Friday, March 25, 2011

Week Eight

Tomorrow will begin week Eight of when I first felt the slightest little twinge of discomfort that lead to full blown Shingles.

I am happy to say that I finally got in to see Dr O'Connor (or at least his Assistant) and got some medicine that is attacking the damaged nerve. I've been taking Neurotan and more Hydrocodone. I have run out of both drugs and while I still feel a slight tenderness, I no longer feel I need the drugs. I will therefore, not renew them.

Safeway had a sign out front of their Liberty Lake store yesterday that said, "Get your Shingles Shot here!" I went in to inquire. They recommended I not have it for another month and I will be required to get a prescription from my Doctor. The cost of the shot is $210.00. My health insurance will not cover it because I am under 60 years old.

So now I have something to start my list entitled, Good Things about turning 6o."

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I saw my Cardiologist yesterday and all is well with far as my heart goes. I asked him about the Shingles and if I should be getting more anti-viral pills to combat it. He said the virus is gone and what I am dealing with now is the damaged, inflamed nerve. So Suck it Up and Quit the Damn Complainin'!

After I saw the Doctor they took me to another room to check on the status of my Defibrillator. The battery is good for nine more years. They showed me an event I had on August 16th where the Defib detected an increasing heart rate, and paced my heart back to normal. Had I not had the unit, that might have led to a heart stoppage event which would have created a funeral event and a nice party event afterwards. Unfortunately, I would have been unable to attend the party even though it was in my honor.

Before yesterday, I have been questioning whether the Defibrillator was something I really needed or if Dr. Kadel just needed a Jaguar payment. Turns out I needed it.