Saturday, September 19, 2020

Air Quality Update

The smoke has stayed around for a week and there was no rain to knock it down. Until today.

It rained last night, just a touch. But I can see the sun again.

I was saying that I have not been effected by all this smoke but I did notice one thing. My eyes watered a lot. Especially at work when I was bent over working on a job.

So it did cause me a little discomfort.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Air Quality-Shitty

After weeks of hot and sunny days, we have a major change in our weather. Smoke!

Fires in Washington, Oregon and California have all sent their smoke to us.

Since I am in a category of persons susceptible to health issues from bad air, I am pleased to report that this hasn't had a terrible effect on me. I'm not coughing or wheezing and I don't feel congested or short of breath.

This is the second day of this smoke and it's supposed to last at least another day. There is a possibility of rain later in the week but that remains to be seen.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Bike Day

I don't know how many days I've ridden to work this year but it's a lot. I did so again today for the first time in a week and was cold. It didn't help that I wore shorts, a light shirt and no jacket.

It takes me a while to adapt.

The ride went well although the hills are tough.

It was sure nice getting on a warm bus when it finally arrived.