Friday, August 31, 2018

August Blood Pressure

Bike to Work Day Number 15?

I rode my bike to work today. The official count is now up to 15 days that I've ridden. Unofficially, I think the number is a couple of rides higher. I'm not good at keeping records.

It was a bit chilly but nothing I couldn't handle. It was also dark which is a bit hazardous since I need to get new lights. 

It seems like a small victory but I do have a real sense of accomplishment when I get to the bus. Then I have the chance to read the paper and enjoy my morning, as well as getting my breath back.

I would like to say I rode the bike today because I am so healthy. In truth, I am without my car. It is currently undergoing major engine surgery and it is quickly getting away from me. The head gasket blew. It was over heating.

The original quote was for $2400.00. I had to agonize over whether to fix it because it is very close to the line as far as how much the car is worth. It has now climbed another $900.00, and they're not done yet.

The good news is that I'm going to have a whole new top end of my engine when I'm done. The bad news is the money.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Four-Tens for Me

I am almost through my first day of working four ten hour days. You might know it as Four-Tens. As I write this, I have about 40 minutes left.

My extra day off is Monday and that was yesterday, truth, I'm almost through my second day of Four-Tens. But today is harder than yesterday.

I got a lot done on my extra day off. I got the TV Room wired with 2 three-way switches. Now there is a light switch at either door into the room. My next task to accomplish in there is to center the light fixture.
Earlier in the day, I went to Mark's workplace and scavenged a bunch of scrap wood for the fireplace. It's all nice pieces of 2x4's and 2x3's. It's very clean firewood and stacks very nicely. 

I had to spend a couple of hours with my table saw cutting most of the wood into usable lengths.

I had a very efficient assembly line set up of grabbing a length of wood, running it through the saw, and finally placing it neatly on to the wood pile.

Mark tells me there will be more if I want it. I'm not sure if I want it.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Bike Day Unknown

Wow! I haven't ridden my bike in a long time. Well, I rode my bike to work today. It was a tough slog. 

The air quality in Spokane right now is poor. We are inundated by smoke from fires as far away as Montana and Canada. The temperature has been warm. Last Friday was 104. It has cooled a bit this week, bit it's still warm. So the air has a quality issue. 

Even stronger though, is that my body has a quality that it lacks any. It's been several weeks since I last rode my bike and you could sure tell it on the hills this morning.