Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Wednesday, July 17, 2019


I had an appointment with Dr. Kadel today. It was my semi-annual obligatory visit to my Cardiologist. We discovered during my visit that I have fallen off one of my drugs: Coreg. It's a Cholesterol med. I must have run out of it back in December and then forgot to re-order it.

Anyway, I'm back on it and all is well. Dr Kadel had me go in for an ultrasound and he thought it looked good. So, for now, no changes.

I need to continue my walking, which I have not been very regular about. It's very easy to come home after a day of toil and veg. That's kind of my "Go To" position.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Obligatory Health Post for July

I feel obligated to post something regarding my health and how things are going.

Things are going fine. I've been working in the yard and walking. Climbing the hill up to Division Street and subsequently further up to Cora was a slog and I was out of breath at the top. So my goal is to get to a point where I can breath at the top.