Friday, November 22, 2013

On the Road to the Ultimate Destination

I am checking in so as to let it be known to everyone who reads this (no one) that I am not dead.

But I think I'm close!
I am presently sporting three wounds. There are two of them on my hand, as shown in the picture above. The other is a little blister on my foot caused by my shoe.

The only reason I bring this up, other than a declaration that I am not yet dead, is to assert that I am rapidly heading towards that destination.

I don't heal as well as I used to. Both of the injuries on my hand are due to burns I got while stoking the fire. They are about two weeks old. I initially covered them with bandages and they seemed to be healing. Then I stop covering them because band aids annoy me after a while and the wound starts to crack and ooze and fester and...let's face it. At this point, you die a little every day.