Wednesday, November 29, 2017

E.R. Visit

I woke up this morning at 3:00AM with a horrible cough. I've been fighting off a cold since last Thursday or Friday. It's nothing big...nothing that has kept me home from work. I'm sniffly with a slight sore throat and a semi persistent cough.

After laying awake for a few minutes, I started to realize that I had a fairly severe pain in my chest. It was amplified whenever I coughed. I laid there for a long time trying to decipher whether my pain was heart related or more due to the cold. 

At 4:30, I woke up Susan and said I was having chest pains and we should probably go to the hospital. We got down there very quickly and got right in. 

After a chest xray and a bunch of blood tests, it was determined I have bronchitis. That was a relief because I am trying to avoid heart problems.

The chest pains disappeared about 45 minutes after we got to the E.R. That was also good.

The bad part was that I got Susan up after only a couple hours of sleep because she worked last night and we both missed a few hours of work.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Walking or Not

I haven't done my morning walk in two weeks. I look back on this Blog only a few weeks ago and try to get inspiration from my words back when I was excited about walking.

Now that it's 22 degrees at 4:45AM, it's harder to get motivated to get up. I shall keep trying.