Wednesday, December 31, 2014


With my weight loss program definitely heading in the right direction, I feel I'm definitely heading in the right direction. I'm not just saying that because I feel I'm definitely heading in the right direction. I'm saying that because I AM definitely heading in the right um...well, you know.

I'm set up to see my Cardiologist on Monday. That gives me a few more days to try and lose some weight. Not that I will, but well...see the paragraph above.

So, I need to compile some questions and concerns prior to my appointment.

#1) I have experienced some pain in the area of my defibrillator. It's not heart related pain. It's just discomfort when I move my arms in certain positions. I most recently felt it last week. I'm currently not feeling it.

Related to that, it looked to me the other day that my implant seemed to appear really prominent on my naked shoulder. The lump was quite bulgy the other day.

#B) Of most concern is my shortness of breath. I'm very wheezy in the morning...almost like I can feel my lungs inhaling and exhaling. I know that's not a great description. I guess what I mean is that normally, breathing is effortless and not something you ever think about.

That's it for Twenty Fourteen. See ya in the future!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Since I started the year out so well with a complete month of posts for January and nearly as good in February, March and April, I thought I should at least try to end the year with some postings.

It's been months since I have done any push ups and I am feeling particularly fat right now. My belly looks immense to me and I continue having the problem of being wet. I really need to get my fat ass down to 200 pounds.

We are in the middle of a deep freeze right now. With the wind, the freeze is even deeper. I have discovered that winter is much colder at 57 than it was when I was 13. Global Warming, my Ass!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Doctor's Report

I don't have much more information concerning my health now that I've been to the doctor. He has recommended I come back next month for a complete physical. In the meantime, he has recommended I take the furosemide every other day. I guess my body will adapt to it after a bit and I won't spend all my time in the bathroom.

On the positive side, all my blood work came back with good numbers. That is good and means my drugs are working.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Wet Again

It was difficult to breathe when I got this morning. I took my Furosimide pill and began making trips to the bathroom as soon as I got to work.

I weighed 217 just last week. This morning, I was up to 225. I'm wet again.

Almost immediately after my second pee, I was able to get a full breath again. I need to find out what's going on.

I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday so hopefully, I'll get a little enlightenment into my health, or lack thereof.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Being Wet

In Cardiological terminology, I am wet. It means I am retaining water and it appears to gather around my heart. It makes it more difficult to breath which is something I have come to enjoy doing.

I just took a diuretic called Florosimide, and almost immediately went to the bathroom. I am weighing in today at 227.8. Hopefully, that number will be less by this time tomorrow.

In the meantime, I have stuff to accomplish on this mildly chilly and rainy Sunday. So off I go to do it. The stuff, that is!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Push Ups Hurt!

Weight: 221.8
Push Ups: 20

I'm loosing two tenths of a pound a day. I'll reach my goal in about 20 years. By then I'll be dead though and that does wonders for weight loss.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Back for More

Weight: 222.0
Push Ups: 22

Wow! The weight is flying off me.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Back to the Push Ups

Weight: 222.3 lbs
Push Ups: 20

Because I have become such a Fat Tub of Goo, I decided it was time to return to my morning push up routine and try to make an effort to lose some weight. I'm feeling sluggish and weasy.

I didn't help myself by going to Dairy Queen for lunch and ordering a bacon cheese burger and deep fried cheese curds.

Don't worry, I'll work my way into this. And keeping track of it here will probably benefit me as well. You know, the peer pressure that can come from the readership of a widely distributed blog can be very influencing in correcting my shitty eating behavior. Too bad this blog does not fit that description.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Doctor Day

Weight: 212.4
Push Ups: 20

I made it six months before the habit started to wane on me. I did 20 push ups this morning and I could tell. I can generally make it to 15 before the aching starts. I was struggling pretty good at 13 today.

I have a regularly scheduled Doctor's appointment today at 8:45. I got to sleep in a little. I'll have all the details after the appointment.

After the Appointment: I am writing this well after the appointment. Eighty-Eight days (September 15th) to be exact. So the details are not going to be terribly detailed because I can't really remember any details. I remember my cholesterol and all those numbers were pretty good. Beyond that, oh well!

Monday, June 9, 2014


Weight: Forgot to weigh myself
Push Ups: 25

After a week off, I was determined to get in 25 push ups. I almost gave up at 20 but made it to the goal.
Yea Me!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Effing Knee-Day Two

I slept with a heating pad for most of the night but turned it off at some point. I still couldn't straighten my leg. This is the longest this has ever gone on and it has been very draining.

I grabbed my cane as I got out of bed and felt the twinge of pain as I stood up. I walked down the hall towards the stairs and tested the knee and it straightened. No pain. 

I'm not going to complain! Yesterday was a looooooong day and I don't want to go through that again. But I will, unless I get that bone fragment removed.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

The Effing Knee Thing...AGAIN

I woke myself up at about 5 AM this morning when I extended my left leg and it wouldn't comply. My knee has locked up again. I last chronicled this occurrence this past September 5th. 

All I can do is wait around for the piece of bone in there to move out of the way. It will happen as painlessly, silently and suddenly and it did when it happened at five.

