Monday, April 26, 2010

Super Rememberable Remembory

I pulled some stuff out of the fridge this morning as we have a bunch of leftovers to get through. As I was loading up, I made a mental note to myself to not forget the food when I leave. I have done just that on several occassions and did not want to repeat today.

I did, of course!

The difference this time was I remembered within a few blocks of the house. I turned around and went back for my food.

Yet, it is amazing to me that I can screw up a vivid mental note within seconds.

Bloomsday is this Sunday and so I'm going to start training for my 10K walk. I should be okay. Hell, if I can't walk 7 1/2 miles, I'm in more trouble than I have been pretending.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Since Monday, when I rode my bike to work, I have been trying to repeat the ride but the weather has not cooperated. Rather, my perception of the weather has not cooperated. Let's review!
  • Tuesday I needed to drive but the weather would have been great for riding.
  • Wednesday the forecast said it would rain but it never did. I could have ridden but didn't.
  • Thursday it rained but the end of the day was great. I rode around the neighborhood when I got home.
  • Friday (Today) I should have rode but talked myself out of it and stayed in bed. I brought my bike on the car and intend to ride at lunch.

Anyway, I got a little exercise yesterday with my bike ride and mowing the lawn.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I am making some adjustments to my everyday life to combat my weight. During the week, I am allowing myself no more than one beer per day. Also, I'm riding my bike as much as I can.

I would have liked to ride the bike today but I was not sure what the weather was going to do. I am not well equipped to deal with foul weather. I have no fenders and that would create havoc with my work clothes and my reputation as a snappy dresser.

Monday, April 19, 2010


It was 48 degrees when I stepped out of the house this morning to ride my bike downtown. From there, I caught the bus out to work at Liberty Lake. This is the earliest in the year that I have ridden the bike. I've only been doing it semi-irregularly for two years so that's not much of a statement. An easy record to break.

Anyway, I felt compelled to ride because I feel so out of shape. I'm going to ride as much as I possibly can this summer.

I participated in the Susan G. Komen Cancer run yesterday but only walked the mile course. I saw a lot of people out there in much worse physical shape than me and that gave me the inspiration to do better on my health.

Of course, this will last two days and I'll slip back into my old ways.

Friday, April 16, 2010


I'm pretty disgusted with myself after having gained back the ten pounds I lost during Lent. I have no self control and it makes me want to have self control. I probably will have it through today. Beyond that, can't be sure.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

219.5 two hundred and nineteen pounds, I have officially lost four pounds over the last 46 days. Now that I can drink beer again, expect that upward trend to continue. Or, I could exercise.


Thursday, April 1, 2010


I got home from work yesterday and set out on the bike. I'm going to try to set some goals to make riding the bike more interesting. My first goal is to see how far I can go in 20 minutes. then I'll work to break that record. That will at least get me out there exercising which, as I have mentioned before, is the element missing from my weight loss plan.