Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Eye Exam 2019

I've just returned from an Eye exam through my new health insurance company, Kaiser Permanente.

About two or three weeks ago, I noticed a slight cloudiness in my left eye while driving to work in the morning. I mentioned it to Dr. O'Connor when I saw him last week and he said there looks like the start of a cataract in the left eye. 

He referred me to an eye doc and that's how I ended up at todays' appointment.

I met with Dr. Brad Jansen at the Kaiser building near downtown. He looks like a 30ish kind of guy and he was very apologetic about everything he put me through. It involved the trauma of shining a light in my eyes and touching my eyelids. 

I told him to stop apologizing and examine me.

it turns out that I'm in pretty good eye health. My right eye is 20/20 and my left is 20/25. My optic nerves looked good and there is no sign of glaucoma.

There is the start of a cataract but he recommended doing nothing right now. He said to come back in two years unless it's really bothering me.

So hopefully, I will refer back to this post in about two years and make an appointment to see how I'm doing.