Sunday, September 27, 2009

Time for Weight Loss.....Again!

I am in a weight loss jag again and this time might be more successful that the ten thousand previous weight loss jags I have had. I feels more imperative to my life this time. I'm 52 and falling apart.

The night before last, I woke up about 1:00 with a searing pain in my right foot. I have been experiencing some weird random soreness in that foot for some time. I would wake up and the top of my foot would be sore. I hadn't banged it, twisted it, done anything to it to cause the soreness, but there it was. Another day it would move to the ball of my foot.

Well this searing pain kept me up for about three hours. I got in the hot tub for some relief, but that was fleeting. I got on line and googled the shit out of "Gout" cuz that what my self diagnosis told me I had. I have had it before so I have some experience, and I believe the diagnosis to be correct.

I finally managed to get a little sleep and when I woke up on Saturday morning, I limped off to the bar for my job. I drank lots of water to help flush the uric acid out of my body and I got a little help from some anti-inflamatories and a couple of decent pain killers from un-named sources.

I'm better now but I've got 19 pounds to remove. That will get me to 200 and I'll be happy with that. Like I said before, it feels more important to my health to have this weight off.

Now it remains to be seen how long this jag will last.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

SpokeFest 2009

We took part in SpokeFest 2009 over the weekend. This was a gathering of about 1600 bicycle enthusiasts taking part in a 21 mile bicycle enthusiasmic ride. We did it last year and enjoyed it and we did it this year and enjoyed it less.

Susan is not a large bicycle enthusiast. She prefers the slower running and jogging kind of physical exertion. I had a less enjoyable time due to my failing ability to exert myself.

Last year I set a goal of riding up Doomsday Hill, a sizable climb. I made it. This year...not even close.

We ended up turning the 21 miles into about nine, which was fine with us. It is unfortunate because the ride is a very nice ride along a very scenic portion of the city. I would have liked to have done the whole thing but then I would have been useless the rest of the day.

I needed to be a some value because we planned on going to the fair for the afternoon.

The fair was fabulous because we came away with ribbons for our wine. I will post pictures after the fair is over when I get my wines and beers back.

A sad note: no ribbons for beer.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Da Agony of Da Feet

I apologize for such a cheezy Heading but I am not thinking clearly because MY FOOT HURTS!

It's the same foot.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Continued Betrayal

I woke up yesterday, got out of bed, and immediately felt the wrath of some affliction affecting my right foot. My foot had a tender area, just above my big two on top of my foot. I haven't banged into anything. I've never injured that area. And yet, it is causing me great grief.

So I limped through the day with various degrees of pain eminating from my foot. By the time I went to bed, it was really hurting. Today, it hurts but I can pretty much walk without a limp.

The odd thing is the way my body continues to betray me in sudden and unexplained ways. Last week it was my knee, which my Doctor thinks is bursitis. Who knows what will be next.