Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bad Blood

I have been a Blood Donor with the Inland Northwest Blood Bank for well over 25 years. Officially, I have donated 26 units of blood. That is just over three gallons. Frankly, I think it's much more than that.

From here on out, it will be no more than that. I have received a Permanent Deferral due to my Defib. BUMMER! Had I known that, I might not have had it implanted. I would have at least gone in for one last donation.

No more AB+ from me! That sucks. I like donating blood. It's a really easy thing to do that makes you feel selfless and humanitarianismistic toward your fellow humans.

Now I'm going to have to find something else to do to fulfill my humanitarianismystical yearnings. Perhaps I will read to the Blind or help Midgets get stuff down from high places. Or at least call them little people. I guess I'll have to research it.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Weird Knee

I got last night and set about the chore of mowing the lawn. By the time I was finished, I could feel a slight soreness in my left knee, the same knee that mysteriously gave me problems in Iowa at the fair.

By the time I wobbled myself to bed, it was sore, achy, stiff and achy. (It was really achy) But my montra is "I'm not one to complain," and so I didn't complain...much.

This morning, there is a slight ghost of an ache but I'm essentially okay and able to walk without a limp.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Iowa Vacation Hangover

I have just returned from a ten day visit to lovely Iowa, where the humidity hangs from the trees and hits you in the face like a hot, wet, sticky washcloth. We ate and drank a lot while there and I was not looking forward to stepping on the scale this morning. To my surprise, I was 216.7 pounds. I thought I had ballooned back up to 220-something.

We ate a bushel and we drank a tankard. It was like being in Iowa!

It's great to be back.

Friday, August 14, 2009

It Sucks to be Me

I am writing today from hot and muggy Des Moines, Iowa. Susan and I are on a Vacation slash Family Business venture. It has been a very nice visit except for the death and subsequent funeral of Susan's Dad. Gordon had the good sense and timing to pass away just prior to our planned visit.

We went to the opening day of the Iowa State Fair. This is supposed to be the biggest and the bestest of the State Fairs. Having only been exposed to the Spokane Interstate Fair and one visit to the Minnesota State Fair, I can see how one might make that argument. It is huge and there is all kinds of stuff going on.

Similarly, there is all kinds of stuff going on with my body and none of it is good. I estimate we walked about eight miles yesterday and half way through the day, my right knee started aching. There's no reason for it. I've never injured that knee. I certainly didn't bang it on something before going to the fair. But it had this dull ache starting about noonish and stayed with me alllllll day.

I took some Tylenol last night and it feels better this morning. Today my issue is the top of my right foot. It is very sore and again, for no reason.

I'm not going to let these little infirmities keep me down. Susan and her sister have already left for the fair. I'm going out later this afternoon and meet them. I still have lots of things on a stick to eat.