Wednesday, June 30, 2010

New Direction

On Monday, I started a new weight loss kind of program that gives me some hope for real success. It's a program I have never tried before. It involves God. I figure that God wants me around for awhile to fulfill whatever it is that has yet to be revealed to me. In the meantime, I had better be in as well conditioned as my frail ass can be.

So every morining, I get up an hour earlier than I have been and devote that hour to God. I read some prayers for half an hour, I read the Bible for half an hour and I exercise for fifteen minutes.

I have been doing some stretching followed by puch ups, sit ups and the torture wheel. The torture wheel is killing me. It is wheel with handles and you extend it in front of you from a kneeling position. I can do three. I might have bruised my tummy muscles.

Anyway, it is keeping exercise and diet in front of my mind. I'm till eating crappy, but a little less crappy. And I chastise myself when I do. This is building to a full blown chastisement where I will develope some self discipline or be smited.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I lost almost 5 pounds since yesterday but I think that was an anomally. I was feeling particularly fat yesterday and ate fruit all day. It seems to have worked and I think I will continue to eat fruit.

I rode my bike to work yesterday so perhaps that contributed to the weight loss.

I shall just continnue with the struggle and try to do better.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Renewed Ferver One More Time Again Afresh

I'm starting off June by trying to concentrate on my diet. I'm back to 220 pounds and feeling really lazy. I'm feeling soooo lazy that I don't feel any urge to get out and exercise, thereby making me feel less lazy and in turn loosing some weight.

That doesn't make sense but I'm leaving it. Anyway, I'm thinking about how much benefit it would be to not be carrying around two ten pound bags of sugar. That analogy sticks with me and seems to be my best motivater...but I'm still at 220.