Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I had a Doctor's appointment on Monday. Nothing but a follow up with my G.P. I felt fine and the visit went smoothly. We talked a little bit about diet and alcohol consumption. I'm to be limited to two (2) units of alcohol a day. That's two beers, or two glasses of wine or a beer and a wine or a wine and a beer or a cocktail and a...I think we all understand the meaning of two. Unfortunately, I am familiar with the meaning of three as well...a number I practice with much more often than two. It's something to work on.

I bring up the doctor visit and my feelings of well being because the next day, yesterday, Tuesday, I felt the onset of an outbreak of the dreaded gout. The rich man's disease. It wasn't bad yesterday and I bought some cherry juice and drank that but it didn't really do the job. In fact, I had a miserable night and have stayed home from work today.

I'm waiting for a call from the Doc now. Whether they are going to fit me in with an appointment or just call in a prescription is yet to be determined. I hope they come up with something because it really hurts to walk.

The gout is in my big toe on my left foot.

I'm going to go off now and try to make myself useful. We shall see how that works out.

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