Thursday, July 30, 2015

Respiratory Exam

I had my Lung Evaluation this morning.

It took about 20 minutes and it involved me sitting in a little booth and blowing into the mouthpiece attached to a computer. The technician had me do a number of breathing tests. I would breath normally and then should would tell me to take a deep breath, hold it, and exhale quickly.

I have to wait now for a response from my Doctor who will get the results from this Respiratory Doctor. 

Then we may have something to work with and fix my crappy breathing.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Medical Update

I have recovered fine from the sun burn. I'm not even getting a lot of pealing skin, which I was expecting.

I had an appointment with my G.P. last week and all seemed to go well. All my numbers were good with Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Triglycerides and all the other ides and oma's.

I complained about my breathing and Dr. O'Connor decided to send me in for a lung test. My appointment is tomorrow morning at 9. I'll check back here and release the results.

My Gouty Knee is basically under control as well right now. I've been messing around with my bottles of Colcrys and Allopurinol to get the soreness out of my right knee. I'm close to having to refill several prescriptions including Allopurinol and definitely want to be sure I don't run out.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Second Day Degree Burns

Perhaps one more unpleasant night and then I will be fine.

Even Susan got burned. She slathered up her arms and legs but missed her chest and stomach. She is quite tender too.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Lobster Man

I think my issues with my right knee are gout related. I stopped taking my Allopurinol (Gout Medication) and switched over to ColCrys (Another Gout Medication). The ColCrys is more for an active inflammation and the Allopurinol is for keeping inflammations away.

My childhood pal Arnie was in town over the weekend and that required a visit to our mutual childhood friend Rob out at Coeur d'Alene lake.

Rob has a lovely family cabin and the weather was perfect for being at the lake.

We went out Saturday and spent the night and then returned to town about 1:30 on Sunday afternoon. We wanted to take Arnie to Arbor Crest Winery for the Sunday night concert.

But first we spent a couple of hours down on the dock. I was in the water a lot so I didn't bother to slather up with sunscreen. I am paying for it now. My belly is bright red and tender. I think I'm going to die.
Not really...but I'm in for a couple of days of tenderness. This picture does not represent the redness.

I'm a dumbass!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Knee Stuff

I'm having an issue with my right knee.
The right knee looks puffier than my left knee. I don't think the picture really shows the detail I wanted to show.

Anyway, I started feeling the pain on Sunday or Monday. It was very slight and I did not bash it or bang it into anything.

The pain started from slight to fairly intense last night. I walk without a limp but it takes a couple of steps to get to no limp.

Again, I'm not complaining. I'm documenting.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Heart Monitor

I just finished wearing a Heart Monitor for 24 hours. My cardiologist is trying to figure out how often my heart beats irregularly.

I had my semi-annual appointment with my Electro-Cardiologist yesterday. Dr. Byazrova is a tiny little woman from India. That's where I think she's from. I like her. She is very competent and thorough.

I was complaining about my respiratory issues and she decided it would be a good idea to wear the heart monitor and find out the habits of my heart.

I have to take the heart monitor back to the office today so they can analyze the data and decide what to do next.

I don't know if the past 24 hours was very typical for me. It is still raging hot and so I didn't do anything very active last night. It was a great deal of fun trying to sleep with it last night.

So, as I said, what happens next has to do with whatever this monitor recorded over the last day.