I have a lot to do today and this is not part of the plan. I'm going to get dressed and get to work and do what I can. That's the best way to coax it back to normal.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Bike to Work Day Two

I rode the bicycle again. It was a lovely day and a nice way to get to work. I can read the paper which is something I don't make enough time to do.

It takes about an extra hour to travel to work by bike and bus so I have to plan. I have figured that it cost me about $8 a day to drive to work and $3 a day to ride the bus. So over the past two days, I have saved $10 in gas.

I'll see if that pans out when I gas up the car today.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Bike to Work Day One

Weight: 216.7
Weight at the Cardiologist's yesterday: 229
No Push Ups

I haven't done the push ups in two days but I'm not giving up on them. I rode my bike to work today for the first time this year. I figure it costs me $3.00 to come to work by bike (because of the bus fare) and $8.00 to drive to work.

It was a cool but lovely morning, following a day of unbelievable downpour's of rain. I took a few pictures as I crossed the river this morning.

I hope to have several more of these days in my future.

Sunday, June 1, 2014


Weight: 217.6
PU's: 25

I missed a few days posts and some of those days I did push ups.

Anyway, here we are in the first of June and I'm still doing it. This might be the longest commitment I've ever made, other than my marriage vows.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Weight: 215.9
PU's: 25

I had a pretty easy go at the push ups this morning except for the last five...pretty much like always. I thought my breathing recovered faster than it has in the past. Still, I think it takes me longer than it should to get back to normal breathing.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Back to the Routine

Weight: 217.8
PU's: 25

I was happy to see that I made my 25 push ups without too much trouble after several days vacation.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

No Contact

Weight: 217ish
No Push Ups

I've been doing my push ups all this week since the last time I posted. I just haven't posted. And then I didn't do any push ups today.

I'm five months in and see no benefit other than I have a gauge of how out of shape I am.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

20 at a Time

Weight: 217.4
PU's: 51 - 20, 11, 20

I got a phone call during my second set of push ups so I had to stop.

It seems I can do push ups all day if I limit myself to 20 at a time.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Finally Friday

Weight: 216.4
PU's: 25

I felt a bit stiff and achy in my shoulder joints this morning. I pressed on and worked it out with the push ups.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Giving it up

Weight: 216.4
PU's: 25

I have been thinking about giving up on the push ups. I can't see that they are doing me any good. However, they can't be doing me any harm so I think I'll continue.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Pause that Refreshes

Weight: 217.4
PU's: 25

There was a pause at 20 and then I finished the next 5.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Two Sets?

Weight: 216.6
PU's: 26

I'm thinking I should be going back to two sets of push ups in the morning, but I'm too lazy to really go through with it.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Three Skywalks To Go

Weight: 217.4
PU's: 25

At least it makes sense today that I gained a pound after the fatty bar food we had last night. It was a reward for the sky walk painting we accomplished. But we still have three to go.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Garbage Day

Weight 216.4
No Push Ups

I had a good workout yesterday helping with the neighborhood trash clean up. I was on the Clean Green dumpster and did a lot of ripping and dumping of trash bags and hauling and throwing and just general exertion.

I still feel like my endurance is waaaaay down.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Out of Breath

Weight: 216.0
PU's: 25

I'm gauging my push up progress by how out of breath I am afterwards. I do not seem to be making much improvement.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Thursdee Musings

Weight: 217.somethin'
PU's: 27

I'm amazed how much I hate doing push ups in the morning, but do them anyway.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Definitely WET

Weight: 217.0
Push Ups: 27

I am comfortable in saying that I was wet. It's interesting how it can be alleviated so quickly. It did not seem like I spent a good deal of the time going to the bathroom yesterday. But then again, I went five times by 10:00.

I'm still very much out of breath when I finish my push ups though.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Wet Stan

Weight: 219.9
No Push Ups

It occurred to me this morning that the reason I may be feeling soooo sluggish is that I am wet. "Wet" is the cardiac reference to retaining water, especially around the heart sack. In the past when I have been wet, I am short of breath and sluggish. It also may be accompanied by a weight gain.

So I have all the symptoms of being wet. While I am not a doctor, I play one with my own body so I took an Florosimide tablet this morning, which makes me pee a lot. I also have a bottle of potassium pills. It seems the body flushes potassium along with wetness.

So far this morning, I have been to the latrine five times. It appears to be working. No word yet on my sluggishness.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Weazy Monday

Weight: 222.2
PU's : 20

I'm feeling every bit of the 222.2 poundages. I feel sluggish and weazy. Taking the weekend off from push ups looks to have been an mistake.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Bloom Wars Day

Today is Star Wars Day and Bloomsday! The one that matters at this house is Bloomsday. And it only really matters to Susan since she is the one who ran it. She came in at just over an hour and a half, which is eight minutes better than her time last year. 

My time was the same as last year as I got to the Onion Bar & Grill at 10:45 to reserve the table. Susan and Mark showed up about noon.

We had our traditional fries, onion rings and French Onion Soup. It's a very oniony day.

