Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Cardiology Appointment

I had a six month follow up appointment with Dr Kadel today, the guy that got me started with heart disease. We even talked about that. It's been 22 years since my heart issues began.

When I arrived at the office, they informed me their computers were off line. It was a catastrophic system wide crash and I might not be able to see Dr Kadel. 

I thought that computers being down should not be a reason to not see a doctor. They explained that all their records are on computer...they are completely paperless.

Perhaps that is not a good idea!

I was re=scheduling my appointment when Dr Kadel came out, saw me and said he knew my history good enough to not need record.

Once they got me in a room and went through a little history, the computers came back.

When Dr. K made it in, we chatted, he poked and prodded and listened to my body, and declared no need for any changes at this time. I agreed!

We're done here!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Cold Wimp

After my last post where I ranted and complained about how cold it is and how I am really having a tough time adapting to the change, I decided to assess myself and see if there was something I could do to better improvise, adapt and overcome.

So I dressed warmer and that made a huge difference.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Arctic Whining

Baby it's cold outside.

It was 16 degrees when I got up this morning and it is still 16 here at Liberty Lake. The wind is blowing at a pretty good clip and that is not helping me feel any warmer. I am not adjusting well to these chilly temperatures. Everything feels cold.

I'm wimping out.

I need to go and get a cup of wake me up.

Okay, those are my complaints for the morning.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Rx List

I was looking at all my medication bottles and decided I needed to get a good catalog of my prescriptions.
So, here it is!

1 Ipratropium .03% 30ml Nasal Spray
1 Clopidogrel 75mg
1 Spironolactone 25mg
1 Furosemide 20mg
1 Potassium 10meq
1 Rosuvastatin Calcium 40mg
1 Aspirin 81mg
2 Entresto 24-26mg     Morning and Evening
2 Carvedilol  12.5mg   Morning and Evening

Wow! What a load of drugs!

Monday, December 5, 2016


As the temperature drops, my weight increases! I am guessing it's a biological condition where the human body takes on weight in preparation for a long hard cold winter. 

You can't fight biology. I probably should lay off the cake though.

A sad note to add to today's post. Willy the Cat is dead. He has been on a steady decline since summer when we noticed he was losing weight. The Vet said he had a thyroid issue. We started giving him pills twice a day. It did not seem to stop the weight loss.

The last few days he has been very weak and lethargic. We were starting to think it was time to take him to the Vet for a sleeping pill. I was not surprised when I found him under the piano this morning. but I am sad!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

It's a New Month

They keep threatening snow will be falling but so far, it has not happened. There is snow in them thar mountains.
Here is the picture from Mt Spokane this morning. I wish they had someone who could clean off the lens.
Here is their snow chart. Supposedly, they clean it off every day at 5PM. The problem is that at 5PM, it is dark. I'm not sure how well let this is.

Now, because this is my Health Blog, and you want to know health things about me (why else would you be here), here is my blood pressure record for the last month.

I'm trying to figure out how to get these monthly charts onto it's own page. If you can find that on here, you'll know I was successful.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Morning Commute

It was very foggy when I left the house this morning. Once I was heading into the Valley, it started to clear and I got a good view of Mt Spokane. It was white with the nice thin blanket of snow.

Once I got to work, I viewed the Mt Spokane Website and copied this picture from the web cam at the Lodge.
Then I realized how thin it was.

Anyway, I am looking forward to a good ski season this year. Last year was not great with my knee issues. I believe I have already stated here that the forecasters are calling for a snowy winter in the Spokane area. The number I heard was a total of five and a half feet for the season.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Still Not Dead!

I'm checking in today but only to let you know that I'm not dead. Also, I have assorted non-sequitur things to say.

I had a fabulous day of yard work on Saturday and really feel like I accomplished a lot. You can see the other blog for details and pictures.

We are in the middle of Sky Walk painting season. We have completed six and have six more to go. We got two done yesterday and I was really happy to have a large slipper bath tub to come home to.

I had a wonderful but wet drive to work this morning. I was stopped at my first traffic light on my route and then it was smooth sailing all the way to the Screen Tek parking lot.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Road Rant

I haven't posted here for a few days and so I thought I would take the time to talk about my morning commute.

For the second day in a row, I was able to take the Liberty Lake exit at full speed and drive down the half mile off ramp with no turtle drivers to impede me.

In fact, except for being stopped at the very first traffic light on my commute, the rest of my drive was unhindered by lights, dopes, or any of the other normal obstructions I would expect to face on my drive to work.

We are on the lead up to Halloween. All our candy has been purchased and many of our decorations are down from storage in the Carriage House. We have spent the last few nights carving pumpkins. Susan has completed her specialty carves and I have simply been cleaning out pumpkins. I won't carve until Friday or Saturday. There is her cat carving in the upper middle of the picture below.
The only issue to deal with now is whether or not we will be able to whether the weather. It has been raining buckets the last two days. We are currently suffering the fourth wettest October on record and are on pace to make it to the second.

In other weather news, today's paper has an article predicting a heavy snow season this winter. One meteorologist said he expects five and a half feet of snow to fall before it's all over.

As a snow enthusiast, I am enthusiastically thrilled about that forecast. I shall be breaking out the snow blower soon and making sure it is ready to go. Come to think of it, I need to orders some parts for that baby.
I have just finished ordering parts for that baby. I bought two new skid shoes and a shave plate. I should have gotten a shear bolt but I think I have one. Even if I don't, they are easily available here in town. With shipping, I spent $84.00.

For the first time in a while, I have consumed two whole cups of coffee. Presently, I am buzzing!


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Flu Shot

I had a follow up appointment with Dr. O'Connor this morning. The follow up was to ensure I was improving after my Atrial Fibrillation scare last month.

I am feeling okay but my breathing is still not back to where I would like it.

I take my blood pressure every morning and it seems to be averaging at 140ish over 90ish. Today at O'Connors office, it was 112/83.

The other item of health importance was that I got a Flue shot.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Gout and Traffic

I successfully abated the gout attack last week but feel it is trying to remount an assault on me today. So I took an pill. I forgot to bring more with me to work, so that one is going to have to do the job.

