Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Holiday Sphincter

We have a total of four skywalks to decorate for Christmas this year. Two of them are for Riverpark Square and two are for the Spokane Transit Authority.

Jenni Knoll, who works for STA, wanted us to use their logo in a few of the windows we paint. It’s just a little round circle with a stylized S and T in it.

Susan used it in some snowflakes and I used it with some snow men and snowballs. (All my snowmen have snowballs)

Jenni e-mailed me last night and said she loved what we did but to hold off on the second skywalk until she got back to me today.

It turns out that the Communications Dept. at STA was not happy with using the logos. Since they were painted on with a primitive stencil I designed, they weren’t quite round enough.

The long and short of it is they wanted them removed. Jenni asked me how much to remove and fill in with more flakes and I told her 200 bucks.

This actually worked out great for us because painting the logo was very time consuming.

It took us no time to scrape off the logos and fill them back up with an appropriate image.

In the course of doing this work, I had to stop and use the bathroom.

STA currently has a program where they have shut down all their bathrooms and only allow one person at a time for no longer than 10 minutes. This is due to all the illicit drug activity that goes on in their bathrooms.

There was quite a line so I decided to walk over to Riverpark Square and use their facilities.

As I walked over, it became clear that I needed to get there as soon as possible. I don’t know how the sphincter knows how far away the bathroom is, but it does.

As I got to the entry of the bathroom, the Bombay doors opened. It was a horrible mess. I used half a roll of that shitty public restroom toilet paper and I must have flushed 7 times.

I walked back to the skywalk and told Susan about my predicament. I quickly finished off painting the images I had to do.

It was still early in the day and we planned on getting started on the other skywalk.

We hauled all our stuff over to the skywalk and Susan got to work on her snowflakes.

I slinked home, threw my clothes in the wash and threw my ass in the shower.

How humiliating!

And now I have shared it with you.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Netty News and More

Before bed last night, I tried using the netty pot over the sink and it worked out pretty well. 

I once again was able to expel a great deal of bulbous globules of mucusy snotballs. The problem I find with using the netty pot is that it is a very brief cure to a stuffed up nose. You breath great for about 15 minutes and then the blockages start building again.

We are now heading into the Winter Holiday Season, with Thanksgiving coming up this Thursday and then, of course the big Christmas season extravaganza.

The stores seem to be promoting Christmas earlier and earlier every year . Halloween wasn't even a week away before Christmas stuff started showing up in ALL the stores.

Scott and Erica will be here Thursday along with two or three of her kids.

After that, we have two skywalks to paint. And then, we have to get to work on our Christmas card. I hope we get them out in a timely manner this year.

Finally, I counted 20 sneezes throughout the day yesterday. Today, as of 1:30, I've had four.   

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Update from Mr. Sneezy

I shall begin today’s post with an update concerning the last post. I finally found it!

I forgot that I have a shelf in my closet that is hidden behind a rack of clothes. I happened to move some of those clothes a couple days after writing the post, not consciously looking for the camera bag. And there it was. Nice surprise.

But the real reason for today’s post is to report on a couple of health issues I have.

I was recently started on a drug called Imdur. It has something to do with my heart. I think it might have a side effect of muscle soreness. It’s been very difficult to walk more than a mile because my leg and hip muscles get so sore.

I’m not convinced that Imdur is the cause but I will bring it up at my next doctor visit.

The other new health issue I’m experiencing is sneezing. I have been a sneezy machine for at least two weeks and probably longer. I decided today to count how many times I sneeze. Right now, I’m at two.

Because I’ve been so plugged up, I’ve started regularly using my netty pot when I’m in the shower. I am producing some major booger blockage. I am wondering if maybe I should be using the netty pot before I go to bed. I’ll have to think about that.

I like using the netty in the shower because it’s kind of a messy operation and I can blow in the shower to my nose’s content.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Lost Stuff

 I have been racking my brain trying to find my camera bag.

Back in August when we started installing the floor, we had to move a bunch of stuff out of the kitchen. The table, the piano bar, another big side table and the TV with its stand.

Sorted on the stand, I would keep my camera bag, which held my camera, extra lens and all the batteries.

Upon moving all that stuff, I had to find a place for my camera bag. I have no idea where that place is. Since we returned all the furniture to the kitchen upon completion of the floor, I have been unable to remember where I put the camera bag.

As the Pirate said when asked about the steering wheel in his pants, “It’s driving me nuts!”

Neither Susan or I have any idea where I put it. I have looked in all the logical places and many illogical places.

I’ll keep you posted.