Friday, November 30, 2007

More Gross Stuff about Me

I go to my local Health Club in the morning. Sometimes I actually workout but usually I just go to shower.

This morning I arrived, had a good healthy shit, and went to the Steam Room to perspire. I was in there about 10 minutes before hitting the showers. As I was lathering up in the shower and getting into all the cracks and crevices where bacteria can hide, I discovered a tiny little turd. There were two other guys in the shower at the time, so I had to dispose of it surreptitiously. It rolled towards the drain but stopped short. It wasn't obvious and neither of the other guys noticed, as they were busy with their cracks and crevices. By the time I turned off the shower, it had rolled onto the drain but was a bit too large to fall through. I stepped on the drain as I left to give it a helping hand...or foot.

Guys like me are the reason I wear sandals into the shower.

Monday, November 26, 2007

First Weigh In since Thanksgiving

I have managed to maintain my not too svelte 217 poundage. That seems to be the spot my body prefers when I eat okay and don't exercise.

Not much chance of me exercising this week. Lots of Holiday stuff to take care of.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Nothing to Say Today

I rcneelty raed a ropret that skope of the wednors of the hmaun biarn and how it is albe to diphecer wrods eevn wehn tehy are all mxeid lnog as the frsit and lsat lteetrs are in the poprer pisootin. Fkrnlay, I dno't baielve it.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Another Monday Weigh-In Day

It appears that nothing that I try to do, short of eating right and exercising, will help me to loose weight. Clearly, I am not going to make my goal of reaching 205 pounds by Thursday. I might have to actually try the exercising thing again. It has produced good results for me in the past. It is hard for me to escape the gravity well surrounding the bed in the morning. That is the most convenient time for me to workout.

At any rate, I am firmly ensconced at 217 pounds.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Net Loss

My net loss concerning my recent two day diet has turned out to be one pound. I managed to loose a total of four pounds, getting to 213. I weighed 216 this morning. Now perhaps I could have maintained that loss, even contributed more to the loss if I had done just a little bit of working out. Even the slightest effort would have been beneficial.

I managed to get up at five this morning and go down to the Club but only because I needed to get into work early. It seems I won't do that if it only benefits my physical well being.

I'm a dope!

I'm a Phat Dope!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Day One Diet Results of Two Day Diet

I have made it half way through this two day diet and I am impressed with the results. I lost two and a half pounds. I have another day to go on this and it has not been easy. I'm just so used to eating when I want. (Golly, I wonder if that contributes to my weight loss problems)

Anyhoo, I will make it through today and then attempt to maintain the loss. Perhaps I'll try it again next week too.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Holding Steady

I weighed in this morning and was still at 217. It's not at all surprising since I haven't made any effort to workout in the past week.

I got some anaerobic exercise on Saturday when I helped a friend with some moving. At 50, I am not built for that kind of work anymore. At the end of the day, I crashed. I was in bed by eight. But, as I said, it was a pretty good workout and I definately felt the burn.

I am trying a diet today. It is called the two day diet. It involves lots of water and hard boiled eggs. After consuming a solid 8 ounces of water in the morning, you are allowed one egg. Then you drink more water all morning (or tea (no sweetener)). At lunch, you get two eggs and then more water. I'm not sure what dinner involves. I guess I'll find out tonight.

This diet promises the potential of 5 to 7 pounds. I'm thinking that with all the water, I'll just pee myself thin. I'll weigh in again on Wednesday to check the results.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Monday Weigh-In

I was hoping that todays Weigh-In would produce slightly less weightage on the scale, seeing as how I worked very hard yesterday raking leaves. It was not to be. I weighed in at 217.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Pep Talk

Today is not Weigh-In Day but I was concerned because of the recent passing of Halloween. There has been a lot of sugary goodness surging through my system lately and I thought it might be catching up to me.

Surprisingly, I have lost two pounds. That puts me at 217 and 12 pounds away from my goal. I really must start concentrating on that more. I have to get a little disapline back in my life. I have to stop giving myself these Pep Talks and actually DO something about it.