We returned home to the hot tub and an impromptu emergency Bloody Mary. We had to create it out of incredients we had including Tomato Sauce and Worcestershire Sauce. Now we a lazing about.

May the Fourth Be With You!

Friday, May 2, 2014

New Ailment

Weight: 217.0
Push Ups: 25

I have a new health issue to discuss.

For no reason I can think of, I had a pain in my right hip yesterday. It hurts most in the area of my groin, where my leg attaches to my hip.

I felt it most when getting out of the car, and swinging my body out while my right leg stay planted on the floorboard.

It effected my walking slightly. It's still there as I write this morning but not as bad as yesterday.

So I write about starting a walking program yesterday and my body does this to me. I can't figure me out!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Time to Walk

Weight: 217.3
PU's: 25

Now that the diet is over and I'm drinking beer again, this seems to be the area of the weight number my body is comfortable with. I need to start walking. Maybe that will help. It certainly wouldn't hurt.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Month Review

Weight: 218.7
PU's: 25

I started the month at 217 and that seems to be where I'm finishing the month.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Monday, April 28, 2014

Heading Back to the 220's

Weight: 221.4
PU's: 22

Took the weekend off from Push Ups and paid the price this morning. Ran out of breath at 20.

I hate our scale!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Two Days @ 213

Weight: 213.6
PU's: 26

I got the same weight two days in a row so I'm going with it. The diet is officially over but I'm going to try like hell to keep losing...or at least, maintain.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Possible False Weight

Weight: 213.4
PU's: 25

I'm taking that weight even though it took three tries to get it. Our scale is a piece of shit. 

I almost pooped out at 22 push ups, but I fought through it.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

No Goal Today

Weight: 216.4
PU's: 27

Some mornings, you just know you're not going to make your goal.

I knew it this morning when I hit number 18. Too much stress in the muscles. I struggled to 26 and knew 27 was going to be tough.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

30 for Toosdee

Weight: 216.something
PU's: 30

I made it through thirty but it was a bitch.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Day Off

No weight or push ups today. I have some guys coming to the house to do an energy assessment...find out how drafty the house really is.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter

Weight: 216
PU's: 27

I might get to drink a beer today. I'm very excited.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Weekend Stragedy

Weight: None
PU's: 20

Susan and I both think that our scale is a pile of crap. Only managed twenty push ups but it's a weekend and I'm going to be moving around a LOT! At least, that's my strategy.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Stupid Scale

Did not weigh in
PU's 27

I really tried for 28 but couldn't make it.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

New Push Up Strategy

Weight: 218.4
PU's: 25

I'm reverting to just one set of push ups and I'm going to try to add more to the 25. So far, it has proved difficult. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Weight: 214.0
PU's: 25

I felt good about my weight and bad about my first set of push ups. It was tough to get through 24 and 25.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Weekend Vacation

Weight: 217.6
PU's: 50 - 25, 25

I took the weekend off of pushing up or even weighing myself. I got through the push ups okay this morning but I'm not happy with the weight. 

Friday, April 11, 2014

Pick A Number

Weight: 214.1
PU's: 40 - 20, 20

My shoulders and arms are sore but I did my push ups anyway. Only got through 20 per set. 

I was happy with my weight the first time I got on the scale but I didn't trust it. So I reluctantly got back on and the number went up slightly. I did it again and got a third number. I settled in the middle.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Up Two

Weight: 216.4
PU's: 30

My weight gain is my own damn fault. I ate some fried chicken yesterday.

I got up late today so I didn't have time to do all my push ups. So I psyched myself up to do 30 in one set. I felt pretty good going into 26 and 27  but 28 and 29 were bitches and 30 was almost impossible...but I got it done. I am awesome!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Down Nine

Weight: 214.6
Pu's: 72 - 26, 26, 20

I got up early to do some computer work and I did three sets of push ups. Feeling pretty good AND, I'm down almost 10 pounds.


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Pushing the Push Ups

Weight: 216.4
PU's: 52 - 26, 26

I didn't do any stomach crunches because the push ups did me in this morning. I want to get past 25 push ups in a set and I guess it will just take time. One push up at a time.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Ninety-Five Percent Lazy

Weight: 218.0
PU's 50 - 25, 25
No Stomach Crunches

I did not forget to post over the weekend. I did some push ups on Saturday but did them in the Super Slow format. The idea is to do your exercise really slow and continue until your muscles can't do it anymore. I did four push ups.

And I gave myself a day of rest on Sunday, although I did walk 1.8 miles.

The lazy part of me, which makes up about 95% of me, is wondering whether this exercise thing is doing me any good. I'm not really seeing any results. I can do 25 a a time but I can't seem to break that barrier. I'm not noticing firmer muscles or even shorter recovery times after I finish. But that 5% of me is hanging in there and making me do it.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Little Train

Weight: 215.9
PU's: 45 - 20, 25
Stomach Crunch: 10

I would really like to get past 25 push ups. I think I can! I think I can! I think I can!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Up Point Six

Weight: 216.0
PU's: 50 - 25, 15, 10
Stomach Crunch: 10 - 5, 5

If I do the Stomach Crunches first and then the push ups, I get through them better.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Down Eight

Weight: 215.9
PU's: 50 - 25, 25
No Crunch

I'm not quite there but close enough to call eight points off the scale.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Super Buff Overnight

Weight: 175
PU's: 200 - All at one time
Stomach Crunch: 75

I am incredibly buff and no longer need to work out.


