Friday, November 18, 2016

Morning Commute

It was very foggy when I left the house this morning. Once I was heading into the Valley, it started to clear and I got a good view of Mt Spokane. It was white with the nice thin blanket of snow.

Once I got to work, I viewed the Mt Spokane Website and copied this picture from the web cam at the Lodge.
Then I realized how thin it was.

Anyway, I am looking forward to a good ski season this year. Last year was not great with my knee issues. I believe I have already stated here that the forecasters are calling for a snowy winter in the Spokane area. The number I heard was a total of five and a half feet for the season.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Still Not Dead!

I'm checking in today but only to let you know that I'm not dead. Also, I have assorted non-sequitur things to say.

I had a fabulous day of yard work on Saturday and really feel like I accomplished a lot. You can see the other blog for details and pictures.

We are in the middle of Sky Walk painting season. We have completed six and have six more to go. We got two done yesterday and I was really happy to have a large slipper bath tub to come home to.

I had a wonderful but wet drive to work this morning. I was stopped at my first traffic light on my route and then it was smooth sailing all the way to the Screen Tek parking lot.