I had a wonderfully smooth drive to work and did not have to deal with idiots whom slow down on the 70 MPH freeway a quarter mile before they hit the exit. It is a major pet peeve of mine. The road is straight. The exit is straight and a half mile long. And yet, half the time I approach this exit, I'm stuck behind cars going 60.

My other peeve which I'm sure I have chronicled here before involves the other end of my commute...where I get ON the freeway. 

Why must peoples feel so casual and relaxed when entering an freeway as to not get their asses up to speed in a timely manner. In other words, if the speed limit is 60, don't ramble on up the ramp and onto the freeway at 40 and then slowly accelerate to 60 over the next mile.

There is my traffic rant for today.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Mo Goat

I woke up this morning feeling the possible start of gout in my left big toe. I took a cholchrys pill, three of them throughout the day, and the pain is gone. 

For now!


Monday, September 26, 2016

Sunshine in my Face

I noticed on the drive into work this morning that the sun is no longer shining in my face on my journey east.

The first day of Fall was last week and we have been noticing that the days are definitely getting shorter. When we go out to sit on the front porch in the evening, we can't stay out for very long as it is dark by seven.

So as I drive to work at 6:30AM, the sun has not peeked over the mountains yet. I like that. It's very tolerable. But it is a reminder that chilly days are ahead.

Concerning a couple of updates, my sore jaw has abated. It left gradually but I noticed for the first time today (after reviewing this blog) that my jaw is fine. I'll bring it up with the Dentist next month.

My cold remains in the guise of sniffles and a bit of a cough. Everyone I talked to who has had a cold recently has said that the sniffles hang around for a while.

The gout knee has not shown up.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


I did leave work early last Thursday and stayed home on Friday as well. The cold kept me down until Sunday, the first day I felt like leaving the house.

Here it is Wednesday and the sniffles continue to hang with me. I used the Netty Pot this morning in the shower and the relief it gives me is well worth the effort, but very short lived. In twenty minutes, I'm breathing through sniffillis.

Today's health issue is the reemergence of my gout knee. I think it may be starting again. I'll know for sure in a couple of days if the slight pain I'm feeling in my right knee grows appreciably.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Full Blown Cold

I have a cold. It's been building for the last couple of days and arrived at my doorstep sometime during the night.

Yesterday I had a slight sore throat that had started the day before. At first I thought it might be related to my sore jaw but that has pretty much waned.

I went to bed with a cough and woke up with all the symptoms of your classic cold. I am at work this morning but I don't think I will last the whole day. I'm going to try and hold out until lunch.

Some time has passed since the last paragraph and I'm still feeling crappy, but good enough to wait out the whole day...I think.

It would probably be smart for me to go home and just rest. The problem is whether I would do that. There is lots of stuff to do around the house, Cleaning, chief among them.

I'm going to go through the morning and see how I feel.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Sore Jaw

Out of the blue, I awoke with a sore jaw this morning. More than anything, I'm noting it here in order to note it here. I keep discovering cuts and bruises on my body that I have no memory of occurring. I'm stupid that way.

At least now, I'll be able to reference a start date when my face falls off from jaw cancer.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Summer Health Issues Turn to Fall Health Issues

It seems my health is back in the crapper.

I realized over the weekend that I was having issues with my stamina. I climbed the stairs and was out of breath. I stand up and get dizzy...really dizzy.

I had a scheduled appointment with my regular Doc, Dr. O'Connor on Tuesday. I told him my problems and he thought I was in A-Fib. That's Atrial Fibrillation to you non medic types. 

It means that the smaller, upper chamber of my heart is quivering and as such, my heart is not pumping efficiently, towit and therefore unto, my lack of stamina.

Dr O'Connor called my Cardiologist and they got me in to see one of the Doc's there. I saw Dr. Orme, who I had not met before.

He said he suspects Dr. Byazrova will want to do a Cardioversion (Shock Treatment) on me to break me out of the A-Fib.
In order to do that, he put me on some new drugs and stopped one I was on. The fear now is that a blood clot has developed and if they try to shock me right now, it could break free and Stroke me out.

So the new drugs are blood thinners. Now I'm in wait mode to see what the Doctors want to do next.

I have posted the note above mostly because I want to have an easy spot to refer to it if I need to.

So the Fall is starting out just like the Summer.

Saturday, August 20, 2016


I have probably mentioned that I have been keeping track of my weight, blood pressure and heart rate since getting out of the hospital.

Here are the averages for the last 28 days.
Average Weight: 204.7 pounds
Average Blood Pressure: 133/84
Average Heart Rate: 65

I'm happy with all those numbers but the real test comes Wednesday when I see Dr Byazrova for a post Ablation check.

She also has me wired up to a heart monitor. I have to wear it for 48 hours, which ends sometime around 4PM today. With the info downloaded from the monitor as well as my info from above, I'm hoping to hear the good news that I have been suspecting; the Ablation worked and all is well with me.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


We did another five miles on our bikes last night. I determined it takes about 5 minutes for us to go around the park. I wanted to give up after three because my butt hurt but Susan made me keep going.

It's working because my scale gave me a reading of 204.7 pounds this morning. I hope I didn't blow it at lunch by going to TacoTacoTaco.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Bike Fest Training

Susan signed us up for Spokefest yesterday so we decided we had better get our biking bodies in some sort of shape. So we pulled out the bikes and did five laps around the park. 

I barely made it through three laps last time we went out. By the fourth lap, my ass was sore and my nether regions were numb. But we both soldiered on and made it. I did not time us but it seemed we were out there for about 20 minutes.

Physically speaking, the biking feels better than the walking. I have issues with both forms of exercise as it relates to my body, and I'm hoping I'll get better as I exercise more. I mean, that's the point, right?!

I'm not expressing myself very well here. I must be tired. Time for some coffee.

By the way, my efforts yesterday to try and eat sensibly and exercise paid off...somewhat. Today the scale said 206.2.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Scale Wars

It took three tries on the scale this morning to get the number I wanted. I started out with 207.9, then 206.something, and finally settled for 207.2.

What is clear is that I am fighting a slow losing battle to get to 200 pounds. I've been out of the hospital for three weeks now. I have two factors working against me. Beer and Exercise. 