Boy, I got ya good on that one.

The reality is I did 10 Stomach Crunches, followed by 20 Push Ups in my first set and 25 in the second. I weighed in at 217.1.

Stomach Crunches are what I used to call the Rollie Wheel. I renamed them because a Stomach Crunch is more what it feels like and it's much more manly than Rollie Wheel.

1:41PM: I took a good quick short walk today. The weather is beautiful. Next time I go, I'll record time and distance.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Not Losing!!!

Weight: 219.7
PU's: 50 - 25, 25

Barely made it to 25 on both sets. I really had to push for the last couple. No strength left to do the stomach crunches.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Day Off

Weight: 218.something

I took the day off from Push Ups and Stomach Crunches. My shoulder is a little sore and I thought I would give the body a break. Of course, I've been giving my body a break for about 57 years now and look where it's gotten me.

A Day Off!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Abs Pain

Weight: 216.7
PU's: 45 - 25, 20
Rollie Wheel: 5

The wheel does not run me out of breath like the push ups do but it sure hurts my abs. Must be working!

Friday, March 28, 2014

The Benefits of the Gift of Life

Weight: 216.7
PU's: 46 - 20, 26
Rollie Wheel: Se7en

I donated blood yesterday which is why I'm down a pound.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Bringing Back an Old Friend

Weight: 217.3
Push Ups: 20

I had a wild hair this morning and decided to give my stomach stretch wheel a try. You might recall when I started this that I was using the wheel as well as doing push ups. The wheel turned out to be too painful so I stopped using it.

I did five stretches this morning and it didn't hurt at all, other than the pain you might expect from not doing the exercise.

Anyway, I'm going to reinstate the wheel. We'll see how it goes.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Up A Touch

Weight: 218.9
PU's: 25

I forgot to do my second set. No excuse...just a shitty memory

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Dropped A Little

Weight: 217.3
PU's: 50 - 25, 25

Just another day!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Catch Up

Weight: 219
PU's: 52 - 27, 25

I skipped push ups on Friday because I slept too late. I weighed 218.8.

I managed to accomplish 20 push ups on Saturday and my weight maintained at 218.

I skied on Sunday and so felt no compunction to push up. Instead, I wiggled from side to side on a sunny ski slope.

I can drink alcohol again. My two weeks are over. I drank wine last night while watching the Gonzaga Bulldogs give away a berth to the Sweet 16 to Arizona. Gonzaga was kind enough to constantly hand the ball to Arizona and they reciprocated by making baskets.

It was ugly and the end of the season for G.U.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Down Six-Tenths

Weight: 217.1
PU's 51 - 26, 25

On my first set I almost gave up at 22, but pushed on and went one over.

As I write this, I haven't done my second set. Now I have to go in there and do 25.

My cold is hanging on. The sniffles hang on but not as bad. The cough is what is going to kill me. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Toe Maintenance Day

Weight: 217.7
PU's: 45 - 25, 20

I pussied out on my last five push ups on the second set. I probably could have done a couple more but gave up. It's all mind set.

I did a little toe maintenance this morning that was overdue. A few toenails where getting caught on my socks. Toe maintenance doesn't get done as often as it should because it's hard to stretch my old bones into that position. Solution: more toe maintenance.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Down 5ive

Weight: 218.3
PU's: 50 - 25, 25

I'm still sick. But good enough to go to work. The good thing is that being sick took my appetite so I'm really losing now.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Sick Day

Weight: 222.3
PU's: 45 - 20, 25

I have a cold. I'm feeling like crap. I'm going to work but I'm coming home as soon as I can.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Day Off from PU's

Weight: 221.8
PU's: Zero

I had a glass of wine last night and I thought that would really screw me up. But not so much, I guess.

Saturday, March 15, 2014


Weight: 222.somethin'
PU's: 50 - 25, 25

The weight is slowly peeling away. But very slowly.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Down Two

Weight: 221.8
PU's: 52 - 26, 26

I'm five days into this diet and I'm down 2 pounds. yippee!

It seems it was much more enjoyable putting the pounds on than taking them off.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Lazy Morn

Weight: 222.8
PU's: 25

Forgot second set. Me Lazy!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Weight: 223.1
PU's: 51 - 26, 25

I weighed myself three times this morning and got three different weights. I'm picking the one in the middle, the first one as it turns out.

I am maintaining the diet although I had quite a headache yesterday which I believe was due to no coffee. I can have coffee on this diet, but no sugar, so what's the point.

I think it is good to break through the no coffee headache and not be addicted to it. Frankly, I would not have believed I was.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

One Up

Weight: 224.7
PU's" 51 - 25, 26

Okay, this diet is clearly not working. I have gained over a pound. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Baseline Weight

Weight: 223.6
Push Ups: 53 - 26, 27

I took the weekend off from PU's because we went skiing and it interrupted my routine.

