Tuesday, December 4, 2018

New Phone Report

I haven't mentioned that I bought a new phone. I have had it for a couple of weeks now and it is an improvement over my last phone. Mainly because I bought a phone with more memory. 16 gigs instead of 8 gigs.

It has some new features that I like over my old phone and a couple of features I don't care for. Primarily, the phone makes all sorts of buzzes, bings and tones that I have no idea the meaning of.

Also, I used to be able to programs in a special tone for a particular person when the call or text. Now I can only program a ringtone for someone, but not a tone specific to that person when they text.

Nonetheless, I'm back in the world of phones and the twentieth century.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Alarms, Broken Glass and Paint

We have been very busy decorating sky walks. we have 12 to do this year and after tonight, we will have two left.

We spent a good part of the day painting at the Spokane Youth  Sports Bingo Parlor. It took the majority of the day, with a break in the middle to handle a broken window in Susan's car. Her window got smashed Sunday night/Monday morning while she worked at the Arena for the Metalica Concert. She got to her car about 1:00AM and the passenger side window had been smashed.

We called our insurance this morning and arranged for the window repair guy to show up at the house at 1:00. We got to SYSA at 10:00 and painted until 12:45.

I had an unusual thing take place while painting. I went to get something out of the car. It was parked right next to us and therefore, not locked. When I opened the door, The car alarm went off. The horn honking constantly and consistently.

My key fob had stopped working about two weeks ago and so I could not shut the alarm off. I had to disconnect the battery to shut it off. Unfortunately, that action did not reset the alarm.

When we left at 12:45 to go meet the glass guy, we had to drive home with the horn honking. Fortunately, it stopped about half way home.

Once we got home and I shut off the car, the alarm started back up.

I started making some frantic calls to the Ford Dealership and Locksmiths. ford was not helpful at all. One of the Locksmiths I called said I should be able to shut off by putting my key in the door and turning it. 

Lo and behold, it worked.

So we got both car problems dealt with and returned to SYSA at about 3:00 to finish the job. We were there until 5.

We went home and vegged for the rest of the evening. 

Another great day off.