I drink too much beer and I do not strictly speaking exercise, at all in the least.

I intend to change that state of affairs while I am still below 210. So I will be walking at lunch today and abstraining from beer during the week. It will be "abstraining" because it will be a strain to not have a beer. I might allow myself an beer on a reward.

1:07PM: I have just returned from lunch. I had a nice cup of Orange Cream yogurt. I had to really savor the flavor because that is all I'm getting for lunch. I took my walk and did what I call the short loop. It took me 20 minutes and according to my pedometer, I took 400 steps.

I would rate my foot pain at a 4 towards the end of my trek. It's tolerable for a pussy like me and I'm trying to be tough. I must walk more.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Weigh Deigh

Since getting out of the hospital, I have been weighing myself every day and taking my Blood Pressure. My weight has gotten as low as 102 pounds. My Blood Pressure and heart rate seem to be fairly level and normalish. 

I weighed myself this morning and got 206. Then I decided to weigh myself again and got 205.2. Now I had to weigh myself one more time to get an average. The third time I got 205.3, which is the number I decided to put down for today's weight.

I do not trust the scale we have. It's a new fangled digital one that I think we got a Bed, Bath and Scaletown. 

I would really like to get a nice old fashion medical scale with the sliding balance beam for the bathroom but Susan doesn't want that big old clunky thing in there. If  I could find one at a reasonable price, I'd probably have to settle for putting it in the basement, which means it would never get used.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Mister Memory

I finally remembered this morning what it was I wanted to say in Monday's post. I was reminded because it almost happened to me again.

On Monday, I wanted to mention that I made it all the way to work without being stopped by a traffic light. It almost happened to me today but I got stopped at two lights, the two lights most likely to catch me. 

The first stop was at Spokane Falls Blvd. and Browne. That's a tough one to make because it does not appear to be synced with the light coming down Division. The second light was out at Liberty Lake as you come off the freeway. You just have to have the Gods running with you to make that one.

Anyway, it's great to have my memory back!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016


It hardly ever happens to me but I overslept this morning. Normally, it's no big deal but today I had promised to be at work early to open the building. 

I had planned on being to work early because I need to make up the time I lost yesterday afternoon when I left early to attend a funeral.

So having the alarm go off at 5:30 and then waking up again to Susan's alarm at 6 catapulted me to consciousness and had me racing around to get ready for work in order to get out the door by 6:30.

But I made it.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Can't Remember Why

As I was setting up to write this post, I had something to say. Now that I am typing, I can't for the life of me remember what I had to say.

It must have been something about my health, but still...nothing comes to mind.

My bruised arm has healed up nicely. That's not what I wanted to say.

I weighed in at 206 this morning but that is not what I wanted to say.

I'm going to a funeral later this afternoon. It's not mine, so that is good. But he was one of the movers and shakers in our church, which means we are another member smaller. But even that was not what I wanted to say.

Oh well! Never mind, I guess.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Knees, Bruises & Hair

I finally broke my consecutive streak. But I'm okay with it. I shouldn't post just for the sake of posting. I should post when I have something interesting to post.

Unfortunately, that is not the case today.

My knee is finally better. That means it took a day over two weeks to run its course. I sure wish I knew what triggers it. I'll try to keep current with Cherry Juice, although I'm still not convinced it is a cure.

The only remaining sign I have of being in the hospital is the bruise on my arm from the PICC line.
It looked pretty ugly last week but is starting to fade, as you can see.

There is one other thing that I have been meaning to bring up since last week. The issue is hair!

When you're in the hospital, they loooooove to shave you. If they put the electrodes on you to hook up the heart monitor, they shave you. If they place an IV or a PICC line, they shave you. If you go in for surgery, shave.

Coming out of the hospital, I was pretty well hairless.

Now the hair is growing back...and it itches. I am scratching constantly. As the hair grows, the itching is less. But I'm right in the middle of it now and I'm itchy. Still, it is not as bad as burning when you pee.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Not Cocky

I am posting something today because I actually have something to post today.

My knee is better today. The difference between today and yesterday is remarkable. 

I got up this morning and walked over to the local grocery store to procure some coffee. The walk was great and easy enough to accomplish so I'm feeling good about my recovery. But I'm not going to get cocky.

Friday, July 29, 2016

End of the Line?

I'm now up to 21 straight days of posting on this sight. I think everyone of them have been relatively informative, but that also sounds kind of self serving. 

I can unserve myself by saying that I don't have anything of consequence to report today. I am not going to post just because I'm on a run and want to try and keep it going. So, this may be the end of my continuous string.

While I'm here, I might as well not completely waste your time and say that I am feeling pretty good with occasional ever so slight waves of dizziness...mostly if I stand too quickly.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Knee Issues

It is approaching two weeks since my right knee started hurting. I thought it was fading as early as last Saturday when I got out of the hospital. However, it continues to hang on and perhaps has even reasserted the pain. Stairs are difficult and it is just generally uncomfortable.

Beyond that, I am doing relatively well. We had dinner with our friends Kelly and Ron last night and they both mentioned how much better I looked. 

I had not really realized that I was looking any crappier than I normally do, but I guess that was the case.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Windows Ten

We have updated to Windows 10 at work and that is where I am currently writing. I can't tell if I'm going to like it, but so far, because I'm unfamiliar with some of the procedures that used to be second nature, I am not a fan!

I'm happy to report that I'm almost back to normal as far going to the bathroom goes. There is hardly any burning when I pee, thank the Lord!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Morning Routine

I'm trying to get back into my schedule of morning rituals. I'm generally out of bed between 5:30 when my first alarm goes off and 6. I go down stairs and let the cats out. Then it is into the main floor bathroom with it's fabulous heated floor for my morning constitutional. I download a couple of podcasts for later in the day and check e-mail and play a couple of games of Freecell while I constitute.

Next I return upstairs and grab my pills for the morning. I take those and weigh myself. (Today, 202.5. I've lost 12 pounds since I went in to the hospital.)

Finally I get in the shower and take care of all the scrubbing, brushing, cleansing and defoliating. That's about a ten minute process. If I had a chair and a TV in there, it would take longer. 