Today is the first day of the rest of my diet. I am using the South Beach Diet approach, which means no alcohol for the next two weeks, no carbs, no's going to be tough. But I want to get to 200 pounds, or as close as I can in 40 days.

I have 23 pounds to go.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

PU Analysis

Weight: 226
P.U.'s: 50 - 25, 25

The first and the last push ups are the hardest. Two through 17 are a breeze. Eighteen and nineteen are where it starts to hurt. Twenty to twenty-three are painful and everything leads up to 24 and 25 which I can barely eek out. I rarely have enough left to go for one more.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Weight Goal

Weight: 227
Push Ups: 50 - 25, 25

I seem to be ballooning up in order to have a really successful period of weight loss. My goal is to get as close to 200 pounds as I can in 40 days

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Mardi Gras

Weight: 226
Push Ups: 25

I forgot to do my second set. I must be whelmed with the arrival of Mardi Gras. That means tomorrow is the start of Lint. We usually do our cleansing South Beach diet during Lint. At 226, I need the diet. 

However, I'm not starting until next Monday, the 10th in order to indulge myself on my birthday weekend.

Monday, March 3, 2014


Weight: 226
Push Ups: 50 - 25, 25

Ho Hum Monday! Nuthin' to report.

Sunday, March 2, 2014


Weight: 226
Push Ups: 75 - 25, 25, 25

This is becoming a habit that is hard to break. I was going to give myself the morning off. But when I got up to let the cats out, I did 25. Then it was back to bed for half an hour. 

Well, then I was committed. I did another 25 after I got up.

I haven't done the last 25 yet. I'm about to do them and if I don't, I will write it here. 

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Saturday Sleep In Day

Weight: 225
P.U.'s : 25, 25,

As of this writing, I have only done 25 push ups. I need to go in and do more. But perhaps, I'll do even more!

5:42PM: ...or perhaps I won't!

Friday, February 28, 2014

Name Change

Weight: 225
P.U.'s: 53 - 28, 25

An observant person might notice that I have changed Push Ups to P.U.'s. It's easier to type and more reflective of how I feel about them.

Thursday, February 27, 2014


Weight: 223
Push Ups: 55 - 27, 28

A key to getting through the push ups is breathing. If I push a lot of air, it really helps get me through it. That and the "Threat of Posting".

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Threat of Posting

Weight: 223
Push Ups: 40 - 20, 20

I almost didn't do the second set but the knowledge that I had to post the results here made me do it. I guess this process works.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Back to the Routine

Weight: 223
Push Ups: 50 - 25, 25

Today was a ski day and so I felt it important to start with a complete set of push ups.

I skied with Mark at Lookout Pass. We skied nine runs and were pretty wiped out by lunch time.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Pussy Sunday

Thirteen push ups! I could have done more, but I'm a PUSSY!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Saturday Sets

Weight: ?
Push Ups: 50 - 25, 25

I got up at 7 to shoot the cat and did 25 push ups. I went back to bed until 9 and did another 25 before getting in the shower.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday Ups

Weight: 224
Push Ups: 25

I did my first set and then forgot after I got out of the shower.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

8 Hour Attack

I didn't weigh myself or do push ups today. It's not a trend I intend to maintain. I just decided to go easy on myself today.

I woke up feeling fine yesterday. When I got to work, I noticed a slight soreness in my throat. By ten, I could barely talk and my throat was quite sore. 

By the end of the work day, I suddenly realized it was better. 

When I got into bed last night, it was all but gone. 

I didn't know sore throat attacks could be so mercurial. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Heart Meds

Weight: 224
Push Ups: 46 - 25, 21

I've been off my heart medications for about five or six months. It's time to get back on. My blood pressure is under control pretty well but my cholesterol is up a little. I was hoping self regulation would show I don't need the meds, but that would require self regulation and some self discipline, which I do not appear to possess.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Dr Today

Weight: 224
Push Ups: 45 - 20, 25

I'm off to the Doctor today. Just a regular check in but I have issues. My breathing is horrible. I feel very weazy. 

Also, my left hand gets an electric kind of tingle when held in certain positions. My fix for this is to not hold my hand in those positions but it is growing. I notice it when I ski and plant a ski pole.

It will also be interesting to get my stats on cholesterol and blood pressure and stuff.

Okay, I've got the stats. Here they are!

Total Cholesterol: 177 - It should be below 200
HDL: 47 - It should be above 45
Triglycerides: 100 - It should be below 150
LDL: 110 - It should be below 100 and for me, it should probably be below 75.

Monday, February 17, 2014


Weight: 225
Push Ups: 43 - 21, 22

I on 5 days without washing my hair. I have showered everyday and cleaned myself but no shampoo in the hair. Based on the fact that daily bathing is a relatively recent phenomenon, I decided to forego shampooing and allow my natural juices to take over. 

My hair feels pretty gross right now and it was tough to not shampoo today. I'll give this two weeks and then re-access. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Super Slow

Weight: 224
Push Ups : 4

I tried something different today and did very slow push ups. It's a concept called super slow exercising. The object is to do your regular exercises, but slow it way down. I went up to a count of ten and down to a count of ten. You are supposed to do it until you can't. As shown above, I did four.

