Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Update on Stan

 It's been a while. What the hell is new with me.

I'm typing with an injured index finger. I was helping out prior to Easter Sunday, cutting potatoes with a mandolin. Not the instrument, but rather the instrument of mutilation. It's a slicer that cuts all matter of fruits and vegetables. As stated, I was cutting potatoes when my finger got too close to the cutting surface and I nicked the tip of my index finger. It bled a lot and now it is tender five days later as it slowly heals.

The ski season appears to be over. Mt Spokane closes this Sunday, April 7th, and I don't think I'm going to make it up again. I only skied five times this season, perhaps my worst ever. However, the winter was also the worst ever. It has been a very low snow year.

I need to make a new video about my voice change. I think I'm back to normal because I stopped using this prescription inhaler called Trelogy. It was literally making my voice change to an old man. Well, older man. So I stopped using it and I think my voice returned to its former greatness. I probably need to notify my doctor. 

We have just finished Lent which means I'm drinking beer again. I have just kegged a batch of home brewed honey ale which I shall be drinking much of, and sharing as well.

Finally, I don't think I have mentioned here that I have another website dedicated to cartoons. It is www.adventuresofretiredguy.com and it features cartoons I draw every day concerning being a retired guy. It's like they say in all the writing seminars, "Write what you know!"