Next I get dressed and get myself downstairs for some breakfast. Normally, I make a couple of eggs (sunny side up) and hash browns. Today, I had french toast, which I got in the habit of having in the hospital.

I try to get out of the house by se7en, that way I can be at work well before 7:30, which is what I consider to be the start of my work day.

I have a major change in my work life coming up. For the past 20 years, I've been on salary. The most important feature of that designation is that I did not have to punch a clock. 

That is ending.

Some new government regulation has changed the definition of who qualifies as a salaried employee and I no longer fit it. So starting August first, I'm back on the clock.

It's going to take some getting used to.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Back to Reality

I am back to work today! I've been going pretty slowly all day and now that it is approaching 4PM, I am feeling it. My problem with going to the bathroom is improving but I'm still feeling the burn.

Since I have been confined the last couple of weeks, I have not had a chance to prepare for Susan's birthday, which is tomorrow.

I'm stopping by K-Mart on my way home because that is where the towels she wants for the bathroom.

I have a couple of other items to give her but I'm woefully behind in my husbandly duties. She says she doesn't care but I need to make an effort to make it a good birthday.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Sunday Around the Park

We went to church this morning and it was nice to see everyone and receive all the greetings and love.

We went up to visit Mom and then finally made our way home. Susan got to work and got started on her wallpapering in the bathroom. I got to work doing nothing at all and managed to keep it up for most of the rest of the day.

Susan finally finished up around 7 and we walked over to Ferraro's for dinner. We had a lovely meal of spaghetti and meatballs. That was only $19.95 for the two of us. Then we got a carafe of wine for $11.00. Our total bill with tip was 40 bucks.

When we got back to the house, I was pretty wiped out. But I managed to stay up until 11PM.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Free at Last

Today I am writing you in a way that I was beginning to feel as though I would never write again. I am writing from home!

I am sore, I am tired, I am bruised, it hurts to pee and I could not be happier. 

I have been doing little things around the house and taking it very easy. I have one more day of lazing about and then it is back to reality. 

I hope reality is ready for me.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Finally! - Ablation Day

I woke up about 7AM with Susan sitting in the chair next to me and the transport guy rolling a bed into my room. It was time!

Shedding my clothes and putting on a fresh gown, I hopped on the bed and was taken out into the hallway, down to the elevator and floor L1. Then I was maneuvered through a series of twisting halls to disorient me and then to the hallway outside the mysterious room with the machine that goes "BIIIIING"!

There, I met the Anesthesiologist and her team who told me what was going to be happening. I talked briefly with Dr. Taylor who was performing the procedure along with Dr. Byazrova. At that point, I signed something...perhaps a waiver to all my rights and belongings.

I kissed Susan good-bye and they rolled me into the mysterious room with the machine that goes "BIIIIING"!

All these people in masks introduced themselves and I asked my standard operating room question, "Does anybody here think they are here for Gender Reassignment Surgery?", to lighten the mood.

There was no need to lighten the mood as they were all in great spirits. They were showing me the giant TV screen (the machine that goes BIIIIING!) where they would monitor all my vitals as well as watch what they were doing via x-ray or some miracle form of picture of my innards.

It wasn't long before they were administering the general anesthetic and off I went.

I woke up with a sore throat and a major burning sensation in my groinal area. That turned out to be a catheter they placed and not too well.

The deal now was four hours of non moving bed rest to allow the wounds in my leg veins to heal.

The catheter stayed in that whole time and was definitely the worst part of the whole ordeal.

No! The worst part of the whole ordeal is when the catheter came out. That was a hell of a burning sensation.

Susan left a while ago and I am settling down for the evening. I feel fine except when it comes time to pee. The initial sensation as urine exits my body is a tremendous burning, with 95 needles poking at the very tip of my penis. The good thing is that the burning subsides to about 17 needles and isn't quite so intense as I continue to empty my bladder.

All in all, a fabulous experience that I cannot recommend highly enough.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Fourteen Consecutive Posts

Imagine you had a day where you could do anything you want as long as you stayed on the sixth floor of a local major medical hotel and stayed within the guidelines of the guards (Nurses) who oversee you.

You would get up and have a nice breakfast, followed by a shower. The guards would change your sheets and then let you go out on a stroll around the floor.

Then you might come back and doze for a bit whilst listening to an audio book or podcast.

Then you walk some more and return to your cell just in time for lunch. You would devour your hamburger and salad and fruit cup and apple juice and then you would go on a walk.

Throughout the day, you would get phone calls from family and friends and then go on a walk.

That's a pretty good description of my day.

It is now 3:30, which means dinner is about an hour away. That will be my last meal unless I can get a snack later in the evening. After midnight, no food by mouth.

The next time I write, I shall have been ablated and all will be well.

Or, this is my last post! 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


This is Day Six of Hospital Confinement but Day One of Absolutely Nothing to do. Tomorrow will be Day Two of Same. There is just nothing to do but exist and get to Friday.

So I have been walking the floor here and watching TV and walking and listening to Podcasts and Audiobooks and eating Hospital food and walking.

At least I've still got my continuous posting going. I've still got that...and walking.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Pistoff Tuesday

Today I am pissed!

I woke up this morning, expecting an Ablation procedure. I was not sure because no one from my Doctors office had been in to see me since yesterday morning to keep me informed. 

Breakfast came and I refused it. Dr Kadel stopped in but while he is in the same office as Dr. Byazrova, he is not on the team to do the Ablation, so he didn't know anything.

I finally asked my nurse to see if she could find out anything or if any Doctors where coming around. That was about 9:30. 

About an hour later the nurse told me she found out the surgery was moved to Friday.........maybe. Nothing definite. It is after noon and I have yet to talk to one of my Doctors.

In the meantime, I've had lunch and better yet, I have had a shower. HALLELUJAH!

If they would have had a TV in the bathroom, I would not have come out.

UPDATE: About 4:00 I got a visit from Samantha, Byazrova's Physician Assistant. I expressed that I was feeling forgotten and she was very gracious and apologized and explained what has been going on.

What has been going on is that they have finally managed to get the ablation scheduled for Friday at 7:30AM. In the meantime, I have been removed from the IV Drip of Amiodorone and I am allowed to walk around the floor.

