Friday, December 31, 2021

December BP


Weekly Resolutions

 Well, I'm really quite disgusted with myself. I am just short of 230 pounds. I was as low as 205 pounds back in July. I have been steadily climbing to this point ever since.

Actually, I think I did a pretty good job of maintaining my weight through September. Then I let myself go.

I don't like making New Years Resolutions because they never last. So I'm going to work on Weekly Resolutions and see if the shorter term goal works better.

By next Saturday, I will be at 220 pounds or less.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Finally, a Walk

 I haven't walked all week. I guess I'm still recovering from skiing on Monday. 

I went out this morning and walked my one mile route. Most of my neighbors have shoveled their sidewalks but there are a few scofflaws that made the walk a little challenging. The worst part was crossing the streets. I almost went down at one intersection.

But, I made the mile and then sat for half an hour. It must be great to be in shape.

Monday, December 20, 2021


 I had a ski day today, my first of the year. It was exhilarating and debilitating. I got up there before opening at 9AM. That means I got good parking which is important to my stamina issues.

I planned to ski at least the morning and perhaps into the afternoon, depending on how I held up. I did not hold up well. In the middle of my fifth run, I realized I was out of gas. Unfortunately, I was on the Number Four Face, skiing under the chair. The run was pretty well infested with moguls which I no longer ski well.

At one point, I slid to a stop and lost my balance and fell. I could not get back up. I was really struggling and just could not get up. I was underneath the Number Four chairlift and I became really aware that people were watching me.

I waited to catch my breath and for the chair to be empty of on lookers.

I struggled and struggled to push myself up. I finally succeeded but was totally out of breath. I decided I was done.

So I got in six runs and my ski season has begun.

 But it wasn't pretty!

Monday, December 13, 2021

Snow Stake Accuracy

This picture was taken at 5:52 PM. It was snowing when it was taken and about a half an inch has fallen since 4PM. So they are not fanatics about maintaining the accuracy of the snow stake.

I am so anxious to be skiing that I'm looking for something to be angry about. I'm over it now. 

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Breakfast Walk

I was hoping to wake up to snow but no such luck. It had been raining but that meant it was snowing on Mt. Spokane.

We went on our walk but stopped for Breakfast at Kabot's. I had a tastey but chewy steak.

I walked the mile and a half route and todays license plate was from Texas.    

Friday, December 10, 2021

Debating the Hill

Susan had the day off so she joined me on the morning walk. We elected to go the short route (1 Mile) because it was so cold. I also had concerns because my blood pressure was 104/53 this morning. I have noticed a definite drop in my stamina when my blood pressure is low.

When we got to the turn at the bottom of the hill, I decided to go for the hill but not go the whole mile and a half route. I would say we did 1.25 miles.

The hill was pretty brutal and I stopped for a couple of minutes at the resting place in front of Kabot's Kitchen. The winner of the License Plate Game was Florida.

We completed the walk and I feel like I accomplished something.

You gotta take the little victories.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Weird Thoughts

 It was a cold and chilly walk this morning. It was hard to tell whether my nose or my eyes watered more. I'm very interested to see what happens to me when I get on the ski hill. I might completely dehydrate myself out on the mountain.

I came across an interesting phenomenon this morning. In two instances, I came very close to encountering another walker who was using the same course as I. I realized that I did not want to be walking with or near anyone else. "Walking with" makes sense to me. Who wants to walk with a stranger?! 

But "walking near" someone shouldn't make me feel uncomfortable. But I don't like walking with someone who is half a block in front of me and I would feel very self conscious if someone was walking behind me.

It's not like there are so many walkers out there that there is no way to avoid others. It's just one of the many weird thoughts that crossed my mind while walking.

There was no winner in the License Plate Game today. Perhaps because I walked so late in the morning. The motel parking lot has a lot more cars in it when I walk earlier.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

More Grip, Less Slip

 My walk this morning was much better than yesterday. Most of the snow has melted and the streets weren't icy. It was a little warmer too.

Yesterday was pretty treacherous. I took me much longer than normal just because I had to be careful with every step. The streets were very icy and I had to watch myself. Even some of the sidewalks were a mess.

I got to thinking about the people that don't shovel their sidewalks. There are a lot of them out there. I don't like to be judgmental, but let me be judgmental. 

I feel that people that don't shovel their sidewalks are sub par neighbors. They are also the people that don't take care of their lawns and don't really care about the appearance of their houses. 

Don't get me wrong. I'm not likely to be appearing in Better Homes and Gardens. But I do make an effort. And my walk is always clear of snow. In fact, my block is always cleared.

Just a little rant. I'll be falling in front of one these sub par neighbor houses and there will be nobody to sue.

I had lots of entries in the License Plate Game today. There was Oregon and British Columbia and Alberta. But the winner was New Jersey, the Garden State.

Yesterday I had slim pickins'. I think the only out of stater I had was Oregon. Who cares!

Monday, December 6, 2021

White and Wonderful

 It is white and therefore wonderful outside.

I woke up to snow falling. It's not a lot and I don't think a lot is forecasted. But it is snowing and that makes me happy. I think I will get out there with the snow blower but I want to know that it is done snowing for the day before I go out.

The newspaper, which is mostly useless when it comes to weather says that today there will be "a little snow."

I'm thinking of taking the truck out so I can see how it does in the snow. I haven't really used the four wheel drive in this vehicle yet.

I managed to get my morning walk in between snow falls. I only did a mile today. My eyes get really watery when I am out in this cold weather. I hope it is not a problem when I am skiing. 

I've been meaning to chronicle my neighbors display of Flying Snow Unicorns since they first came out last week. I managed to capture them today.

Rain and Snow

 It's a wet, sloppy day so I limited my walk to one mile.

The good news is the rain here is snow up there.

Lots of rain is forecast for the coming week so maybe I'll be getting my wish.

Friday, December 3, 2021

Walking and Festooning

Susan has the day off from work so we slept in until after 8 and then went on a walk. We chose the mile and a half route but stopped at Kabot's Kitchen for breakfast. 

I have to knock that off because I weighed 223 pounds this morning. It's only a week after Thanksgiving and I'm already a butterball.

I think we are pulling out the rest of the Christmas Festoonians and getting the place decorated. I have pretty much completed the outdoors looks but it needs a few tweaks here and there.

It's much chillier today than it has been all week which is a good sign if it decides to drop some moisture out there. There is no rain forecast for today but there's a chance for some tomorrow. I shall continue to watch the mountain.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Walk Report

 I got in my morning walk today and I did the mile and a half route. I haven't walked that route in over a week because it involves the hill and I just haven't felt up to it. 

Those were days when my blood pressure was low and today it was 140/88. So I took a chance and went up the hill. I rested at Kabot's Kitchen.

Todays winning license plate was from Newfoundland.

This is very sad to me. Mt Spokane set opening day for December 4th. That's not going to happen. They had 12 inches but it all washed away.

Not the year to buy a season pass.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021