It's supposed to work the muscles differently and crate strength faster. The lat one was a killer.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Wider Load

Weight: 224
Push Ups: 55 - 15, 20, 20

I really wimped out on my first set but I got mad at myself and came back semi-strong. 

The result of new batteries in the Digital Weighing Machine is that I am fatter! We went out for a Valentine's dinner last night and I think it added to my carriage.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Pussied Out at 21

Weight: 215, 220 or 172
Push Ups: 41 - 21, 20

I think the Digital Weighing Machine needs new batteries.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Weight: 222
Push Ups: 25

I totally forgot to do my other set of push ups. What a moron!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

I Have To

Weight: 219
Push Ups: 50 - 25, 25

I can make it to 20 pretty easily now. The last couple, especially in the second set are tough. I get through them because I have to.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Forty-Two Days to Goal

Weight: ?
Push Ups: 50 - 25, 25

I finally reached a goal and it took 42 days. I don't know if it's good or bad. I feel like it's good to set a goal and reach it, whether it takes 42 days or 43 days. In any event, I am doing 50 push ups a day. The next goal is to do the 50 in one set.

I found that I really have to psych myself up prior to doing the push ups. I tell myself we're going for 25, and that seems to make a difference.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Not Wet

Weight: 219
Push Ups: 41 - 20, 21

Yup! I'm wet. Or I was wet. That means I'm retaining water, especially around my heart and it makes me feel crappy.

I know this because I took furosemide (Diuretic pill) yesterday and lost four pounds over night.

I'm taking the pill for one more day and then I think I'll be back to normal.

Sunday, February 9, 2014


Weight: 223
Push Ups: 20

Didn't try very hard today. I'm congested and I may be wet. Time to loose some excess fluid.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Ski Day...Really

Weight: 222
Push Ups: 25

Because I planned to ski and knew that would be some good exercise, I psyched myself up to do 25 in one set. And I made it. 

A good day of skiing except for the part where we were trapped on the chair lift for about 50 minutes.

Check out on February 9th for the details.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Ski Day...Almost

Weight: 222
Push Ups: 42 - 22, 20

Mark and I took the day off and planned to ski. However, we are wimps and decided that 4 degrees is not warm enough to  ski. We decided to wait and day and check it out.

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Weight: 223
Push Ups: 45 - 20, 25

Barely got to 20 in the first set and then pushed on to 25 in the second. 

I struggled to get out of bed this morning because I had push ups to do.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Current Temperature: 3

Weight: 223
Push Ups: 20

My shoulders are feeling a little sore so I'm taking it easy today.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

I Got the Exercise in Me

Weight: 222
Push Ups: 72 - 20, 15, 20, 17

I was for some reason, extra motivated today. I'm not going to question it. But I won't be surprised when it doesn't come back.

Anyway, I did my first set of 20 and then laid on the floor to get my breath. I then did the next set and got to 15. Then, off to the showers.

I completed the next set of 20 and was lying on the floor to recover my breath when I got it in my head to do another set. I was going for 20...I was going for whatever I could do...and made it to 17.

My recovery time is getting shorter which is another sign that I'm making small, invisible improvements.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Day After the Gigantic Conflict

Weight: Didn't check
Push Ups: 42 - 20, 22

I wish I would have remembered to weigh myself today. I'm sure I gained after the food and beer consumed yesterday during the Super Bo...(Oh, I can't say that. It's copyrighted) ...during the Big Game. (I don't care for that) ...the Large Encounter ...the Humongous Contest ...the Enormous Sports Competition ...oh, screw it. The Super Bowl!

Still feeling the slight soreness in my shoulders. And I still can't seem to push on much past 20.

I will say that perhaps I am noticing a slight difference in my biceps. Perhaps they are firming up.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Didn't Feel Like It

Weight: 222
Push Ups: 20

I could have done more push ups today but I just didn't feel like it.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Ski Day Saturday

Weight: 221
Push Ups: 65 - 25, 20, 20

As of this writing I have not completed the last set of push ups. But I will...or I will fix the number up top.

Today is a ski day. Weeeeeeee! I'll bring back some pictures and pot them here.

As of this writing I have completed the last set and the number above is correct. Okay, off to the mountain.

Friday, January 31, 2014


Weight: 221
Push Ups: 41 - 21, 20

Recovery seems to be improving. I'm still surprised by how fast I run out of steam.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thirty Days

Weight: 221
Push Ups: 48 - 23, 25

I've been doing this 30 days now and I am seeing progress. It's not as great a progress as I would have thought but there is progress.

Today I flew through the first 15 and then I ran out of gas really fast. However, I made it to 25 today and so that is the new goal per set.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snow Day

Weight: 221
Push Ups: 21

I only did one set of push ups today as I had to get outside and shovel snow.

We got about three inches overnight and I get the feeling that most of it fell within the last few hours. It is still snowing, even as I write and so I did not fire up the snow blower.