Dr. Taylor came and talked to both Susan and I around six. He explained what's been happening. Apparently, an ablation is not considered an emergency procedure. As such, it is difficult to assemble a surgical team on short notice.

Anyway, both Taylor and Byazrova will perform the surgery and hopefully, all will go well.

If not, this is almost my last post.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Pital Day Four

After an okay night of sleep, I got up about half an hour ago, brushed my teeth, went to the can, and now I am ready to take on the day.

My goal for the day is the get a surgery time nailed down. Beyond that, I'm just hanging out.

Sunday, July 17, 2016


I am the proud recipient of a PICC line. That is to say that they have Peripherally Inserted a Central Venous Catheter into my right arm. It is a much more stable IV line that goes right to big vein above my heart.

It was quite a procedure to place it but they did it right here in Room 640.

Other than that, I have nothing to report.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Room 640

I am writing from the comfort of my private room. After Mark left, I asked if I was going to be alone for awhile or if someone was already scheduled back into the room.

They said they never knew but they were aware of a single opening up, and since I was going to be here until at least Tuesday, they were moving me.

So welcome to Room 640. 

The news from 640 is this. It's the weekend so no surgery for an Ablation is scheduled. The best they can do is Tuesday and we still don't really know what time.

Also, they do not appear to really want to do it until the scheduled date on August 10th. I don't think I would last that long on my own, and I sure as shit don't want to stay in the hospital for another two weeks.

I have no idea what kind of a bill I'm running up just sitting here since Friday.

Pital Day Two

Still here! Both in the hospital and of the earth.

Another fabulous night with Mark the snorer. I have been asked if I wanted ear plugs but I said no. It is my punishment for what I put Susan through.

He's nice guy and it looks like he's getting out of here today.

So hopefully, I'll have private room for a while.

I'm still in rhythm so that is good. However, I'm having a tough time with my breathing. We are hoping that goes away after the Ablation.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Back in the Pital.

The streek continues but this time, I have lots to update.

I am back in the hospital. I woke up just after midnight back in V-Tac. My heart rate was 165 when I checked with my blood pressure machine.

We got in the car drove down to the E.R. and they admitted me.

I'm good for the moment. I'm back to a regular rhythm and they are talking about an Ablation on Tuesday. In the meantime, I'll be staying here.

My roommates name is Mark and he is a champion snorer. 

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Doctors Don't Talk to Each Other

I don't have anything terribly interesting to post but I'm on a se7en day roll now and I feel compelled to keep it going.

I had a doctor's appointment today and made it out without ending up in the hospital. That was the good news.

The bad news is that my doctors don't appear to talk to each other.

My appointment today was with my Cardiologist. Last week, I was dealing with my Electro-Physiologist. They both work in the same office. Dr. Kadel had no idea I had been in the hospital. In fact, even their computers don't talk to each other. My drug list they had in the computer file was the old one. 

What good is it to keep track of medications on a computer when it doesn't transfer to another doctor IN THE SAME OFFICE?!

It feels like my visit to Kadel was kind of a waste. 

So I headed out to work to see what that would be like. I didn't last long and ended up back here at the house around noon.

The rest of the day was just hanging out.

My plan is to return to work on Monday.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

A Day of Rest

Wow! Look at the big posting chops on me. Six days in a row. It takes a major health crisis to get my off the streets and onto a blog.

I'm still feeling tired and a little weak but I'm going to attempt to go to work tomorrow after my Doctor's appointment with Dr. Kadel. I am assuming this will not end up in the same mess as my last appointment. That however, remains to be seen.

Susan had the morning off so we went to breakfast at Dolly's Cafe. She had the Eggs Benedict and I had the heart healthy Ham & Cheese Omelette. I actually ate the whole thing. I left some hash browns behind.

The rest of the day has consisted of TV watching, naps, piano playing, a short walk in the park, various doodads here and there and more naps.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Glory Hallelulah

I am writing from the spacious privateness of my kitchen. I was sprung at 10. Everything got sped up with a visit from my pastor Gary and his offer to deliver me from Satan (Sacred Heart Medical Center).

It is nice to be home. And now, a nap! Home Sweet Home.

You can expect many more posts.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Almost Home

The will be no ablation in my immediate future. I have been stable and as long as I stay that way, they are going to send me home tomorrow with a whole new configuration of my multitude of drugs.

I'm feeling okay and my appetite is returning. I got a roommate yesterday but he got out today so I'm back to a single. I hear tell that I'll probably not be alone tonight.

I have watched a bunch of movies and episodes of "NCIS", which I could watch forever. My sister made an announcement on my Facespot page thingy which suddenly made my e-mail fill up with greetings. I had a nurse show me how to turn that feature off.

I did have one exciting adventure today. The rolled me down to the Pulmonary Department where a nice young technician tortured me through some brutal breathing exercises designed to determine my lung functions and capacities, but secretly meant to make me pass out.

Ultimately, I think it showed that my breathing issues are related to my heart issues. The other option would be that I am developing breathing issues on top of my heart issues.

This could be my last post.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Room 625, Bed Two, Day Three

It looks as though there will be no second shocking. 

I am somewhat stabilizing on the amiodorone drip. The problem with the drip is that the drug must be administered slowly and it can cause a lot of damage to my veins. So they have been switching the IV from arm to arm every 24 hours, or as I complain about the burning sensation at the IV site.

I am on a heart monitor and I guess I have had some nice jumps in my heart rate. A couple of times it jumped to over 200 beats, but just for a few seconds. 

So every once and a while, a nurse stops in and asks if I felt that. And I say, "Felt what?"

The nausea is gone but the rib soreness remains. 

The word is that I am in line for an Ablation. Here is what WebMD says about it.

This is a procedure to treat atrial fibrillation (AFib), a type of irregular heartbeat. It can help keep your heartbeat in a normal rhythm. Your doctor may try ablation if medications or resetting your heartbeat, called cardioversion, don’t work.

As we know, the cardioversion did not work and once they stabilized me on the drug, they saw no reason to hit me with another shock.

Here is more info from WebMD.

