Wednesday, December 31, 2014


With my weight loss program definitely heading in the right direction, I feel I'm definitely heading in the right direction. I'm not just saying that because I feel I'm definitely heading in the right direction. I'm saying that because I AM definitely heading in the right um...well, you know.

I'm set up to see my Cardiologist on Monday. That gives me a few more days to try and lose some weight. Not that I will, but well...see the paragraph above.

So, I need to compile some questions and concerns prior to my appointment.

#1) I have experienced some pain in the area of my defibrillator. It's not heart related pain. It's just discomfort when I move my arms in certain positions. I most recently felt it last week. I'm currently not feeling it.

Related to that, it looked to me the other day that my implant seemed to appear really prominent on my naked shoulder. The lump was quite bulgy the other day.

#B) Of most concern is my shortness of breath. I'm very wheezy in the morning...almost like I can feel my lungs inhaling and exhaling. I know that's not a great description. I guess what I mean is that normally, breathing is effortless and not something you ever think about.

That's it for Twenty Fourteen. See ya in the future!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Since I started the year out so well with a complete month of posts for January and nearly as good in February, March and April, I thought I should at least try to end the year with some postings.

It's been months since I have done any push ups and I am feeling particularly fat right now. My belly looks immense to me and I continue having the problem of being wet. I really need to get my fat ass down to 200 pounds.

We are in the middle of a deep freeze right now. With the wind, the freeze is even deeper. I have discovered that winter is much colder at 57 than it was when I was 13. Global Warming, my Ass!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Doctor's Report

I don't have much more information concerning my health now that I've been to the doctor. He has recommended I come back next month for a complete physical. In the meantime, he has recommended I take the furosemide every other day. I guess my body will adapt to it after a bit and I won't spend all my time in the bathroom.

On the positive side, all my blood work came back with good numbers. That is good and means my drugs are working.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Wet Again

It was difficult to breathe when I got this morning. I took my Furosimide pill and began making trips to the bathroom as soon as I got to work.

I weighed 217 just last week. This morning, I was up to 225. I'm wet again.

Almost immediately after my second pee, I was able to get a full breath again. I need to find out what's going on.

I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday so hopefully, I'll get a little enlightenment into my health, or lack thereof.