But I did break out the shovel. And so I got a little extra exercise that way.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Dizzy Push Ups

Weight: ?
Push Ups: 38 - 17, 21

I learned this morning that I should not do my push ups in the dark. It's just dark enough to disorient me and I get dizzy and then can only do 17 push ups in a set.

I really hate getting up in the morning with the prospect of push ups in front of me. I'm really glad and pleased with myself when I complete them.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday Header Goes Here

Weight: 22-something - Didn't weigh
Push Ups: 41 - 21, 20

Did two sets with shower in between.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Day of Rest

I fully intended to take a day off from exercises but as I was getting ready for church this morning, I suddenly decided to drop and give me 20. 

Actually, my goal was 22 but I made it to a solid 23. 

Yea, Me!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Arguments of Non-Consequence

Weight: 224
Push Ups: 61 - 21, 20, 20

I think this is the first time I've made it to a total of 60 push ups. I am pleased.

One could argue that the amount of time between push up sets this morning disqualifies the total amount. But one would be an Ass.

I did my first set struggled downstairs under halting breathing and made coffee and read the paper. Then I came upstairs and did the second set, took a shower and did the third.

I'm looking forward to getting to 25 in a set. That's my next goal.

Friday, January 24, 2014

A Little Twinge

Weight: Did not weigh in
Push Ups: 41 - 21, 20

I like my new method of doing one set of push ups, taking my shower and then doing another set. It takes a couple of minutes to recover my breathing so it's nice to have that break.

My Dentist has me using Act mouth wash which has some fluoride solution in it to help prevent decay and strengthen my teeth. My problem is I can't remember to use it in the morning. I'm going to have to take the bottle into the shower with me. That's when I brush...once I get my breath back.

I noticed early last week a little twinge of pain in my right shoulder. It was intermittent and didn't interfere with push ups. The first time I felt it I was adjusting my pillow in bed.

I felt it a little today after doing my second set of push ups. I hope it doesn't become a problem.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Exercise Always - Always Exercise

Weight: 223
Push Ups: 41 - 21, 20

I just did push ups today and in a different way. I'm so winded after the first set that I don't feel like waiting around to get my breath back. So I took my shower and did another set after my bathing.

It's quite difficult to make it to 20. That last push up is a struggle.  

Anyway, I'm wondering if I could do sets of 20 throughout the day. If I could I think that would help improve my endurance.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Abs of Flab

Weight: 224
Push Ups: 32 - 20, 12

I did several leg lifts and held them for 20 seconds. It's really hard to count seconds when your breathing is syncopated to micro seconds.

I was really hoping for more out of the push ups today, but no such luck.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Frosty Morning

Weight: 224
Push Ups: 32 - 20, 12
Leg Lifts: Several

I tried leg lifts this morning and felt the burn but not the pain. I'll keep going with those. I kind of pussied out on the push ups. I know I had more in me.

Monday, January 20, 2014


Weight: Forgot
Push Ups: 40 - 20, 20
Roll Outs: See below

I think I'm done with the roll outs. They really hurt. I'm going to try leg lifts and start light.

We'll see how that goes.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Finally Missed One

Weight: 222
Push Ups: 20
Roll Outs: Ha!

Well, I finally missed a day. Not bad though. I made it for 17 consecutive days. That's more than double the posts I did all last year.

I got up and did 20 straight push ups. That will have to do for today.

Friday, January 17, 2014

A Bad Day

Weight: 220
Push Ups: 34 - 16, 12, 8
Roll Outs: F'gitaboutit!

I new before I was half way down that the roll outs were not going to happen. I have to let my abs rest or start out with a milder exercise. That was brutal!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Painful Abs

Weight: 221
Push Ups: 38 - 20, 10, 8
Roll Outs: 5

The roll outs were really tough this morning. Painful. I don't want to force them and end up rupturing an abdomen or something.

It sure takes a while to recover my breath.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Getting my Mind

Weight: Forgot to weigh in
Push Ups: 45   17, 18, 10
Roll Outs: 0

I put all my energy into push ups this morning and decided to bag the roll outs. Pleased to see I'm getting towards 50 push ups...even though they are not consecutive.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Weight: 221
Push Ups: 10, 10, 10
Roll Outs: 5, 5, 5

Brutal this morning. Susan thought I was throwing up. The roll outs are killers on my stomach and the push ups take my breath away.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Return to the Grind

Weight: 222
Push Ups: 30 - 3 sets of 10
Roll Outs: 10

The first roll out was a bit painful. It felt like I pulled something in my abs. But the rest were a stressful sort of exercisy way.

I always dread the prospect of doing these exercises when I get up but I'm so damn pleased with myself afterward that I cannot see myself stopping this ritual short of some sort of injury.

I don't know if the day off helped or hurt.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Day Off

We planned to go skiing today but the weather was not favorable so we slept in and cuddled. Consequently, I decided to give myself a morning off of calisthenics.

We shall see if a day off is conducive to progress.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Roll Out Progress

Weight: 222
Push Ups: 30 3 Sets of 10
Roll Outs: 10

I weighed myself twice this morning and came up with the same number, I feel confident that I am fat.

