Monday, July 31, 2017

July BP

Here is my Blood Pressure List for July.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Squirrel Head

It has been just over a month since "the event" that put me in the hospital. It's been a long month. I still can't drive which is really driving me crazy, (great pun) which is weird cuz I can't drive.

I just returned from a lunchtime walk down to the grocery store. I figure it's a mile trip down and back and that feels pretty good. It's hot today,'s been hot for weeks now, which makes the walk a little more challenging. 

I have no problem with the walk but I start to feel some soreness or stiffness in my hips...more specifically, my butt dimples. That's right, I have butt dimples! I'm referring to the sides of my butt.

While down at Albertson's, I ran into a character I have seen around town for many years. He is an older gentleman with a gray close cropped beard and mustache. I tried to take a picture of him but it's hard to do and be inconspicuous.

This guy catches my attention because he has the worst wig in the world. It is this giant sandy blond squirrel that sits on his head so unnaturally that it is immediately apparent that it is a wig. 

I kind of followed behind him in the store and got the wonderful show of watching peoples expressions as he passed by them. They all did a double take and then a small slight smile appeared on the faces. It was great.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Waiting for Ablation

August Eighth is the date set for the Ablation. In the meantime, I am stable and going to work. There is however, a difficulty that is difficult in it's difficultness. I am not allowed to drive.

It really sucks!

I have to think about everywhere I go and how I am going to get there.

Fortunately, a fellow employee at work lives near me and offered to drive me to work and back. That's a big load off Susan. And it saves me from riding the bus.

Even the bus isn't that bad. My only objection to taking the bus is that I'm soooo much better than all those people. (Did I say that out loud?) No, my problem with the bus is the extra time it takes. My 20 minute car ride to work takes an hour on the bus.

But, I think it is for the best that I do not drive until we are sure I'm not going to pass out in the drivers' seat. I don't mind killing myself as much as taking out someone else with me.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Lazy, Hazy, Crazy

It's a lazy weekend around the house as we, me mostly, are not able to do much. 

I have determined that I should lay off the coffee. I am experiencing some slight dizzy spells and the only difference between today and the whole rest of this past week is that I had coffee this morning.

Our friends Arnie and Haley are in town from San Francisco for their annual trip to Priest Lake. We had planned to go up and spend a couple of days with them but I don't think we should be that far away from medical care, should the need arise.

We went to a baseball game last night and watched the Indians lose in the last inning. The closing pitcher threw nine pitches before being removed and eight of those pitches were balls.

With the bases loaded, a guy hit a nice solid double and two runs came in to take the lead.

Even with all that, it was a nice evening out with long time friends on a wonderful warm summer evening.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Happy Independence Day

It is the last day of our four day holiday and again, we are hanging close to home. We have friends coming over for dinner and then we are going to go downtown and watch the fireworks.

Yesterday was a little more shaky for me than usual. I felt much closer to dizziness than in I have. I laid down for a little nap mid day and felt better after that. 

We went over to the pool again yesterday and hung out for a couple of hours.

Other than that, Susan has been cleaning and I have been napping.

I'm trying to help out w\here I can but it's pretty limited right now and not really all that helpful.

Updates to follow as needed.

We invited Kelly and Ron for dinner, followed by a trip downtown to watch the fireworks.

Rather than ride the bikes downtown, we decided to drive because of infirmed me. With my unreliable stability and dizzy issues, it did make seem prudent to ride bikes.

So we drove down, paid the ten bucks to get into the Arena Parking Lot and then set up camp. It wasn't as great being that far away from the pyrotechnics, but it was good enough. And for this summer, at least the next few weeks, good enough is good enough.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Holiday Hanging Out

This is Day Two of the Independence Day Four Day Holiday Hangin' Weekend. At least that is what Susan and I are doing. Hangin'! Cuz we're soooooo hip.

We have no big plans for the weekend other than hanging close to home. We had a couple of offers to go to the lake and we usually go canoeing on the Little Spokane River on July Fourth.

Because of extenuating circumstances that make us want to be near medical facilities if the need arises, we are just hanging out here at the estate on Corbin Park...a mere 15 minutes from the hospital.

Fortunately, no need for the hospital has yet come to pass. I went to work on Friday and had no major issues. We both worked around the yard yesterday and Susan mowed. She hasn't had to do that in a good 10 years.

I'm feeling a little run down today so I'm taking it easy. I have just awoken from a short nap where I believe I actually slept.

We are about to head across the street to visit our neighbors, Tammy and Lou. They have a pool. Not a white trash pool. An actual hole in the ground pool with many hundreds of gallons in it, heated to a delightful 79.8 degrees.
Then we are going to go to dinner with Mom and celebrate her birthday, which was yesterday. So that's the latest from here.

Happy Fireworks!