I have had a loooooooong absence from blogging here. Been busy and won't apologize. Besides, this will be my update to update everything that needs dating...you know...up.
The bruise has healed on my arm that appeared after the dephib was implanted. My range of motion is almost all the way back in my left arm. I was at the lake over the past weekend and tried to skip stones, but it still kind of hurts to throw.
We had a great time up at Priest Lake with some friends from San Francisco, Bellingham, and other places. We read a lot, drank a lot, laid about, picked huckleberries, and drank a lot.
I had a run in with some bugs. I have never been eaten up this badly before. I have bites on my legs and arms and a few on my neck. I cannot figure out when or where I got them.
I first noticed a problem when I woke up about 3AM on Tuesday morning and my legs were very itchy. I managed to go back to sleep and when I woke up around 7AM, my arms were covered in bites. I went back in a woke up Susan and asked if she had any bites. She didn't.
If there were bed bugs or some sort of multi-legged creature in the bed, why would they go after me and not my wife. It's all very odd.
The welts are starting to recede but I have been itching like crazy since Tuesday. I have tried all kind of salves and preparations. They work for a while but time is the great healer. I wish time would hurry up.
I had several opportunities to ride my bike this week and have pissed away every one of them. I'll try harder next week.