Saturday, August 20, 2016


I have probably mentioned that I have been keeping track of my weight, blood pressure and heart rate since getting out of the hospital.

Here are the averages for the last 28 days.
Average Weight: 204.7 pounds
Average Blood Pressure: 133/84
Average Heart Rate: 65

I'm happy with all those numbers but the real test comes Wednesday when I see Dr Byazrova for a post Ablation check.

She also has me wired up to a heart monitor. I have to wear it for 48 hours, which ends sometime around 4PM today. With the info downloaded from the monitor as well as my info from above, I'm hoping to hear the good news that I have been suspecting; the Ablation worked and all is well with me.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


We did another five miles on our bikes last night. I determined it takes about 5 minutes for us to go around the park. I wanted to give up after three because my butt hurt but Susan made me keep going.

It's working because my scale gave me a reading of 204.7 pounds this morning. I hope I didn't blow it at lunch by going to TacoTacoTaco.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Bike Fest Training

Susan signed us up for Spokefest yesterday so we decided we had better get our biking bodies in some sort of shape. So we pulled out the bikes and did five laps around the park. 

I barely made it through three laps last time we went out. By the fourth lap, my ass was sore and my nether regions were numb. But we both soldiered on and made it. I did not time us but it seemed we were out there for about 20 minutes.

Physically speaking, the biking feels better than the walking. I have issues with both forms of exercise as it relates to my body, and I'm hoping I'll get better as I exercise more. I mean, that's the point, right?!

I'm not expressing myself very well here. I must be tired. Time for some coffee.

By the way, my efforts yesterday to try and eat sensibly and exercise paid off...somewhat. Today the scale said 206.2.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Scale Wars

It took three tries on the scale this morning to get the number I wanted. I started out with 207.9, then 206.something, and finally settled for 207.2.

What is clear is that I am fighting a slow losing battle to get to 200 pounds. I've been out of the hospital for three weeks now. I have two factors working against me. Beer and Exercise. 

I drink too much beer and I do not strictly speaking exercise, at all in the least.

I intend to change that state of affairs while I am still below 210. So I will be walking at lunch today and abstraining from beer during the week. It will be "abstraining" because it will be a strain to not have a beer. I might allow myself an beer on a reward.

1:07PM: I have just returned from lunch. I had a nice cup of Orange Cream yogurt. I had to really savor the flavor because that is all I'm getting for lunch. I took my walk and did what I call the short loop. It took me 20 minutes and according to my pedometer, I took 400 steps.

I would rate my foot pain at a 4 towards the end of my trek. It's tolerable for a pussy like me and I'm trying to be tough. I must walk more.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Weigh Deigh

Since getting out of the hospital, I have been weighing myself every day and taking my Blood Pressure. My weight has gotten as low as 102 pounds. My Blood Pressure and heart rate seem to be fairly level and normalish. 

I weighed myself this morning and got 206. Then I decided to weigh myself again and got 205.2. Now I had to weigh myself one more time to get an average. The third time I got 205.3, which is the number I decided to put down for today's weight.

I do not trust the scale we have. It's a new fangled digital one that I think we got a Bed, Bath and Scaletown. 

I would really like to get a nice old fashion medical scale with the sliding balance beam for the bathroom but Susan doesn't want that big old clunky thing in there. If  I could find one at a reasonable price, I'd probably have to settle for putting it in the basement, which means it would never get used.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Mister Memory

I finally remembered this morning what it was I wanted to say in Monday's post. I was reminded because it almost happened to me again.

On Monday, I wanted to mention that I made it all the way to work without being stopped by a traffic light. It almost happened to me today but I got stopped at two lights, the two lights most likely to catch me. 

The first stop was at Spokane Falls Blvd. and Browne. That's a tough one to make because it does not appear to be synced with the light coming down Division. The second light was out at Liberty Lake as you come off the freeway. You just have to have the Gods running with you to make that one.

Anyway, it's great to have my memory back!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016


It hardly ever happens to me but I overslept this morning. Normally, it's no big deal but today I had promised to be at work early to open the building. 

I had planned on being to work early because I need to make up the time I lost yesterday afternoon when I left early to attend a funeral.

So having the alarm go off at 5:30 and then waking up again to Susan's alarm at 6 catapulted me to consciousness and had me racing around to get ready for work in order to get out the door by 6:30.

But I made it.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Can't Remember Why

As I was setting up to write this post, I had something to say. Now that I am typing, I can't for the life of me remember what I had to say.

It must have been something about my health, but still...nothing comes to mind.

My bruised arm has healed up nicely. That's not what I wanted to say.

I weighed in at 206 this morning but that is not what I wanted to say.

I'm going to a funeral later this afternoon. It's not mine, so that is good. But he was one of the movers and shakers in our church, which means we are another member smaller. But even that was not what I wanted to say.

Oh well! Never mind, I guess.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Knees, Bruises & Hair

I finally broke my consecutive streak. But I'm okay with it. I shouldn't post just for the sake of posting. I should post when I have something interesting to post.

Unfortunately, that is not the case today.

My knee is finally better. That means it took a day over two weeks to run its course. I sure wish I knew what triggers it. I'll try to keep current with Cherry Juice, although I'm still not convinced it is a cure.

The only remaining sign I have of being in the hospital is the bruise on my arm from the PICC line.
It looked pretty ugly last week but is starting to fade, as you can see.

There is one other thing that I have been meaning to bring up since last week. The issue is hair!

When you're in the hospital, they loooooove to shave you. If they put the electrodes on you to hook up the heart monitor, they shave you. If they place an IV or a PICC line, they shave you. If you go in for surgery, shave.

Coming out of the hospital, I was pretty well hairless.

Now the hair is growing back...and it itches. I am scratching constantly. As the hair grows, the itching is less. But I'm right in the middle of it now and I'm itchy. Still, it is not as bad as burning when you pee.