Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Mr Commitment

I can't seem to get below 216. I'm just not trying hard enough. I'm making a commitment to watch what I eat and walk EVERY DAY!  EVERY DAY!

It's supposed to rain today so I brought a hat because I am going to walk.

Also, I'll lose a little extra today because I plan on donating blood this afternoon.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Back to Walkin'

Todays' weight was 215.something.

I finally got out on a walk. Torrential rain and being a puss combined to keep me off the walking for the last several days.

I did the mile and a half, Liberty Lake course today and here are my stats.

First Leg:      07:08.7
Second Leg: 06.56.5
Third Leg:    08:43.9
Fourth Leg:  02:16.5
Total Time:  28:45.5

I'm just four seconds slower than when I walked it on March 18th, which is expected after a few days layoff.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Mo' Scale Wars

I have stated many times here that we do not trust the bathroom scale. So when I climbed on this morning and it said 214, I didn't get too excited. But when I got on a second time and got 214.5, that was enough for me to accept.

I finally get to meet with my Cardiologist this Friday and I would like to shed as much weight as possible.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Scale Wars

My continuing fight with the scale is continuing to continue on a continuing basis.

I weighed myself three times this morning and finally settled on 214.6 poundages.

Since I was feeling particularly wheezy yesterday I decided I had better get on my diuretic. I took it again today and as of right now...approaching ten o'clock...I have been to the bathroom four times. I'll bet I've lost another pound by now.

I received a hand written note from the Butt Doctor yesterday. It was very short and it said, "No candle in porthole."

That didn't make a lot of sense to Susan or I. We didn't think the Butt Doctor even knew if we had a porthole and he really had no business checking out our candles, so we continued to try to decipher.

Using the concept of context, we decided the Doctor wrote, "No cancer in polyp." But we're still not really sure.

Later that Day: I walked when I got home and did the mile in 17:16.8.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Walk Talk 2015-03-18

Welcome to Walk Talk, a brief synopsis of todays' walk.

I walked my Half Mile Liberty Lake course today. Because I love data, I recorded my times at each corner of the route.

Mt times are as follows:
Corner 1: 06:39.5
Corner 2: 07:06.6
Corner 3: 08:53.1
Corner 4: 02:17.8

Total Walk Time: 28:41.0

There is a very slight grade from Corner 1 to Corner 2 and I felt every inch of it. I was pretty winded when I returned to the office. I was one minute and se7en seconds slower than my initial pace setting walk.

I am not surprised. I feel like I've had a slight setback since avoiding the water after the Colonoscopy.

Post St Patrick's Report

No walk yesterday so it is imperative I get out there today. I'm feeling kind of wheezy today. Woke up feeling it was difficult to breathe.

I managed to remember to take my diuretic pills this morning and am visiting the bathroom regularly. Hopefully, my ability to take a deep breath will return by lunch.

My weight was 116.0 this morning.

Despite the Heading, there's nothing here about St. Pat's Day.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Trying to Remember Not to Forget

I forgot to weigh myself again this morning but I'm beginning to think I'm forgetting on purpose.

In any event, I resumed the Hydro Water today and put in ten drops. I think I'm actually feeling the effects of being off it for three days. I've been pretty wheezy all day.

I just returned from my walk and I did the mile in 18:04.8. I believe that is a new record. I was very winded when I got back to the house but it felt great. My goal now is to get to a 16 minute mile.

Lofty goals for the 58 year old. 58 going on 88!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Nuthin' to Report

I forgot to weigh myself this morning which is probably good because I'm sure the number went up. We went to a wedding reception last night and ate quite a meal. Lots of ham, beef, a variety of salads and of course, wedding cake.

I have not been drinking the HydroWater since Friday. Susan and I decided it was probably not smart to have it fresh in my system for the Colonoscopy, and since they found and removed a polyp, I would have an open wound in there that the hydrogen peroxide might mess with. 

I will resume taking it tomorrow. And I'll probably start with 10 drops. I was up to 15 drops on Thursday. I'll tell you this. At 15 drops, you can really taste the hydrogen peroxide.