Catheter ablation , also called radiofrequency or pulmonary vein ablation, is nonsurgical and is the least invasive. Your doctor inserts a thin, flexible tube in a blood vessel in your leg or neck. Then they guide it to your heart. Your doctor uses either heat, cold, or radio energy to scar tissue inside your heart, in the location where the irregular beats are triggered. The treated tissue helps to stop your irregular heartbeat.

There is a surgical procedure as well but I am a candidate for the Cath version.

I guess they are waiting to see if they can fit me in now or if they will schedule it down the road. 

My preference is to do it now. I'm here, I'm ready, I'm not going skiing.

That is the latest from Room 625, presently a private room, but that could change at any moment.

This could be my last post.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Vomit Report

I had a fabulous morning of vomiting. They have cut back on the amount of amiodarone I am getting, which is the presumed culprit of my gastric distress.

In the meantime, I am sore from the vomiting. I was very productive on the first go round but since, it has been a dry hole...or perhaps heave is the better term.

In any event, it is Saturday. I am bored. I am tired. My ribs hurt when I cough.

This could be my last post.

Friday, July 8, 2016


I am writing from Room 625 of Sacred Heart Medical Center. I am an inmate for the time being.

It all began at 9:15 this morning with a follow up Doctor's appointment concerning my newly implanted defibrillator.

During the check of my device, it was discovered that my heart rate was at 118. I had noticed the same number the day before when I took my blood pressure.

They determined I was in Low V-Tac. V-Tac is Ventricular Tachycardia, and I had it. They decided they would take me upstairs to a lab, sedate me, and shock it back into rhythm. That did not work.

The next step was to admit me to "the pital" (that's what we regulars call the Hospital), administer a drug called Amiodarone, and see if that would promote stabilizing my heart for during the next shock.

The next shock is scheduled for Sunday at some time, depending on how I do.

Stay tuned to see how I do!

This could be my last post!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Defib Number Three

Yesterday, my old buddy Rob married his girlfriend Olga after a ten year courtship, at least seven of those years living together. 

They had a very nice small ceremony out at their house starting a 4PM. I helped to get a lady in a wheel chair up on the deck and had a really good dizzy spell once we got her settled. I was bracing for a jolt from my defibrillator. Rob's brother Doug saw me kind of weaving and asked if I was okay. The dizzy spell passed without a shock, which was good.

Fast forward 12 hours to 4:10 this morning when I was jolted awake by the difib. I had been least mostly asleep when it happened, so I don't know if there was a dizzy spell prior to the shocking event.

I did not sleep very well due to the huge amount of food I consumed. I'm still not hungary.

That is now three shocks I have gotten and the first from the new unit they installed a few weeks back. I sat next to my home monitor after I got up and downloaded whatever info was there to download. 

I called in to my Cardiologists office and am awaiting a call back if they come up with anything I need to know.

In the meantime, they don't need to see me and we are heading to church to pray for my heart.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

June 23rd Report

Hi! Still not Dead! I'm pretty happy about that!

The gout is pretty much gone. It's hanging on just enough to remind me that it could return at any time. 

My incision site is pretty much healed and for the most part does not bother me. Every once and an while in bites me when I move in a certain way. Determining that certain way is the mystery. It generally involves raising my arm above my head. So I try not to do that. 

In the meantime, I have a life to live, a party to prepare for and a bathroom to finish.

But I'm still not dead!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Gout Report

I am happy to report that the gout is waning. Right now, as I sit at my desk at the end of my lunch, I have my knee fully bent. There is still pain but not so bad that I can't move my knee.

So this is just a quick report of progress.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Normal for Me

It is 4:31AM. We are up and getting ready to go in for my Angiogram. The main problem this morning is my damn knee. It is worse today than yesterday. It is very painful to bend my right leg at all. 

I put a heating pad on my knee all night and that made no difference. I continue to take Cholchrys and it makes no difference. I hope that whatever it is will be reaching it's zenith soon and allow me to return to normal. Well...normal for me.

I fully expect to be back home this afternoon so I am not taking the computer or any extra crap with me. Well...extra crap for me.

5:17PM: It appears I have survived. I've been back home since eleven but went right up to bed and slept all afternoon. I'm still feeling kind of lowgee. I don't think that's really a word but it fits for me right now. 

Nothing new was discovered with the angiogram. I have an appointment in a couple of weeks and I guess we'll discuss things further at that time.

I'll tell you one thing I found kind of inspirational and gave me hope. My nurse that worked with me today is three years into a heart transplant. She works and is doing fine. I'm sure she has lots of conditions and limitations on her but my image of a transplant recipient was not her.

The main thing wrong with me right now is my right knee.
I would say that the right one looks swollen and inflammed. If it is not completely straight, it hurts like a mofo. I'm trying to drink a lot of water and cherry juice. So far, no help!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Full Blown Gout?

As predicted, my knee is very sore. I can't say it's gout, but it sure feels gout-like. I've been taking one of my medications to ease the gout and it is not making a difference. As is the case the last time, this will go away in a week.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Here Comes the Knee Pain

I started noticing yesterday that my right knee was developing an ever so slight twinge of pain. It's a little stronger today. It is clearly ramping up to becoming majorly stiff and sore. And I have no idea what to do to stop it. I guess the plan is to deal with it.

I'm not known for that.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Back Home Again

It's Friday and I have been home since Tuesday. I had one dizzy spell shortly after I got home and I kind of hung on for a jolt but it didn't happen.

All went well with the swap out of my defib generator. They got me into the Op Room around 2:30 and I was out of the hospital by se7en.

The next part of the adventures comes Monday morning. I report back to the Heart Institute at 5:30AM for an Angiogram. Hopefully, this will tell them what's happening with my extra heart beat.

Since then, all is smooth sailing. I've been taking it easy and doing a few little chores around the house. 

Today it is rainy. As I write, it is coming down in mini-buckets. I have a few projects to do today so I'll be under cover. 

The big event of today was that I got to get in the shower. I was feeling pretty gamy up until shower time. Now, I smell like turquoise bath beads and wild flowers.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Day Two in the Doctor Motel

It's 10:41AM. Jay is snoring which means he is not talking.

