Monday, April 30, 2018

April Blood Pressure

Not a good month. Up se7en pounds for the month.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Doctor Reports

On this Friday the Thirteenth, I am happy to report all went well with both my Doctor appointments this week.

Dr. Byazrova was not too concerned about my defib going off on me back on March 29th. I need to watch myself and pay attention. 

I have noticed that if I start to feel a little dizziness, I can make it stop with a good solid cough.

My appointment with Dr. O'Connor was a six month follow up. I told him about the defib incident and he said to stop doing yard work. Well, that's not going to happen.

He said that at my next appointment we would do a full physical. Oh goody! The Prostate Exam.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Blood Draw

I am fasting because I'm having a blood draw this morning. My Doctor's order for the blood draw does not require me to be fasting but I think it's better if I give good, clean, fasted blood.

So I'm going to the Blood Draw Office about 10:00 and then I'll stop and get a bagel.

I have a pre-scheduled appointment with Dr. O'Connor, my General Practitioner on Thursday. I also have a hastily called appointment with Dr. Byazrova, my Electro-Cardiologist tomorrow. She will be checking on my Defib unit and the recent shock it gave me back on March 29th.

10:50AM: I just returned from my visit to PAML and she couldn't get any blood from me. She tried my left arm, my right arm and even my hand. She sent me away to drink a bunch of water and return at 12:15.

1:21PM: Success! But it wasn't easy. I drank a bunch of water prior to my return. The Blood Tech still had trouble finding a good vein. She was finally able to get draw out of my hand. But not before sticking me three times. 

Next time I go for a blood draw, I'm drinking a shit load of water.

Monday, April 2, 2018

223.1 End of the Diet

The coming of Easter brings the end of the Lenten Diet. We drank beer yesterday and I gained weight.

I tried to get up this morning and go for a walk but I pussied out. It was just too comfy in bed.

So I'm going to continue to eat more protein and fat and less sugar and carbs. I'm not sure it's a great diet for the heart patient but I think if I weighed less, it would be good for my heart.

Who knows!