It's another wet and rainy day, perhaps wetter than yesterday. So I don't think I'll make it out for a walk. Although, I may stroll over to the Hub Tavern later on.

In any event, I'm still kickin'!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Day After the Scope

As expected, my weight went up; 213.something. I'm okay with that. Life without food is much worse than being a fat old sloppy pig.

Beside, I went on a nice walk and did it in 17:59.7. The surprising thing is that I think I did it slightly faster yesterday.

All I have to say for today is that even though it is a wet rainy day, it is good to be alive!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Colon Success

I have returned from my Colonoscopy where Dr. Fitterer found one polyp. It is being sent to the lab for a biopsy.

The procedure was a breeze. The night before is torture. I had to drink a gallon of this powdered juice that turns your poo into a waterfall that can explode at any time with no warning. 

The deal was to drink 8 ounces every 15 minutes until the juice is gone. That took from 5:30 to 9:00. It tastes just this side of horrible and I wanted with all my heart to toss it down the drain before it was finished. But I also wanted to honestly prepare for the procedure as I was directed to. I went to bed a little before 11:00 after my last session on the toilet.

When I woke up this morning, I weighed in at 211.6. I'm sure that's not going to hold.

Especially since we stopped at Dolly's Cafe for breakfast once I was released. 

We reported at 8 and we were walking into Dolly's at 11:00.

Whatever the sedative is they gave me, it did not put me out. But it did make me goofy. It took about 45 minutes for the goofiness too wear off and then I was released. I took a nap for about two hours when we got home.

Now I feel great! It's a beautiful warm day out and I'm going to go on a walk and then work in the yard a bit.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Day Before

I'm still battling with the scale. I settled on 215.9. So I was down a poundish. However, I do not trust it. For all I know, I could weigh 189.

I'm going to walk at lunch time and then I'll get back here and report, probably in the next post.

If there is one!

Today is the day before my Colonoscopy. That means that I can have nothing today except clear liquid. When I get home tonight, I get to start drinking the magic elixir that will make me poop my brains out. I'm really looking forward to that.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Verbing with Math Words

I should always accept the first number on the scale. I didn't trust the 214.4 pounds so I tried again after my shower and it read 216.6. I weighed myself a third time and got the same number, so I was up half a pound.

I walked a new course at lunchtime. It is close enough to a mile and a half for me to call it that. My pace setting time was 27:48.5.

I walked again around the park when I got home and did the mile in 19:33.1.

Since my health is riding on these walks a little more than it has in the past, I find myself compelled to walk and looking forward to it.

Of course, if I had been walking all along, my health wouldn't be riding on it so much. It's a vicious circle and I'm square in the hyperbole of the Pythagorean Theorem.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Week Two of the Magic Water

I managed to hold my ground in the world of weight loss and lose a tenth of a pound over the vile weekend of eating and drinking we did. That's right, I weighed in at 215.9 pounds this morning.

I walked at lunch today and it felt pretty good. For now, my stamina is returning.

I had a bad night of sleeping though. I really do think we need to look into my lungs. I woke up around 3:30 this morning and slept fitfully until I got up at 5:30. I was coughing, clearing my lungs and then breathing easily until I had to cough again and clear the wheeze.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

No Report but EFF-YOU-EN

I have nothing to report from yesterday other than FUN. I didn't weigh myself, which was FUN. I didn't walk around the park, which was also FUN.

I did do a fair amount of walking and a bunch of skiing, and that was FUN.

So, we had an exciting birthday weekend and probably undid all the good I did last week. I fully expect to see 220 pounds on the scale in the morning. We had beer, wine, fatty food, and a general disregard for our health. 

However, we kept drinking our hydrogen peroxide water and we did a fair amount of walking. But since it was a weekend of FUN, we didn't quantify the walking...just the FUN!!!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Day Five: Yes, Progress

I weighed 216 this morning. I'm home early today because I took the afternoon off. Susan and I are spending a long, active and productive weekend here on the estate.