The surgery to change out my ICD (Defibrillator) is scheduled for 4:30. They thought there was a possibility of slipping me in at ten but that went by so I am assuming 4:30. So I shall sit here bored to tears and write in the Blog.

I'm watching lots of movies and trying to listen to podcasts but it seems they are not updating. iTunes picked a crappy time to stop working properly.

The other change to what is happening is we no longer know when the Angiogram will be scheduled. Dr. Kadel was in this morning and apologized but said he just didn't know. It has to occur when an Operating Room is available at the same time he is available.

4:10PM: Thr procedure is done. They managed to work me in around one and I was back in the room at three and they are discharging me at six.

All went well and I am feeling very little pain. 


7:04PM: I'm home. Even bigger YEA! Other than a little mix up concerning the location of the main entrance and waiting for someone with a wheel chair, all went well.

Because I'm home! YEA!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Room 630

I had my doctor's appointment this morning and it went so well that I am writing this from the air conditioned comfort of Room 630 at Sacred Heart Hospital.

My Electro-Cardiologist decided that it is time to replace my defibrillator due to a software glitch. They are not really sure on the battery life of my unit, so I guess it's time.

My roommate is named Jay. He's in here for an angioplasty to see what's going on with his heart. As I type this, he is standing near me on his way to the bathroom and talking and talking and talking. He just goes on and on about his business and what he does and misses all my cues about not being interested in what he has to say. I'm typing away here and he is still talking.

Still talking.

Holy Shit! Still talking.

He is not going to stop. I haven't made eye contact with him for a couple of minutes and he hasn't slowed down at all.

Oh crap! I just responded to him and paid attention. Now I'm lost forever. 

There's a pause. Nope! I was wrong. Now he's telling me all about his retirement and all the places he's been to. Jeez! Can't he see that I'm not interested. He just cannot shut it off. 

Jay designs and makes machinery that trims foam insulation on new construction. He is going to tell me every detail of how he built the business. And the machines. I'm going to have to end up being rude to this guy to make him stop talking.

Okay, he's had a stroke so maybe he doesn't recognize those visual cues anymore.

His family is here now so that's keeping him from talking to me. 

I'm supposed to have the surgery to replace my defib sometime tomorrow afternoon. Then I was hoping they would release me and send me home. 

No such luck! Dr Kadel wants to do an angiogram and take a look at my heart. So that keeps me here until Wednesday.

I'll write more tomorrow and as I know more about what's going on.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Mo Shock Therapy

It happened again today. (See Yesterday's Post) 1:38PM in the afternoon. I was walking onto the deck and felt the dizziness coming on me, followed by the jolt. This one wasn't as bad although I did drop an unopened beer and smashed it on the cement.

Why must good beer suffer for my unhealthiness?!

Friday, June 3, 2016

Electro Shock Friday

It was a typical Friday at work. We were working on a project with a nextdoor neighbor company on our new laser machine. We were trying to figure out how to etch an image onto a circular silicone pad with some indentations on it.

At about 2:15, I sitting in front of the computer when a dizzy spell overcame me. Now we've all had spells of dizziness and I have had my share of them. Usually they pass quickly and it's no big deal.

This spell hung on for a while. I balanced my forehead on my hands and tried to work through the dizziness. I was coming out of it and raising my head when


My defibrillator went off. It's the first time it has happened and it was an experience. I got a sudden electric shock in my chest. I've been told it will feel like getting hit in the chest with a board. That's a pretty good description except it wasn't as intense as I had imagined.

Nonetheless, when it went off, my arms splayed out and I knocked the flat screen computer monitor off the table and pretty much screwed it up.

I called my Cardiologist to report what happened and they wanted me to go home and download my defib info on the heart monitor I have next to the bed.

Unfortunately, my heart monitor didn't work properly so I have an appointment on Monday to find out what happened.

The aftermath of the whole ordeal is that I felt fine before it happened, I felt fine after it happened and haven't had any repercussions since.

I think it was an anomaly but I'll find out on Monday.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

First Walk of the Season

It's a fabulous Spring day and I took a walk at lunch. I got in the car after my walk and measured the distance. It's just over a mile and a half. It took me about 30 minutes and 3,390 steps.

I felt a twinge of a shin splint in my left shin and my feet kind of hurt. It's like they sort of go numb. I was considering cutting the walk short but toughed it out and made it the whole way. 

The course of the walk shall hereafter be known as the Big Block Walk.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

More Morning Sunrise Drives

Since I am currently on this jag about driving into the sun, I thought I would add another post concerning the drive this morning.
I can handle this kind of cloaked sunrise. The sun was much brighter than this picture shows. Still, it was tolerable to drive with the heavy rain clouds and I hope they stick around for a few more days. Maybe they could stick around until Saturday when my weekend begins and then stay away for Easter on Sunday.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Post for No Reason

I'm not sure why I am writing a post today. I don't really have anything to impart or report and yet hie I hence toward another missive.

I just used a Shakespearean phrase there; "hie I hence". It means to go forth or continue quickly. Perhaps that is my whole reason for posting, to use that phrase and show off my erudition.

The weather is rainy today leaning toward snowing. It's awfully wet so there will be no snow sticking to the pavement. It's starting to turn back to rain now. In any event, it was wonderful driving to work this morning because heavy clouds laden with precipitation blocked any chance of sun light shining in my eyes.

It's almost lunchtime now so hie I hence to lunch!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Madness Begins

I have written a couple of posts about driving into the sun on my way to and from work. It only lasts a couple of weeks and I was just about clear of the annoying phenomenon but I forgot about Nightdark Losing Time. The sun is well above the horizon on my drive home but I'm back to staring right into it in the morning. I had a low bank of clouds to help me out this morning so it wasn't too bad. But I'm looking at a few more days of eye burning sun staring.

The NCAA Basketball tournament gets under way today. Gonzaga is in it again for the 18th consecutive year. I'm not a huge basketball fan and I don't care about the NBA at all. I do enjoy watching Gonzaga through the season and they are really my only exposure to the game. 

There are three Iowa schools in the Big Dance this year so that is exciting for Susan. 