I'm finally starting to see progress with the rollouts. For a while there I thought I was not going to be able to do them. I really want to gt the number up to a respectful number because I know they will do wonder for strengthening my abs. I feel the burn in my abs and a little stress in my spine, which I also hope will get stronger before I pop something.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Trusted Scale

Weight: 223
Push Ups: 30 - 3 Sets of 10
Roll Outs: 7

I'm not sure that I should trust my scale. I weighed myself three times this morning and got three different readings. 223, 224, & 222. I went with 223 because I feel a pound lighter than yesterday.

I do not get winded from the Roll Outs like I do from the Push Ups. I'm trying to give myself a minute or two between sets. I think I'll stick with 3 sets of 10 for the next week and then try adding extras on my third set.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Holding at 224

Weight: 224
Push Ups: 30  -  3 Sets of 10
Roll Outs: 5

I knew as I approached my tenth push up that I wasn't going to go very far beyond. So I stopped at 10 and rested and did another set. Then I decided to do another set and barely pushed out number 10.

Even so, I'm pretty pleased that I'm up to 30 push ups, even though they are in sets. I could not have done that nine days ago. Although the weight isn't anything to brag about, I'm happy with the exercises.

I did the roll outs before the push ups and the pain I've been feeling in my abs was least until I did roll out number four.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Snow Day

I woke up early today because I knew I had to get out and do some snow blowing. I didn't weigh myself but I did do 17 push ups. I should have tried for 18 but I don't think I could have done more. It seems like some mornings I have more grit.

I figured my exercise this morning would be the neighborhood snow blow.
All went well and I was happy to get out for my first blow job of the year...nay, the season.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Wrong Direction

Weight: 224 pounds - Up 2 pounds
Push Ups: 19 1/2
Roll Outs: 4

The roll outs continue to be painful but I'm making progress. At the very least, I am completing a few.

I almost made it to 20 push ups but could not quite make the last two inches.

I am pretty winded after the push ups and it takes a while to get it back. I'll be keeping an eye on that.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Progressive Progressions

Weight: 222 pounds
Push ups: 17
Roll outs: 2

I think I'm making progress even though the numbers above would not confirm that. I got through the push ups without pause and the two roll outs didn't hurt near as bad as yesterday.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Slip on the Ice

Weight: 221 Down 2 pounds
Push Ups: 17
Roll Outs: 2

The roll outs were very painful. Barely made the two. I really had to work hard to make that last push up. At least I'm making some improvement there.

I had my first official slip on the ice for the season. Actually, I think it's the first slip on the ice in a loooong while. I was walking to the Hub yesterday and thinking about what a nice crisp day it was. I wasn't watching the sidewalk so when I stepped on the small sheet of ice, my legs went right out from under me. I managed to make it somewhat graceful and didn't hurt myself, but I went down.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Happy Birthday to Dad

Weight: 223 pounds, Up 1
Push ups: 17
Wheelie: 0
Sit ups: 0

I had to take a break after 10 push ups so I really tried to go for another 10 but couldn't.

I could not do even one roll out on the wheel. My stomach muscles wouldn't allow it. I tried to do some sit ups and had the same results. I must have strained myself yesterday cuz it sure hurts. 

Friday, January 3, 2014

The First Day of Exercise

Weight: 222 pounds  Down 2 pounds
Push ups: 15
Rollie Wheel: 5

So, I got up this morning and was kind of excited to start this. I really tried hard to start with the bar on high. I only managed to get it just off the floor.

I think the push ups will improve quickly but the rollie wheel is going to be a bitch. My goal for push ups is to do 100 per day. If I can get the rollie wheel to 25, I think I'll be happy.

The rollie wheel is essentially a version of sit ups. I kneel on the ground with my hands on the handles the extend from either side of this wheel. The exercise involves me pushing the wheel out in front of me until my stomach almost touches the floor. It really works the abs, which have not had much work recently.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Goal: a Post a Day

Since I am posting again on the second day of the year, I am clearly well on my way to posting every day of the year.

However that would require to have something interesting to post.

Well, I think I have figured out something interesting to least interesting to me...and isn't that what we are concerned with here?!

In keeping with the thoughts and intensions of my Love Letter, I want to get into better shape. I have no definite goal other than any shape is better than the shape I'm in now.

So, I shall post every day the status of my weight, and the results of my morning workout. The morning workout shall simply consist of push ups and my rollie wheel.

Since I am starting from scratch, it shant be very impressive at the start. But it will be a guide to watch (what I hope will be) improvement. And the fact that I am dedicated to posting the results every day will be the thing that makes me actually do the exercise.

So, here we go!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A Love Letter to Myself

Dear Stan,

Let's start off the year with a decision to try and do better!

You are 56. You presently tip the scales at 224. You have a horrible diet. You're out of shape because you never exercise and consequently, your stamina sucks. And you're not terribly attractive. You are another heart attack waiting to happen!

On the positive side, you are 56. You are not yet so portly or out of shape that you couldn't start working out and get yourself to 200 pounds. But even at 200, you would still be unattractive.

Anyway, what do you say we try to make a better Stan in 2014. I guess we need a slogan.

"Less Stan to be seen in Twenty-Fourteen"

Well, we'll work on that.