Friday, October 4, 2024


What a dumbass I can be! It’s really quite amazing. I don’t know if I can attribute this problem to bad eye sight, lowing cognitive skills, or just plain stupidity.

I’m in a portion of the year with my Prescription Insurance they call the Donut Hole. I can’t figure out why they call it that and I don’t really care. What I do care about is that the Donut Hole is making one of my drugs suddenly cost $187.00 for one month.

Supposedly, it will go back to normal next month and be affordable again. But for this month, I had the to bite the $187.00 bullet and get the drug.

I was refilling my weekly pill supply last week and when it came to my Jardiance pills ($187.00), I couldn’t find the new bottle. I looked all over. I pulled all the drugs off my shelf and looked at each one. I even threw away some that I no longer use. I reorganized that shelf at least three times. No Jardiance. Shit! Did I mention what it costs? 

So I have gone this last week without it. I can’t say I’ve felt any ill effects being off of it, but who really knows. It’s a diabetic drug that they have found has some good effects on heart patients.

I was refilling my weekly pill supply this morning and suddenly, from out of nowhere, there was my Jardiance bottle.

What a Dumb Ass!

I think it was there all along and I glossed over it. That has been happening to me a lot. I’ll be looking for something, look straight at it, and keep looking.

The long and short of it is that I’m back on my Jardiance and I am a DUMBASS!

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Weight Loss Update

I just returned from my walk and it was a tough go. I did the mile around the park and stopped briefly about half way through to catch my breath. I should also note there was some ever so slight tightness in my chest. We will be keeping an eye on this.

I've been behaving myself pretty well the last couple of days and have not lost a pound. If I'm making the sacrifice of giving up beer and wine, I had better see some results on the scale.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

239 Pounds

 I finally got in to see the Liver Doctor. Dr. Seth is a friendly woman I would estimate to be in her late 30's. She told us she didn't see any problem with my liver that would preclude me from getting a heart transplant.

She suggested I loose some weight. Ten percent of my body weight, which is about 25 pounds. I'm am going to dedicate myself to do it. I've been eating chocolate and ice cream lately. Time to buckle down. Plus, I think loosing 25 pounds would show the transplant people that I am serious about my health.

She also suggested I cut back on my alcohol consumption. I love my beer and wine but I like breathing even more. So I'm going to cut waaaaay back on my drinking.

Check back here to see how long it takes for me to ignore this post.