I've done all my ciphering and figuring for the year and have two brackets in a pool. It makes keeping track of the games more fun and interesting.

Of course, my ignorant incognizance of the whole basketball scene gives me little hope of being in the money. 

I should also mention that it is St. Patrick's Day and I am wearing my vintage 1970's era horrible green pants with matching horrible green faux tuxedo shirt.

It truly is March Madness.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Inconsiderate Ass-Wipe Shitball

After having complained about driving into the sun as I travel to and from work, it has been rainy every day and there is no sun to be seen.

I'm into work early because of the time I took yesterday for Mr. Watson's funeral and the time I'm going to take this morning. I have an appointment with Dr. Cardiology today.

I normally have a good ride in to work every morning but there are a couple of trouble spots that really irritate me.
The road leading up to my on ramp in the morning is one of those areas. That's a horrible capture from the traffic camera above.

There are four lanes of south bound traffic heading up Browne towards Third Avenue. After Third, the left two lanes are for the Freeway, the right two lanes continue south towards the Mega Hospital.

Most of the people on Browne are heading for Sacred Heart Mega Hospital in the two right lanes but there is always one jackass whom stays in the left lanes until the last minute. Then, when they can't slide in easily, they just stop and wait for an opening. This inconsiderate ass-wipe, shitball then blocks me and the smooth procession of my commute.

I had happen to me this morning. The guy in front of me in the lane to enter the freeway had a huge section of space and time where he could have easily merged right and gotten into the proper lane to continue up the hill...AND NOT MESS WITH ME!

I hate him, her and them! 


Serenity Now!

All went well with my Doctor's Appointment.

I am breathing better and ready to go skiing. Now, I just need the Ski Resorts to cooperate.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Wednesday Afternoon Walk

I have just returned from my afternoon walk around the park and my time was 19:10 and it took 2,146 steps. I call the distance a mile and it's pretty close.

I'm home early today because I left work early to attend a funeral. I'm bummed about this death because I had recently talked to a couple of people who agreed we should arrange a lunch in honor of this person who has left us.

His name was Bill Watson and he was my 5th Grade teacher at Hutton Elementary. He was 79 and I think he had Leukemia.

He was one of those teachers who stuck with you over the years and made a real impression on me. I used to go back and visit him in his class and he would always prop me up in front of the class, bring out an old grade book and proceed to read off my horrible grades.

There were a good two hundred people at the service and many of them were former students. I managed to run into classmate Todd Browning, whom I haven't seen in a fortnight or more.

I'm upset with myself for not setting up a lunch when we had the chance.

I'll try to take that to heart the next time I have a similar inkling and make sure I follow through.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Into the Sun

It is the time of year when my drive to and from work is directly into the sun. It lasts for about three weeks every Spring and Fall, and continues until the sunrise and set have moved more furtherer away from each other and the sun is high enough in the sky that it no longer stares me in the face.
This is an afternoon shot, heading west at I-90 and Argonne Road.

In the meantime, I am flapping the visors about furiously in a quest to block the sunshine as I drive the freeway towards my work...or home.....depending on the time of day.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Ol' Reliable

The pain in my right knee, whether caused by gout, arthritis or a marauding knee urchin has subsided. I am trying to keep track of when this thing occurs and how long it lasts.

Last time was a month ago, starting on January 23rd and lasting for about a week. This incident started on February 25th and is gone today. I am completely off my gout meds and trying to manage any future gout-breaks with diet. It seems I need to keep beer intake at a minimal level.

That has been helped by the South Beach Diet, where we give up beer for Lent. We are into Phase Two of South Beach and I am maintaining at 205. I rise above, I dip below, but I always come back to good ol' reliable Two O Fi5e.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Struggling Downward

I hopped on the scale this morning to discover I had lost another pound, down to 203 today. I'll probably end up doing something stupid today that will make me pop up to 207 but the goal is to try an avoid that possibility.

I'm doing a ride along tonight with an officer of the Spokane Police Department. I'm supposed to check in at the Court House at 3:45 and then I'll be taken to my officer. The ride along will last about five hours. I'll chronicle here when (if) I return.

Wow O Wowzy Woo! I have returned from my five hour ride along with Spokane Police Officer Austin Toal and all I can say is Wow O Wowzy Woo!!!

We started the shift out with some investigative work. Apparently, there were bomb threats called in to several schools today. We drove around to a few addresses following up on leads on a kid who didn't want to go to school today because he knew what was going to happen.

All the leads fizzled out.

Our first official call was to a house where an run away was living. It turned out there were two sets of parents there looking for two different kids. The cops went in and I waited outside. I didn't want to thrust myself into their problems but I probably should have. It was cold out and they were in the house for about 20 minutes.

Finally the two kids came out and went with their parents.

Upon finishing that call we pulled a kid over on his bicycle because he had no lights and no helmet. In other words, the way I rode my bike my whole kid life. He was almost home when we pulled him over and Officer Toals let him go with a warning.

Next we went to a DV (Domestic Violence) call that was just a few blocks away from the house. The couple was divorced but the woman moved back in to try and work things out. The guy (Justin)informed her yesterday that it wasn't working out and wanted her out of the house. There may or may not have been a scuffle. Toals told the couple he was unsure what had happened but if he had to come back, they would both be going to jail.

At that point, I had him stop at the house so I could use the bathroom. We stayed parked in front of the house while he worked on a couple of reports.

We started heading north to check out a Crack House but got called to a Suicide Attempt. Officer Toals told me he had been to this address before and that it was pretty gross.

He did not do it justice. This was a small house not far from home that had five adult people living in it. None of them were related and they all have varying degrees of mental health issues. They also had a crap load of dogs who would dump their crap loads wherever they wanted. The house was filthy and smelled of urine.

I can't believe people choose to live like that. 

The suicide attempt turned out to be a 35 year old female who had a fight with her boyfriend over spending money on something frivolous rather than on bills and wanted some attention. She took some pills and tried to stab herself several times with a steak knife. She did not inflict very serious wounds.

We followed the ambulance to Sacred Heart Hospital and got her checked in.

By then, it was nearly 9:00 and I got dropped off at my car.

I'm really glad I did it but now everything smells like urine to me.