Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


I climbed up onto the scale this morning, anxiously awaiting the new number for the day. It flashed, it flashed, it flashed, it presented. 204.0!!! As pleased as I was, I did not believe I lost 15 pounds in one day.

So I hopped on again and it came up with 220.0.

Well, that disappointed me because it meant I gained a pound.

So after my shower, I tried again hoping that all the dirt that washed off me would lighten my load. And it did. I got a good solid 217.6 and decided that was my number for the day.

Monday, February 19, 2018


I have hit my first goal of the Lentan Season Diet. I am below 220 pounds. Yea!

That's all I have for today.

Sunday, February 18, 2018


I gained a pound overnight. Yesterday, the scale said 220.5. 

I thought after my major exertion of snow blowing for 1 1/2 hours, I would loose a pound of two. But that was not the case.

Still craving chocolate but getting through it. If I blow it and eat something on the forbidden list now, the last four days will be wasted.

Must remain strong!

Friday, February 16, 2018


I am on my third day of the diet and down five pounds.

While I am happy with the results and pretty strong in my resolve, I am craving something sweet today. I have a pretty good sweet tooth so I'm assuming I am going through some kind of withdrawal.

I'm not going to consume any sugar, I just wanted to let it be known that the urge is there.

Thursday, February 15, 2018


Mardi Gras was Tuesday which means we have entered into the Lental Diet Season. We started yesterday and I'm already three pounds down.

I'm loosely following the South Beach Diet which essentially is no Grains, no sugar. Lots of protein. I can eat eggs, meat, cheese, stuff like that. The tough part for Susan and I is that the first two weeks is a cleanse and a fast. Particularly, no alcohol.

Since it is Lent, we are giving up beer. After the two weeks, we will drink wine but no more than two glasses per night.

If history follows, I will be down se7en pounds after the first weeks. I attribute that solely to giving up beer.

So, my starting weight in this process is shown above in the title. As I said, I'm already three pounds down from that. The goal is to reach 200 pounds.

I'm heavy enough right now that I feel it in my clothes. My shirts are tight and my pants barely button.

Now, it's time for cheese!

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Another Possible Final Post

I don't know if this is a side effect of the various drugs I'm on or just the fact that I'm almost 61 years of oldness. 

I skinned my left index finger this morning walking past our Laminator. All I did was bang my finger into a corner as I walked by. I ripped a sizable portion of skin off my digit and it didn't even first.
Now, I can't get it to stop. This is the third bandage I have put on it and it only happened about 30 minutes ago.

I take aspirin every day so I know that is a contributing factor but normally, I clot up pretty good. It doesn't help that as I am typing this, my finger is wiggling around the keyboard and the bandage is getting damper.

This could be it! I'm getting weaker . . . .weaker . . .wea

Thursday, February 1, 2018