I walked almost as soon as I got home and I did the park route in 19:00.0. Again, as last night, it was a great walk. There has definitely been a change in my stamina. I am feeling much more lively.

Last Saturday, Susan got me started on a new fad health kick. This program is supposed to solve all your health problems and kick cancer in the ass.

Two to three times a day, we are drinking 8 ounces of distilled water with food grade hydrogen peroxide added. We started by adding three drops to the 8 oz. glass. Today we are up to nine drops. We will progress all the up to 25 drops and then drop back down one drop a day until we are back at three. That then is the "maintenance  level".

This is supposed to oxygenate your blood and cure all manner of maladies. 

I'm not a fan of the taste of distilled water but I am a fan of how I feel. And frankly, I've done nothing different but try to eat better, walk and drink this water.

It just may be the miracle cure they say it is.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Day Four: Progress?

I didn't have the chance to walk until I got home from work. It was a very nice day with the temperature coming down from the 50's. 

I immediately noticed that I was walking with less effort.  Don't get me wrong. I was breathing heavy most of the way but there was a difference, a lightness that I haven't felt in a while. My time was pretty good too. 19:34.8! That knocks two minutes off my best time so far.

I wish I knew whether it was walking later in the day or some other factor that contributed to the improvement. I'll just keep tracking my walking and stuff and see where I go from here.

I forgot to weigh myself today so there's no tracking that.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Day Three: Wheezing

Today's weight is 217.6. I did not get up in time this morning to make my walk, so I walked at lunch. I walked about a mile and it took a good 20 minutes. I did not time myself today because I walked down to the ATM at my bank. The distance and the timing would not have been comparable to my course at home. In any event, I was breathing hard the whole way.

I've been talking so much about my health issues here that it has kind of focused all my attention on MEEEEEEEE.

I need to remember that others have it worse. Take for example, my friend Rick Utter. Rick is a guy I've known all my life. His parents were friends with my parents. I went to school with Rick. We don't hang together a lot now but we run into each other from time to time.

A few years ago, he was diagnosed with cancer. I think it was Lung Cancer. It finally caught up with him last Saturday. Rick was a year younger than me and a great guy. I remember in high school he got interested in welding and he starting making these bumble bees out of wire. Then he would weld a support base around a rock and a three foot long piece of wire that he would attach to the bee. I kind of swung around at the end of the wire. It was a cool little home furnishing item.

He sold these things for 20 bucks, back in the 70's and he sold them as fast as he made them.

That's the kind of guy Rick was. Inventive and business savvy.

He will be missed!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Day Two: Puffing

I was a good ten seconds slower today at 21:50.4. But I did manage to lose a pound to get me to 219.0.

I was really breathing hard the whole way but there is no chest pain or tightness, which is good.

I tried to step up the pace a couple of times, but the body was to have none of it.

That's okay! The important thing is that I've made it out there and I am enjoying the walk if not the heavy breathing.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Day One: Huffing

I was up at the crack of 5:45. I got my sweats on and walked a mile around the park. From the start I was huffing and puffing...just walking. I circled the park in 21:39.0. So that's my pace setting lap. From here on out, I have to try and beat that every day.

My weight was a good solid starting place, 220 poundages.

I have a lot of work to do!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Heart Health Plan for Stan

Well, here's the plan.

Get better!

That seems easy enough.

First of all, go for the obvious. I have 20 pounds I don't need. They are pernicious and difficult to remove but remove them I shall. There is going to be a lot more fruit and vegetables in my diet.

Secondly, exercise. I've lulled myself into a weak heart by not exercising regularly. At this point, that means walking. I'm doing daily walks around the park. I'm going to try and see if I can get up a little earlier and get my morning walk in. Early walks have never been easy for me.

I'm going to try skiing next weekend. That mostly involves gravity so I think I'll be okay, but I shall be taking it easy. The toughest part is going to be the walk from the car to the lodge. That, and snow. it's been one of the worst ski seasons in years. Mt Spokane and 49 Degrees North have already closed for the season. No snow!

Lookout Pass is in a slightly different snow belt and they have snow. Not a lot, but enough for a day of recreational skiing for us.