Friday, May 22, 2015

Activity Since Last Post

I haven't written in quite some time. You might have thought I died. You can relax now.

In the time since I last posted, Susan and I drove to California to visit my mom in Rancho Mirage. We took three days to drive down, spent four days in the sun, and drove back in three days.

It cost us about $600.00 to make the trip. That includes motels and meals and gas. It would have cost us over $800.00 to fly, per person. I know the extra 200 to 400 and something would have bought us more time with mom. But we really liked the drive.

We listened to a couple of books on tape. We stopped and saw my sister on the way down and my buddy Arnie on the way back up. I like the freedom of having a vehicle with me.

Besides, we drove down in Mom's BMW convertible. The convertible part was not on issue for the ride down because it was packed so tight we could not have put the top down.

But once we hit the desert, it was top down time. The weather was very temperate while we were there. Mom is living quite the life of luxury with her friend Margie and the other rich ladies they hang out with down there.

It was nice to have access to that lifestyle, even if it is from afar.

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