Monday, May 20, 2019

Gout Shoulder Update

Just to keep things updated, the shoulder gout left as swiftly as it came. It is gone now but my other shoulder is a little stiff. I think what is going on is that I'm old and getting older.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Gout Shoulder

When I got home from work on Monday evening, I felt a slight twinge a pain developing in my right shoulder. I had a really tough time sleeping. At some point during the night, I removed my watch...something I never do. When I went to look at it while in the shower, I was completely surprised to discover it missing. I have no memory of removing it. 

It has not been a constant pain, but I sure do feel it when I raise my arm above shoulder height.

The intensity seems to come and go. Last night, it was a continual dull pain, no matter how I held my arm. I ended up sleeping on back all night.

This has come on me with no warning or reason. I have not been lifting anything, heavy or not. It kind of came on me in the same fashion that gout has come on in the past.