bandage I have put on it and it only happened about 30 minutes ago.

I take aspirin every day so I know that is a contributing factor but normally, I clot up pretty good. It doesn't help that as I am typing this, my finger is wiggling around the keyboard and the bandage is getting damper.

This could be it! I'm getting weaker . . . .weaker . . .wea

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Sunday, January 28, 2018


I am logging in as the Fattest Stan I have ever been. Oh sure, there have been fat Stan's and then there have been FAT Stan's. But this one is the fattest, according to the scale. Somewhere in this post, I have left a clue as to the number the scale gave me this morning.

And so, it stops here! 

We are getting close to Lent, as it comes very early this year. I think around Valentines Day. I'm going to give up beer. That really helps to make the pounds fly away. I'm also going to do the South Beach diet, at least for a couple of weeks. That will also shed the pounds. 

Then I need to alter my diet to stay away from grains and sugars. I think that is the best and most practical method for healthy living. A little exercise wouldn't hurt either.

I skied yesterday. First time this season. It snowed all day but it was not a problem. It wasn't those little stingy flakes that attack your face.

I got in eight runs. The last one, just before noon was not pretty. I was really wiped out last night. Fortunately, not so bad this morning. I think if I have a good recovery time, that says something about my current condition. 

Yes, I'm looking at my health picture through rose colored glasses. 

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Posting Something

I decided I had better get on the board for 2018 and post something. 

And so I have.