Monday, July 31, 2023

Finally…An Update!

 I have been doing a horrible job of keeping this updated. Well, there has been a lot going on and I guess I just haven’t felt like sitting down and writing. That’s a crappy excuse but there it is!

The kitchen remodel project continues. We were expecting counter tops to go in last week but that got delayed due to a lack of counter tops. They thought they came in, but they didn’t.

We are expecting them in this week and then they will reschedule the install. I hope that is not another two weeks out.

This is my health blog so I should be talking about that. I am continuing my tradition of being fat. I weight 229 pounds this morning. I’m not very happy about that.

I have an appointment with my Electro-Physiologist in about two weeks to discuss making a change to my defibrillator.

I’ll have more information on that after August 17th.

July BP